I do not usually watch television. The only video format things I occasionally watch are Ron Paul's Liberty Report, a few deep dives by Matthew Ehret, and the occasional comedy by JP Sears. I read a ton though I get things off Zerohedge and Lew Rockwell, Alex Berenson and Steve Kirsch Substack, Childrens Health Defense with RFK Jr and an…
I do not usually watch television. The only video format things I occasionally watch are Ron Paul's Liberty Report, a few deep dives by Matthew Ehret, and the occasional comedy by JP Sears. I read a ton though I get things off Zerohedge and Lew Rockwell, Alex Berenson and Steve Kirsch Substack, Childrens Health Defense with RFK Jr and an assortment of health and wellness and blogs documenting adverse reactions to the Covid jab. I doubt I'd recognize a single person from mainstream news if they approached me and said hello, including Joe Rogan. Though I read Robert Malone's writing too...
I do not usually watch television. The only video format things I occasionally watch are Ron Paul's Liberty Report, a few deep dives by Matthew Ehret, and the occasional comedy by JP Sears. I read a ton though I get things off Zerohedge and Lew Rockwell, Alex Berenson and Steve Kirsch Substack, Childrens Health Defense with RFK Jr and an assortment of health and wellness and blogs documenting adverse reactions to the Covid jab. I doubt I'd recognize a single person from mainstream news if they approached me and said hello, including Joe Rogan. Though I read Robert Malone's writing too...