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I would be interested to know the age stratification amongst the readers who are not getting their news from traditional sources. I'm 44, and although I grew up with mainstream press, I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago, Besides Rogan, most of my info comes from Glenn Greenwald, Breaking Points with Krystal & Saagar, Matt Taibbi, Daily Wire, Tucker, Whitlock, & Scoon. The Wall Street Journal is the only traditional news source I still read. All the other big networks and papers, I just can't watch or read it any more.

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Before I was let go for not getting the jab I was the Research Director at local TV news station. I’d say you are right at that cutoff point. 45+ still watches linear news, but for 35 and under it’s basically all digital platforms at this point. This is partly why the censorship on content aggregators like Twitter and YouTube has been so devastating. The good news is the pivot from digital to digital has considerably less friction than analog to digital. IMO that will force digital native platforms to start making better content. Cable news networks are toast.

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I'm 59. Pretty much TOTALLY ONLINE for news coverage. Articles and essays over videos and audio - though I make exceptions. NEVER listen to talk radio anymore. Haven't watched the Sunday Morning News/Interview programs in YEARS. Also... I use my LIBRARY CARD and also PURCHASE a lot of BOOKS to read.

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I’m 60 and I have completely stopped watching/reading corporate media. Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss are as close to objective reporting as you can get; not that I always agree as I definitely trend conservative-libertarian. I try to consume a wide variety of alternative media sources in hopes that each sources biases will cancel each other out and give me a wider range of information, interpretations and opinion from which I can derive my own thoughts and opinion. I don’t trust anything published by the corporate media—it is all propaganda.

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i'm right there with you on almost all of these, at age 33. my beef with Breaking Points is that is quite editorialized, but the duality of the opinions makes it worthwhile, and more importantly, they dissect each news story rather thoroughly. and that I think there in lies the key to navigating today's media: in a world where limited-character-Twitter is the biggest source of news delivery, the alternative has to be doing deep dives into individual topics and events.

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Twitter???? you have to be joking

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59 and just retired, if that helps you out.

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49, been a public school English teacher for 25 years, Bronx.

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