There is NO WAY out........except total collapse.

Those who talk about solutions to the problem, do not understand the system or the problem.

Money is borrowed into existence......at interest. The interest is not borrowed into existence, so there is always more debt AND interest than there is money in existence.

People talk about the Fed raising rates to "fight inflation." Hell, the Fed is raising rate to generate more inflation. They need the inflation. They love the inflation. Has inflation gone down, since they started raising rates on the biggest mountain of debt the world has ever seen? Hell no! Look at the increase in debt since they started raising rates. The world is awash in debt. Raise the cost of debt, and you raise the price on everything.

You are not going to get these people running this shit show to act responsibly. We passed any hope of that a couple of decades ago.

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Like that internet meme pic in Mandarin and English: Carefully Fall Into The Cliff. This may be less orderly than that.

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The way out will probably be war as it so often sadly is. The inflation dynamics will put stress on regular Americans. That will likely cause domestic strife as the usual methods of containment continue to fail. An external threat prevents the country coming apart at the seams by channeling the stress outward.

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The FED has lost control of the bond market because it has lost it's credibility. The end game was always going to be "brrrrrrrrr". It's all down hill for the US dollar now. Higher interest rates will act like "air brakes" on a diving jet. It keeps it in the air a little bit longer but at the expense of what keeps it in the air!

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"When Interest Rates Rise, Debt Becomes a Problem" ONLY for the herds of modern moron slaves...

For the OWNERS of the main system - the MONETARY SYSTEM - rates rise only increase their wealth and their ability to own even more real assets.

Keep slaving and don't worry about a thing!

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Deficits happen when foolish politicians decide to spend beyond the taxes they collect. If they decided to disappoint their constituents and spend far less and not borrow they could pay interest and principle out of tax revenue for decades and wipe out the debt. They won't do it because spending without limit is more fun than austerity and walking the straight and narrow. Got gold or Silver?

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Pretty soon our fiat currency is going to be nothing but "funny money."

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No more foreign wars and interventions. Cut military spending by 20%. Cut off Ukraine and Israel.

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A financial collapse may spare the country of the pain of the political collapse.The political collapse that will happen at the same time.Both will force The Federated states to take over by default!

Take charge and begin to rebuild! Let the corrupt Federal Government in Washington revert back to it's original Constitutional mandate!

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well said, thanks for sharing Ryan's article

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As far as Social Security spending goes. I understand that it was enacted when the stock market was very shaky but I can't help wondering why somewhere along the way congress didn't allow some portion of it to be placed in equities. T-bills alone have not kept up with the economy.

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What are your thoughts on this "canceling the debt" twist from Joe?


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