Define "normal," and please explain how raising rates on the largest mountain of debt the world has ever seen is going to return anything to your definition of normal.
We are easily paying more in interest right now than we spend on our defense budget. Our defense budget is bigger than the next 11 countries......combined.
Define "normal," and please explain how raising rates on the largest mountain of debt the world has ever seen is going to return anything to your definition of normal.
We are easily paying more in interest right now than we spend on our defense budget. Our defense budget is bigger than the next 11 countries......combined.
If the world stops allowing us to offshore our debt, then we have to buy it in-house. When all those trillions held in foreign accounts come back to the US looking for a place to land, things are going to get pricey.
Think about that. Some foreign country buys our debt, then we take the money and go buy up whatever we want like some rich teenager, and if they piss us off, we come take our reserves and leave them with nothing. There was a time that was a good arrangement for it is only a good arrangement for us. If I were the head of another country looking to do business, I would look for another deal.
Define "normal," and please explain how raising rates on the largest mountain of debt the world has ever seen is going to return anything to your definition of normal.
We are easily paying more in interest right now than we spend on our defense budget. Our defense budget is bigger than the next 11 countries......combined.
If the world stops allowing us to offshore our debt, then we have to buy it in-house. When all those trillions held in foreign accounts come back to the US looking for a place to land, things are going to get pricey.
Think about that. Some foreign country buys our debt, then we take the money and go buy up whatever we want like some rich teenager, and if they piss us off, we come take our reserves and leave them with nothing. There was a time that was a good arrangement for it is only a good arrangement for us. If I were the head of another country looking to do business, I would look for another deal.