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The fact is it's Alex Jones who's been saying these things for years and was the one who awakened Joe. A lot of commentators still don't have the balls to acknowledge that fact.

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This right here is the God’s honest truth. Alex Jones has been screaming at the top of his lungs trying in desperation to get people to wake up and yet never gets any credit. Finally people are slowly getting out of bed, I just hope it isn’t to late.

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I think AJ was intentionally let loose - or left to do his thing - because he makes anything he touches look like a crazy tinfoil hat story, due to his excitement. If I was the deep state, and saw Alex Jones, I'd feed him 3 real and 1 fake story per year, and let him do the rest. That's what they've been doing. Not his fault either BTW. Now David Icke - that guy's been saying all this since the 1990. That's crazy!

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You 2 are correct, and this will never be discussed again.

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I fully agree, I have been an Infowar listener for years

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A passage from the report on the United Kingdom:

The following was so deceptively worded that I have added explanation (in brackets).

The Department of Health and Social Care.... adopted a policy,... that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance. (As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.


You can download the FOUR Amnesty International Reports from:


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It has the appearance of having been coordinated with the Governors in the U.S- I had no idea they had done the same in the UK.

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in all seriousness, if you only had one news source over the past 20 years, you would have a far more accurate worldview by consuming Alex jones content than any corporate journalist.

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the "Crazy" shit ole Alex brought up several years ago 90% of people wrote him off as crazy! most has came to be true. Actually the only thing i know to be false is the Sandy Hook thing and i almost think theres something to that as well.

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He admitted he was wrong on Sandy Hook. Still following what the MSM says regarding that I see.

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I once thought Alex Jones a madman. But I now see he was a prophet.... God save us all, because the politicians won't.....

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He keeps telling everyone he's not a prophet. It's all based on globalists documents, speeches, publications, books, meetings, mainstream media news reports, etc. It's based on investigative journalism and research from which he then connects the dots. It's not just completely made up or hallucinated.

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Mr. Jones was interesting but somewhat "all over the place." His style was that of shooting an elephant with bird shot. You can't miss but little or no damage would have been done that elephant. Better to focus and aim your shot utilizing a proper elephant gun and ammo if you are ever to bring the beast down. But he sure gave us things to consider while at times wandering down dead end roads.

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I have been consistently very open to ' alternative ' news. I believe i feel for the

"madman" hype about AJ until very recently.

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Rogan has a comedy dvd from 2000 or 2001. Alex Jones is his "opener" for the dvd. At the very end, as the credits roll, a group of people are in the parking lot at night after the show and the video is in that night vision look. Alex jones is telling this group of people that there is island a billionaire has that he brings celebrities and politicians to and has them have sex with underage girls that is filmed and then used as blackmail. It sounded nuts, now we know.

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