i'm right there with you on almost all of these, at age 33. my beef with Breaking Points is that is quite editorialized, but the duality of the opinions makes it worthwhile, and more importantly, they dissect each news story rather thoroughly. and that I think there in lies the key to navigating today's media: in a world where limited-ch…
i'm right there with you on almost all of these, at age 33. my beef with Breaking Points is that is quite editorialized, but the duality of the opinions makes it worthwhile, and more importantly, they dissect each news story rather thoroughly. and that I think there in lies the key to navigating today's media: in a world where limited-character-Twitter is the biggest source of news delivery, the alternative has to be doing deep dives into individual topics and events.
i'm right there with you on almost all of these, at age 33. my beef with Breaking Points is that is quite editorialized, but the duality of the opinions makes it worthwhile, and more importantly, they dissect each news story rather thoroughly. and that I think there in lies the key to navigating today's media: in a world where limited-character-Twitter is the biggest source of news delivery, the alternative has to be doing deep dives into individual topics and events.
Twitter???? you have to be joking