Small quibble: the amount of times you say, "you know" as a nervous tic really got distracting. Once you start hearing it, it becomes almost difficult to hear past it through the content.
Otherwise I love the style and content. It's refreshing to hear a non-stage managed voice with contrarian views backed up by observation and facts.
Small quibble: the amount of times you say, "you know" as a nervous tic really got distracting. Once you start hearing it, it becomes almost difficult to hear past it through the content.
Otherwise I love the style and content. It's refreshing to hear a non-stage managed voice with contrarian views backed up by observation and facts.
Small quibble: the amount of times you say, "you know" as a nervous tic really got distracting. Once you start hearing it, it becomes almost difficult to hear past it through the content.
Otherwise I love the style and content. It's refreshing to hear a non-stage managed voice with contrarian views backed up by observation and facts.
"I mean" is like nails on a chalkboard...