Splendid. Don’t leave out the governors who issued executive orders preventing pharmacies from dispensing. Or the pharmacies who refused to dispense, even with a valid Rx. Or the doctors who refused to prescribe. Or the hospitals who refused requests from family members of dying patients to try it.

My wife was hospitalized in December 2021 with double pneumonia. We had her on HCQ and Ivermectin and she rapidly improved at home. But she could not tolerate any of the 3 antibiotics we tried and eventually her oxygen got too low. When she told the ER doc she had been on Ivermectin he said “Why would you take a drug that’s for horses?”

They were all in on it. All of them. Govt. Media. Medical community. All of them.

No punishment is too harsh.

PS. The doctor who treated my wife for the 3 days she was hospitalized was wonderful. She told her that our home treatment regime was going to make her stay in the hospital short, no Remdesivir (even though she said she was supposed to give it) and what she needed was oxygen, steroid, and IV antibiotic and IV Vitamin C. She was back on the boat within 72 hours. We were blessed to be in a small southern town with a small community hospital where they were actually trying to help patients.

Thanks for writing this article. Had a lot of personal meaning for us.

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That makes me teary eyed, I can't imagine how you felt and to have that doctor do the right thing, what a blessing. In our state, the monoclonal antibodies were carefully hidden, but they were available. So, it was all about getting people compliant and vaccinated, nothing more.

I'm curious if any polls have been done on how many would get vaccinated again, in hindsight.

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Drawn and quartered , with ropes tied to 4 horses. JUSTICE served for ALL of them, after a trial. Fitting penalty for the LIARS and thieves. imo

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steroids are generally used to calm your immune system....when your immune system over reacts it can attack you.. The steroids "tune down" the immune response. I think medicine today is so archaic. There is a real lack of documented curiosity - I wonder what helped the most? Antibiotics certainly attack the bacterial infection effectively. Most viral infections turn bad when they become bacterial infections. Vitamin C is a wonder vitamin. It is difficult to shove oxygen into a system which cannot absorb it. I think it is interesting to throw everything at it, and not really know what was effective. I know. Science.

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Before the pandemic I had a mild skeptical outlook on federal government, but generally believed that the people in it were there to fulfil their assigned missions. Perhaps most of the bureaucrats were leftist partisans, but they at least did their work in good faith. I think many of them believed too much in the sanctity of government, but I did not question that they thought they were generally trying to "do good."

Now, I believe that our government is so firmly corrupted that I have lost almost all faith in just about every branch of government and the people that work for them. The NIH, FDA, FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA and many more all seem to be rotting from the influence of power, money and partisanship at the top.

My own doctor's response to my inquiry on Christmas '21 morning on a positive Covid test told me that it had metastasized to my personal level: "ok, just wait it out and if it gets worse, go to the ER." I knew at the time that there were many treatments that had been studied and looked promising -- with basically zero side effects -- like ivermectin. I knew this from publications on Substack, the Epoch Times and so on, but none of it from corporate media.

I realized that the doctors were afraid of their own shadow. They were doing what they were told, and they were "liable" if they said anything different from "the guidance". Their "bosses" (administrators) were doing what they were told by the guidance from the FDA. The FDA was doing what it was told by the pharmaceutical leadership. The Democrats were all-in on this, because their trust in government as the arbiter of all "proper" decision-making is unwavering. They do not believe in free markets or the private sector's ability to more quickly find solutions to problems. Ironically, the private sector in this case knows this and has just simply coopted the people in government by letting them eat at the trough of the fruits of regulatory capture. Many of these government people go on to big-time lucrative jobs in the very sector they once regulated.

And now watching Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Fauci, et. al., I realize that the whole thing is so very rotten. The people in government now will not prosecute these people because they intend to pursue the same path.

I believe the media allows this because they have built relationships with these people at a personal level. I think that the quid pro quo is that the media has access to these people and their news, in exchange for controlled propaganda, which isn't newsworthy at all. But it appears to be, doesn't it?

It's enough to make one despondent. We have to hold these people accountable, and we have to change how our government works. Because, simply, it is not working. It is no better than the Soviet propaganda machine of the 1950's.

The only thing I have not yet figured out is if this is all relatively new, or that it's just been happening for decades (maybe centuries?) and since there were so few media institutions before, that it was more tightly controlled. My feeling is that it has been happening for some time.

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I knew the fix was in when the same people, in the media and in the bureaucracy, that told me Donald Trump was a cohort of Russia, were now telling me to believe them and do what they say about Covid. Pretty simple: Believe the opposite of the public “Narrative” being pushed.

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Wow! Great summary. No, it's not new, if you're old enough to remember the Reagan campaign TV was fully captured by the left (except Johnny Carson maybe), papers were divided (they fixed that by buying almost every single conservative paper in the country which is a story in itself) and you would have thought Reagan was the devil incarnate. The Whitehouse press was a joke, which Reagan handled like a beast.

The more government the more corruption.

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The more guv, the more corruption.

It needs a size limit. I have thought it is like an animal. You harvest a 150# deer you do not get 150# of productive meat. Big portion of the animal is guts, which you may not want to eat...and bones... Same thing with an organized civilization. You need some people to be referees, some to be cops, some national defense...but that is it. As it gets larger and less necessary, it actually grows more, and since the growth is unnecessary, by defn, it must be corrupt....

most of our government is colon, it seems to me. In the deer analogy, we have 100# of colon. Think about it. All our problems come from govt.

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“ I believe the media allows this because they have built relationships with these people at a personal level.”

I read recently that Pharma is responsible for 75% of MSM advertising revenue. That may also have something to do with it, no?

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Certainly. The one nugget i've heard thrown around is that the US and New Zealand are the only countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical advertising. Easy to imagine how things could have gone differently if that wasn't the case here.

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my better half is a doc and thinks it's crazy that patients come in and tell her what drugs they want her to prescribe for them

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Head shaking. The sheeple actually *believe* the boob toob!! and it led them right down the path - for many - to death (from the clotshot).

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I think they advertise, simply to launder money to MSM for power. Think about the AIDs/HIV ads. Right along with an ad for febreeze. There are not that many people that are dealing with HIV to make the dollars on advertising worth it. No. They are simply laundering power money. 1.3 million out of 330 million in USA. Odd. How many of them watch Fox? 30K. Power laundering

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Excellent point

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My son is a doctor; he was forced to vaxx to keep his job. He tried, In AZ, to order Ivermectin for his wife at Walgreen's and was refused. He went up their chain of command and said it is a law that you must fill a licensed doctor's prescription. Nope, they refused.

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I know someone who knew a doctor licensed to work in two states. He had good relationships with the pharmacies. In the more Red state, the doctor could access Ivermectin with minimal hassle (outside of the hospital setting). The other state the doctor could practice in was a deep Blue state. I heard that the pharmacists reported the doctor for ordering Ivermectin for a patient.

I heard a story about another person who saw a primary care doctor last year. They were encouraged to get boosters. The patient asked the doctor about Ivermectin. The doctor replied that it was not approved to use for Covid.

In short, the medical system is captured. Primary care doctors follow what is inputted into their computers by the FDA and drug companies to prescribe to patients.

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I’m a retired pharmacist in a blue state. In September 2021, I asked my doc about getting an Rx for IVM to have on hand...was informed that they had received a memo 2 weeks prior informing all providers that prescribing IVM for cov!d would result in loss of malpractice insurance coverage.

I believe her b/c I have been a patient of this doc at this office for over 25 yrs and also worked as a pharmacist for the organization for nearly the same. So very sad, corporate medicine has destroyed patient care.

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100% spot on.

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This is remarkable. It appears that government has fully taken over healthcare and destroyed it.

We have to drastically reduce the scope and budget of these government agencies. Congress needs to take away their power, but they won't because Democrats will refuse to go along with it. The other option is to sue them all into oblivion -- if you can get a decent lawyer to work with you on it (difficult, because they, too, don't want to go there).

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It's a mathematical certainty. Trust and Authority don't scale well. Research "Dunbar's Number", not really the mean/median number, but the range. This I believe is why the game is being played....to try and crack the code to engineering trust at larger scale. Seems totally inverse and ironic (the way things have played out), but this all seems like an actual experiment.

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Commercial news outlets rely on headlines, whether true or not. In a media world with countless outlets and no moat around creating new ones (once, to be an outlet required a printing press and a circulation mechanism) there is little accountabiity for publishing falsehood. Sullivan v. NYT provides liability cover for publishing just about anything. The result is a drift away from the muckraking, shoe leather journalism (if your mother says she loves you, check it out) of past times in favor of outlets emulating the Weekly World News or the National Enquirer. Coincidentally, the outlets of yore that followed the sensationalist path or the "current thing to properly believe" thing are now on the ropes.This month the Chicago Tribune is auctioning the contents of its printing plant.

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Great article. We need to keep these memories and moments fresh in our minds because They are going to use the same tactics again soon.

I have a slightly different take from a pharmaceutical standpoint. A vaccine is supposed to prevent a disease from occurring in a body by mimicking an aspect of the disease and triggering antibody production. None are perfect but they are supposed to be excellent.

No one wants a mild case of tetanus, right?

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, as awful as they are, weren’t marketed as “treatments” per se. Ivermectin is an actual treatment, blocking viral replication, not induced an antibody response.

The pharmaceutical industrial complex/MSM attack on Joe Rogan was, I believe, a psyop. If the general public developed the idea that COVID was not a big deal because there is a truly safe and effective TREATMENT for it, the whole mystique evaporates over night. It was necessary for us to be made to feel powerless to defeat the virus, thus making “vaccination” the only alternative.

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I think another aspect we need to take into account is the fact that Ivermectin is off patent and therefore incredibly cheap. There was no money to be made here by the pharma companies. If it was a novel therapy like Remdesivir that they could charge $3000 a course for, I think the media and “public health” agencies would have been singing a much different tune.

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Most people would not have take the gene transfection shots if they knew what they were AND understood their chance of survival.

So many layers of deceit, it's remarkable no one is demanding justice.

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People are demanding justice and some are suing their companies for mandating the vaxx, but the media ignore this and the deaths and injuries due to the vaxx so there isn't a huge public outcry. Plus we have learned what can happen to anyone who demonstrates against the Coup.

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I'm am( pleased to learn this. Once businesses have to start to pay they will look to get reimbursed and public health will have to answer.

Govt will delay and the lawyers will get rich, but the truth will prevail.

May God have mercy on us

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I tried and tried to prescribe it. Most of the patients for whom I wrote it either refused to take "horse medicine" or couldn't afford the ridiculously jacked up prices that my local pharmacies were charging for it since their insurance plans would not pay for it. Let's not forget the chain pharmacies (looking at you, CVS) that flatly refused to fill my valid prescriptions. EPIC, the electronic records system used by many large health systems, made it difficult to prescribe by forcing the prescriber to type in the text for instructions on this medication, as opposed to the preprogrammed dosing that occurs with many other commonly used meds in that system. Fortunately, my partners and I had good relationships with some pharmacists at local stores that were willing to work with us.

It took me about a year to get past the PTSD from helplessly watching all of the unnecessary deaths of patients that I knew for years. I trust nothing coming out of "organized" medicine, and I don't think I ever will again. Counting the days to retirement.

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Thanks for sharing. It’s so heartbreaking to read.

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I’m right there with you. Since I live in a small town (no CVS here, thank God) I was able to write several prescriptions. The local pharmacist was a good guy, kept the cost down so folks could pay cash, since many insurers refused to authorize the prescriptions. But when I called in an Rx to a pharmacy in another part of the state for my 88 year old aunt, the pharmacist there refused to fill it and turned me in to the state licensing board. My aunt was able to get HCQ instead and I ended up with a subpoena from the state AG here in MI and an investigation. And eventually a fine, and some very expensive mandatory CME’s, but my attorney was able to convince the licensing board to let me keep my license.

I’ve had it with the soul-crushing algorithms, protocols and “evidence-based medicine” (much of which is based on flawed evidence). I refuse to keep paying for board certification and membership in an organization that has zero interest in patients except for the $$ they can pry out of their wallets as they are being carted off to the morgue. I’m outta here in 409 days. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. Stay sane out there.

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Thank you for your courage and sacrifice. Physicians like you are few and far between. I had to keep shifting docs to get IVM and then finally I'm justing ordering it from India and using it as prophylaxis for me and my 93 YO FIL (who never got Covid, even though my husband was sick with it and coughing all over him). I work in a major trauma hospital and was suspended for 7 weeks for not taking the shot. I will never take it. What surprises me is how only 2 coworkers have come back to me and said you were right for not taking it. These are highly educated surgeons, anesthesiologists, NPs, etc. They are all just sheep to me.

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Thanks for the kind words. I just had another argument last week with a local nursing home. Long term patient of mine with new diagnosis of COVID. I ordered ivermectin with Vitamin D and Pepcid. I was told that they refused to administer IVM despite my order , since it isn't approved for that indication. But they didn't ask for a diagnosis for the Pepcid or Vitamin D. They even told me that the patient's family would not be allowed to give it to her if they brought it in themselves! Unbelievable.

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Thanks for your testimony. Hell is too good for those who perpetrated this.

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no one needs a de wormer for colds and flu. did you prescribe the clot shot vaccines? if so you killed a lot.

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Not sure who you’re addressing, but no I did not. I didn’t take it, I recommended to all of my patients (and my staff and family/friends) not to take it. Sadly, most didn’t listen.

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I was addressing those who replied to me.

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What do you mean what?are you one ofthe gullible that fell for the fear porn psyops? Covidiocy was a hoax.prove it was not. Did you see people dropping dead in the streets? Of course not.you sheeple are unbelievable.

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you are half right. I got covid. I never got vaxed. weirdest fucking flu ever. I had weird body aches and a feeling of a rash , with no visible rash on my chest and back. It was mild. I took zinc, quercetin, and the horse ivermectin and felt good 2 days later....I NEVER have had the flu in 20 + years. Was CovidANYTHING CLOSE

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its amazing how the power of suggestion works. lol you had a cold. there is no "virus" and certainly not one that manages to leap continents. lol so you believe a horse dewormer helped? lol power of suggestion. drinking fluids, orange juice or other vitamin c group taking tylenol etc was all you needed. zinc is good. belief in the hoax is the first suggestion that people took.

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your diagnosis is an opinion, with zero knowledge of me, my health, my symptoms. You do you and stfu.


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TO WHAT THEY said it would be? Hell no. Nothing needed to be done other than warn people it was coming. Mask if you want. No experimental vaccine. No distancing No firing....It was a weird Fauci funded gain of fn virus cooked up in labs all over the world. Just look at total deaths...All deaths. Maybe it created 200k more a year (out of 3.2 million...)

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lol the flu comes around yearly as do colds. most know this. what is to warn of? face diapers are pointless. why? use some common sense. you cover up your mouth and nose,everything else is exposed. lol stupidity never had such a run before. fraudci was just the cardboard face of the hoax. you can't "cook"up viruses. gain of function refers to getting medication making labs up to certain standards of production. but of course the msm painted it as GASP! NEFARIOUS DOINGS BY MAD SCIENTISTS. those deaths are from the vaccine that was pushed by big pharma stooges, fraudci,trump, bidette,you name them. the gain here was monetary. just as it was for the AIDS/HIV hoax. big pharma still makes billions off those hiv test same with the fraud of covid tests. but hey! the power of suggestion is strong . this proved how easily manipulated sheeple are. anyone actually see people dropping dead in the streets?of course not. just made up tales of hospitals. lol

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Great article...a well done summation of hypocrisy, grift and gross malfeasance. Unfortunately, it looks like "they" are going to get away with one of the greatest crimes in history....



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That is what is ghastly. Those behind this are the perpetrators of the greatest crime against humanity in history. They are getting away with it.

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They are getting away with it because our federal justice system is a part of the “Big Club” and serves to protect these criminals.

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I can second that. The Federal Government's Department of Justice is the greatest criminal organization ever created.

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People need to hang for these crimes.

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I’ve been saying for years, it’s the Just-Us Department.

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Unfortunately, the ones who should be doing the prosecuting for crimes against Humanity, are the same ones who helped commit the crimes against Humanity to which we are referring. So, there's never going to be any prosecution. I think there will be successful lawsuits but not as many as there should be since many Judges (especially in Canada) act as political apparatchiks and refuse to consider the real data concerning ivermectin etc., in favour of simply believing government propaganda and basing their legal decisions on the propaganda (this modus operandi applied was most egregiously in Canada when a non-vaccinated patient awaiting a transplant was denied by the transplant on account of his refusal to get vaccinated). The judge claimed he is not an MD and therefore cannot diverge from medical expertise (unless you're an MD, no matter how highly qualified, who happens to have an opinion that diverges from Government diktats).

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I think your bullets at the end need one additional point - they threatened physicians with revocation of their licenses to practice if they prescribed anything other than the mRNA "vaccines." And they made examples of a number of doctors and nurses to scare others into compliance. Some of those medical professionals are still fighting legal battles to win back their right to practice medicine.

Without this step none of this would have happened. It also makes it much worse b/c this action on their part shows clear malice and intent. Both to the doctors and to the patients. As you implied, they actually purposefully killed people via denial of known treatment in order to sell more mRNA shots.

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And remember, these criminals have zero conscience - all one needs to do is see what the "ptb" did to Maui. Clearly malice! (Yes, I'm convince it was a laser energy weapon, used on those poor people)

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When I was confronted with the ivermectin as 'horse medicine' stupidity by colleagues or friends, I'd asked; Have you ever taken penicillin? If they said yes (100% of the time of course), I then gasped and said, "OMG, YOU took DOG, and COW medicine. Seriously Y'all, you're not a dog or cow"! Some got it, most didn't; even with a more detailed explanation of what I was trying to tell them.

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the funny thing about the entire "horse" narrative was people were forced to scramble to their local feed and seed and by the only version they could because the other was banned....

I outthunk em and bought it before they had a chance to shut it down...

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Time for some wrongful death lawsuits, targeting individuals who lied and cost lives. My doctor used ivermectin and hydroxichlorquine (sp?) from the start and guess how many patients she lost. Not a one, without other factors involved.

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Excellent recap. Not to mention DoD, DARPA, BARDA etc. ad nauseum were all heavily invested in bringing RNA "gene therapy" into the mainstream to normalize it. Never used before. Results border on Mengele level. The RNA forces cells to produce the most toxic and most likely bioengineered Spike protein, which then elicits an immune response. Or perhaps give you myocarditis etc. The Spike protein does not remain strictly localized at the injection site as promised. But you don't need a factory and billions to produce a vaccine. Just script the RNA using genetic editing techniques. Great for biowarfare defense. And offense. AND of course in the Natsec public/private partnership, lots of profits.

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Great article and definitely worthy of sharing to others. Just furthering a comment from your loyal readers, kindly add to your list, "and don't forget those doctors, health care providers & practitioners who lost their license to practice because of advocating for Ivermectin. " Thanks QTR!!!

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They keep 'admitting' the truth without apologizing. They murdered people!!

BTW, ivermectin may not work when they release the next agent and millions will take it to no avail. Do not trust these people. Sorry such a cynic!

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If nothing else, this admission should hopefully provide cover for those MD's being prosecuted by their state licensing boards and prevent them from losing their medical licenses.

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Don't forget all the doctors who were fired, suspended, or had their medical licenses revoked for prescribing Ivermectin. It was an intimidation tactic to send a message to other doctors. Google "doctor fired Ivermectin "

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When I was coming back from deployment(s) (Bosnia and Africa in the 90s), we were give antiparasite meds. Funny, they all had sticker, which read "safe for human consumption." After I curiously pealed it off. It was dog medication, if I am not mistaken it was a Frontline was the brand. The reason I remember was thinking the Army really did think we were dogface......

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Odd how now the fed agencies said they never "ordered" folks to do anything? Anyone is free to make whatever choice they want, right? But if one makes the "improper" choice, one loses their job, can not travel, can not socialize with others, may lose their bank accounts, must be tested daily, may not get treated at hospitals or other medical facilities, etc. But hey, it's all your choice.

This needs to go to court! Stop sending money to Ukraine or supporting illegal immigrants, but rather, pay those funds to the law abiding, American citizens who lost their lives, loved ones and homes all due to political corruption and greed. And don't forget, doctors were paid for every mRNA injection they administered; shame on them! Get those monies back as well!

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This may be the most important article you’ve published thus far. (They’re all great, btw).

I will make this information and article aware to all of my family and friends. This is sickening and damning of all involved.

This shows that the incidents of 2020 and lockdowns were the biggest scam perpetrated on society. Ever.

In late 2019 it’s obvious that the lab leaked the virus. The only question is why?

Was it because of the riots in Hong Kong or the uprisings in major Chinese cities like Shanghai ... seems everyone has forgotten about them.

Thanks for your great work Chris.

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what virus? colds and flu come around yearly.

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