In addition, at present he represents the only party standing in the way of the fanatical democrats’ desire to censor speech. Without free speech we have nothing else.

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It amazes me how many people think that a communist president is in some way better than an asshole president.

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Comment of the day for sure. +3 months on your sub.

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They indicted him with BS felonies, took his mug shot, they convicted and tried to imprison him, they filed a BS civil case against him before a biased judge and tried to take his money, they tried to keep him off the ballot in some states, they even shot him, and he rises up with fist raised and says "Fight, fight, fight." There is a story in that.

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that mugshot...badass, then one-upped it by pumping that fist. no wonder liberal and progressive people need snopes and Brian Stelter to check under their bed for Trump.

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Just finished #349 on my drive home. Nice work, I enjoyed your thoughts, as always!

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His four years as president might have been the most peaceful 4 years globally in 100+ years.

He learned his lesson from last term and is surrounding himself with business non-DC people. Elon, Vivek, Ron Paul (don't consider him DC).

I want him let Elon and Ron P clean house and get shrink our government. Put the power back to the people and take the power away from the government.

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I am so glad you did this! We are so much alike. In my teens and 20's, I was listening to Eminem and the Violent Femmes and remember how pro-speech Democrats were. I was a Democrat and had arguments with my older friends constantly. The thing is, I've changed some, sure, but Democrats today are NOT the ones I was voting for back then. It makes me feel better that you see what I see exactly. My vote goes to Trump.

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Thanks for listening and taking the time to write this out.

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This was a well said endorsement from Megyn Kelly last night at Trumps last rally in PA - https://youtu.be/ktZgT9Zc0To?si=_cg43hQ4FEiLhAc_

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The power of the Transnational captured MSM has hypnotized the brain dead who would roll up their sleeves for the next dose of mRNA "Joy" juice despite obvious vaxx injuries but it's never the vaxx.

I pray common sense prevails and DJT is our next President.

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Hi Chris. Thanks for coming to the Bitcoin meetup last night. It was great to meet you, Following your journey from hate/no-coiner to a skeptical believer has been nothing short of amazing. Intellectual honest is a rare trait these days. Keep up the great work.

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It was awesome meeting all you guys...glad I came.

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I cannot vote since I'm not an US citizen but I'll be watching. I hope that common sense and freedom will prevail,. despite all the propaganda and voter manipulations.

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Me too Sir.. Same feelings here and I would hope he will fight the globalist cancer ASAP

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It blows my mind when I hear some people I've known fifty years from California, tell me they love Kamala and believe she's the true saviour of the USA.

I totally agree with you.

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funny you should mention that. just last week, had a phone call from my high school best friendl (graduated in '80). He has lived in LA his whole life except a 3 year stint in the Midwest (that was the high school years) where I have always lived. According to him, Kamala is gonna solve something or other and Trump is bad, so baaaaad for the USA. A total disconnect. I just laughed inwardly and agreed, he's a great dude but has this thing. but not gonna sacrifice 45 years friendship over this, such an action would mean I'm a progressive liberal asshole. but not gonna lie, it amazes me, it's like he's serving donuts on another planet when it comes to elected leaders.

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I voted for Mr. Trump today.

If somehow the Cackler wins I'll be as morose about the country as I've ever been. I can't believe she will unless they steal it again. What can I personally do to help save the nation?

First, I need to make a lot of money. Having lots of money gives you options you wouldn't otherwise have.

Second, once I have lots of money, I need to invest it skillfully. That's rather time consuming.

Third, once a lot of money is invested skillfully -- which may take time -- THEN I can come up with a plan to save the nation. But first there has to be a vacation, like sailing a boat to the Carribean.

After all that comes the nation saving, it may involve some kind of media entrepreneurship. Or writing great works of political theory. Or something about the delusional nature of group psychological structures.

Probably none of that will work. It's actually hard to figure how to do it.

The easy thing is to start with yourself, therefore "Step 1" above seems like a reasonable first step.

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You voted for Trump because it was the only fkg choice given any sensible person that was going to take the trouble to vote.

In the days of Ronald Reagan and even GW Bush, Trump was a political punch line and the same democrat he is today. "The shit show finally got so stupid......even Donald Trump could be president."

And you can quote me on that.

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Happy days ahead, I just can't figure why a Trump win is causing gold to sell off. I guess people just want cash to invest in DJT. HA

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It was overdue for a pullback. I think your reason is correct.

But I see nothing LT that's changed. Trump is just as deficit oriented as the Dems are. I don't think the Ukraine situation will be as easily solved as his rhetoric suggests, nor the broader global move toward BRICS.

Still, I think it will be soft for while with downside bias.

The next leg up -- should it occur -- will likely be sometime in '25 when reality sets in again.

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Please, please read this, it's happening, China is winning world government by stealth: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/21086/un-world-governance-internet-censorship

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If Trump is elected, I don't think he will properly regulate oil companies, hedge fund or asset management companies. He and his wealthy sons are definitely not in favor of inheritance taxes.

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