He keeps telling everyone he's not a prophet. It's all based on globalists documents, speeches, publications, books, meetings, mainstream media news reports, etc. It's based on investigative journalism and research from which he then connects the dots. It's not just completely made up or hallucinated.
Mr. Jones was interesting but somewhat "all over the place." His style was that of shooting an elephant with bird shot. You can't miss but little or no damage would have been done that elephant. Better to focus and aim your shot utilizing a proper elephant gun and ammo if you are ever to bring the beast down. But he sure gave us things to consider while at times wandering down dead end roads.
I once thought Alex Jones a madman. But I now see he was a prophet.... God save us all, because the politicians won't.....
He keeps telling everyone he's not a prophet. It's all based on globalists documents, speeches, publications, books, meetings, mainstream media news reports, etc. It's based on investigative journalism and research from which he then connects the dots. It's not just completely made up or hallucinated.
Mr. Jones was interesting but somewhat "all over the place." His style was that of shooting an elephant with bird shot. You can't miss but little or no damage would have been done that elephant. Better to focus and aim your shot utilizing a proper elephant gun and ammo if you are ever to bring the beast down. But he sure gave us things to consider while at times wandering down dead end roads.
I have been consistently very open to ' alternative ' news. I believe i feel for the
"madman" hype about AJ until very recently.