The dems are a cult, feeding on each other's resumes for their sustenance. That is all they see.

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Democrats are the best when it comes to gaslighting themselves..

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Only thing better is if she picks Buttigieg. Then we get “Dumb, and Dumber”!!

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Jul 22Liked by Quoth the Raven

No matter, she will win anyway. Not because she will get more votes than Trump of course. But the European EP elections and thr British and French elections have demonstrated, that the leftists will NOT give up political power. Maybe there will be 500 million mail-in votes suddenly appearing out of nowhere, but the dems will stay in power no matter whar.

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Years ago I would have never believed this. Now…

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That's what I'm afraid of too. I recall a phrase by some historian about the misrule of some European dynasty, I think it was the Bourbons in the 1500s to 1800s:

"They have learned nothing and they have forgotten nothing."

I suspect the Dems/media/deep state/etc. will try all the same tricks that worked last time. I believe some of this is organized, but I think some of it is also just a grass-roots expression of the cult mania they're all in.

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The number of illegal immigrants who have have a drivers license will play a major factor. You want to deter fraud: Anyone found to be cheating through false representation of their citizenship goes to jail or is immediately deported.

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Not sure what state you live in, but in the Northeast no one will ask you for a driver license, proof of citizenship, or any other form of identification. Process to secure elections must happen before voting occurs. Threats of punishment after the fact will not be a deterent and as we have seen - courts will be reluctant to look at voter irregularities to overturn votes already cast.

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Excellent points KTA! I live in Florida and we have been asked for our License first and they then look you up in a data base to prove residency...But we know the extent to which the Democrats will cheat...

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I sincerely hope you are wrong but yes there's a risk. Will the Republicans really let the Dem's cheat this time?

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There are still just as many voters who hate Trump as hate the Democrats. What a shame we didn’t choose someone in the primary who could win the general.


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Fundamentally, the stark terror Democrats feel when contemplating a second Trump term continues to subvert their ability to think rationally and compels them to make hasty decisions in a "fight or flight" type of mode. The sudden coronation of Kamala Harris is just one more added to a long list bizarre choices. It is noticeable that friends of mine with little-to-no interest in politics immediately exclaimed, "She is going to lose even harder."

I understand if a progressive liberal might tremble at the prospect of another four years of Trump for policy reasons (from the vantage point of progressive, reasonable) and/or believing he, at his core, remains a con man, unworthy of the highest office of the land (I sort of get why one might still have this view, although its validity has declined precipitously as Biden's cognitive challenges have been increasingly clear, as he has hardly been providing honor and dignity to the Presidency).

What still evades me is the genesis of this pronounced fear of Trump and genuine belief that he is the second coming of Hitler. It has no ground in reality, and it would serve Democrats, and, by extension, the country, if they could drop this stance. (Unlikely, yes, as it appears woven into the very fabric of their identity).

Bottom line is that nobody operating from a state of fear will make good decisions. Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is one more example of this, perversely, from the standpoint of Democrats, making the prospect of a second Trump all the more likely.

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The reason Democrat voters hate Trump is simply because they happily lap up the poison spewed against him by the media. Few have ever sat down to listen to what he actually says, they don't have the concentration span. Ask any Trump haters about his policies and they are utterly clueless but they are experts on his hair style.

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That is probably fair as it relates to a not insignificant portion of Democratic voters, but why elected officials would be of the same belief confounds me.

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Jul 22Liked by Quoth the Raven

QTR, absolutely spot on substack!

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Jul 22Liked by Quoth the Raven

As someone who is 💯 behind the Trump/Vance ticket this year, the pure giddiness I feel at these fools putting her up there speaks volumes about their ability to reason. Elite education burns your brain a bit, I see. The ONLY worry I have is whatever is coming to thwart the will of the people again.

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The entire circus that is taking place here just five months from the election would have been surprising some years ago but nowadays just feels like par for the course. And sadly, it also feels like the Democrats are going to figure out some way to make it work in the election.

i personally smell a RAT..........a big big frickin RAT

IMHO.................i still say that the Deep State is not going to let Trump anywhere near the White House...........Correct me if i am wrong

just because Harris looks like a Cackling Idiot.........someone is pulling the strings just as they were with Biden............for proof of that.........think of the Wizard of Oz ....and look behind the curtains

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Let’s not leave it up to a twerking contest. I fear her hidden talents may lay there. She’ll drop that secret weapon on us hard, laughing all the way through a Drake song.

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duuuuude wish I could bump this to the top- great comment

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"...the Democrats planted a political seed in a pile of horse shit that has now blossomed into poisonous political fungus." Or rather a parasitic vine whose unseemly presence will choke out and kill the already smothered Democratic Party. LOL. Love this line!!!

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I am not a USA citizen.

The flurry of events around the withdrawal of Joe O'Biden (and so the eventual removal of President 'Dr' Jill O'Biden) was a huge firework up the Democrat Party. Now the support of K Harris. What a mess. Regardless of support for Republican nominee, Democrat nominee or JFK Jnr, it looks like the USA citizens might well be the last to call this election thanks to shadowy 'big beasts'.

It is depressing to see so much that is wrong, so many things that are not in the interest of the public and the arrogance of the political class.

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This seems odd...

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Thank you. Sorry you have to deal with that nonsense. On a different note, keep up the great work. I find the intel you provide to be incredibly valuable

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Can you imagine how bizarre this shit show is to to other serious and stoic world leaders like Xi and Putin? They must really be scratching their heads and thinking, “really?”.

Stuff like this is the reason why the people from other countries don’t respect us. It’s because we appear not to respect ourselves.

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Paging Tulsi Gabbard. She's the best antidote here

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If you can't be controlled by the power structure of the party you will not be the candidate - Tulsi, RFK Jr, and Bernie Sanders are just the most recent examples.

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I'm 76 years old. I've been disgusted with both parties for the last 56 years. But I've never seen anything so contemptible, and dangerous, as the Biden administration. We stop this NOW, or we are done.

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Trump is gonna beat her into DEI pulp over her knowing that Joe has been a spoiled vegetable for four years and abrogated her duty as VP using 25A.

But Obama's holding out.. until she gets on her knee pads for him.

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I think you're right, it's terrible that they all knew his condition and just kept riding the gravy train while making choices that affected the nation negatively

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Love how excited you are by this news. It really makes your metaphors and similes pop. Well done sir.

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agree 💯, he was on point with this all the way from start to finish

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The biggest difference from 2015 is that a counter elite has coalesced around Trump.

9 years ago, public endorsements included Anne Coulter, some retired marquee black athletes, football coaches and so on. He didn't really bring anyone with him to Washington, and consequently, he was best by his own cabinet and rolled by his own Congressional caucus.

After nine years, the administrative state has demonstrated that there are no limits to what it will do to you if you don't take the knee and bite the shit sandwich.

America is huge, and there aren't enough seats at the table in D.C.

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It boogles my mind that anyone with an operating brain cell can not put together how the demoncrats are dismantling the rule of law, the constitution and our future.

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well there ya go, that's how f$&#in stupid and/or irrational they are. many are smart but they get into the feels of every situation hence the irrational cortex malfunction... srsly when u think it's the best day ever if a drag queen reads to your kids lmao why not just rollyour toddlers a blunt and blast some cypress hill nursery songs for them sooooo glad I'm not one of those asswipe's children.

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