MSM doesn't need to be profitable because they are owned by billionaires, you've heard of "Loss Leaders?" Those are products stores will sell so cheaply they lose money on in order to get a lot of people into the store. MSM are Loss Leaders to billionaires, I mean look at The Intercept which pays huge salaries to people who do little and…
MSM doesn't need to be profitable because they are owned by billionaires, you've heard of "Loss Leaders?" Those are products stores will sell so cheaply they lose money on in order to get a lot of people into the store. MSM are Loss Leaders to billionaires, I mean look at The Intercept which pays huge salaries to people who do little and therefore they can't make much money or are probably losing money, but it gives a big outlet for the agenda of a billionaire. We should understand that the pandemic is different than earlier MSM agendas/propaganda/lying. The goal of the phony pandemic is to change society, to change the way people do business, to change how society interacts--from chaos to controlled, from anonymity to constant surveillance and control through an internal passport similar to how China treats its citizens with its Social Credit System where everyone has to carry a passport which they need to buy anything, go anywhere, etc.
If the result of the emergency is a passport; and if we can reasonably accept that this was planned before the pandemic, then we need to figure out why do they want the passport? Possible reasons:
1. Everyone gets monitored all the time.
2. An excuse for vaccination updates, forever, to make money.
The second one seems unlikely. A worldwide acceptance of the passport just to benefit some people financially? The desire for a centralized database of everyone or at least of as many as possible, is more reasonable to believe as something which would get leaders from all over the world to go along with it. Why?
As migrants have flooded into the wealthier western nations and elsewhere, so has street crime and organized crime increased tremendously.
Organized crime is becoming a bigger and bigger problem as crime syndicates from all over the world send more and more gangsters out into the wider world. Not just into Europe and North America, but into India, South America, Australia, Africa, and all over Asia.
It is a big problem for banks and corporations because crime syndicates have become very sophisticated. They use ex-security services, ex-bankers, and so on, thereby having the expertise to successfully pull-off massive crimes all the time. Ordinary street crime is also fast increasing in all the favorite places for the rich to hang out in–making what used to be a fun night on the town into a danger. Crime syndicates have greatly increased kidnapping of wealthy people. With millions of dollars criminal syndicates corrupt government officials and security services at all levels more and more. As the economic forecast is worse and worse for the middle and lower classes, that will push a lot more people into working for crime syndicates because of desperation just to support their family.
All of this is seen as a big problem that is going to get worse and worse for the wealthy. Making life for the rich and the aristocracy, who are just trying to have fun, into a life of constant fear needing a constant threat assessment.
The way to solve their anxiety is clear: force everyone to have an internal passport that can be tracked and turned on and off by artificial intelligence specially designed to look for threats. Your travel, shopping, buying or renting property, and so on, can be monitored by artificial intelligence and shut down if you are seen as a threat. They will force everyone to connect their bank accounts, which of course means they need to abolish paper money so people cannot avoid being monitored.
This is all about making rich people feel safe, making it so they do not have to fear being robbed or kidnapped or killed by organized crime and street thugs practically everywhere they go.
This means leaders from all countries need go along with the plan to essentially make the world a surveillance state–and we see many leaders both corporate and political are willing and able to do just that. The elite cabal behind the plan is trying to control the media and internet as much as possible because the pandemic is the excuse they need to create the passport.
Why are those countries who are not on good terms with western nations seemingly going along with the pandemic hysteria? Maybe, for example, Russia and China see religious fundamentalism and organized crime as a long time major threat that can be dealt with better than they are dealing with it now, by a worldwide surveillance regime.
If that is the plan, how do they get so many political leaders around the world to go along with it? Carrots and sticks. Most political leaders can be threatened or bought off in various ways. For example: many wealthy people, including political people hide money in tax havens thinking their money will be hidden and safe. What they may not know is that all those “tax havens” are not as safe as they wish. Therefore maybe they are threatened to have their illegal banking exposed if they don’t go along with the plan. And that is just one way to threaten political leaders into obeying. And remember, the full plan is not told to them, the cabal tells average political people (mayors, governors, congress, senate) the same story of a medical emergency as they do to everyone else.
MSM doesn't need to be profitable because they are owned by billionaires, you've heard of "Loss Leaders?" Those are products stores will sell so cheaply they lose money on in order to get a lot of people into the store. MSM are Loss Leaders to billionaires, I mean look at The Intercept which pays huge salaries to people who do little and therefore they can't make much money or are probably losing money, but it gives a big outlet for the agenda of a billionaire. We should understand that the pandemic is different than earlier MSM agendas/propaganda/lying. The goal of the phony pandemic is to change society, to change the way people do business, to change how society interacts--from chaos to controlled, from anonymity to constant surveillance and control through an internal passport similar to how China treats its citizens with its Social Credit System where everyone has to carry a passport which they need to buy anything, go anywhere, etc.
If the result of the emergency is a passport; and if we can reasonably accept that this was planned before the pandemic, then we need to figure out why do they want the passport? Possible reasons:
1. Everyone gets monitored all the time.
2. An excuse for vaccination updates, forever, to make money.
The second one seems unlikely. A worldwide acceptance of the passport just to benefit some people financially? The desire for a centralized database of everyone or at least of as many as possible, is more reasonable to believe as something which would get leaders from all over the world to go along with it. Why?
As migrants have flooded into the wealthier western nations and elsewhere, so has street crime and organized crime increased tremendously.
Organized crime is becoming a bigger and bigger problem as crime syndicates from all over the world send more and more gangsters out into the wider world. Not just into Europe and North America, but into India, South America, Australia, Africa, and all over Asia.
It is a big problem for banks and corporations because crime syndicates have become very sophisticated. They use ex-security services, ex-bankers, and so on, thereby having the expertise to successfully pull-off massive crimes all the time. Ordinary street crime is also fast increasing in all the favorite places for the rich to hang out in–making what used to be a fun night on the town into a danger. Crime syndicates have greatly increased kidnapping of wealthy people. With millions of dollars criminal syndicates corrupt government officials and security services at all levels more and more. As the economic forecast is worse and worse for the middle and lower classes, that will push a lot more people into working for crime syndicates because of desperation just to support their family.
All of this is seen as a big problem that is going to get worse and worse for the wealthy. Making life for the rich and the aristocracy, who are just trying to have fun, into a life of constant fear needing a constant threat assessment.
The way to solve their anxiety is clear: force everyone to have an internal passport that can be tracked and turned on and off by artificial intelligence specially designed to look for threats. Your travel, shopping, buying or renting property, and so on, can be monitored by artificial intelligence and shut down if you are seen as a threat. They will force everyone to connect their bank accounts, which of course means they need to abolish paper money so people cannot avoid being monitored.
This is all about making rich people feel safe, making it so they do not have to fear being robbed or kidnapped or killed by organized crime and street thugs practically everywhere they go.
This means leaders from all countries need go along with the plan to essentially make the world a surveillance state–and we see many leaders both corporate and political are willing and able to do just that. The elite cabal behind the plan is trying to control the media and internet as much as possible because the pandemic is the excuse they need to create the passport.
Why are those countries who are not on good terms with western nations seemingly going along with the pandemic hysteria? Maybe, for example, Russia and China see religious fundamentalism and organized crime as a long time major threat that can be dealt with better than they are dealing with it now, by a worldwide surveillance regime.
If that is the plan, how do they get so many political leaders around the world to go along with it? Carrots and sticks. Most political leaders can be threatened or bought off in various ways. For example: many wealthy people, including political people hide money in tax havens thinking their money will be hidden and safe. What they may not know is that all those “tax havens” are not as safe as they wish. Therefore maybe they are threatened to have their illegal banking exposed if they don’t go along with the plan. And that is just one way to threaten political leaders into obeying. And remember, the full plan is not told to them, the cabal tells average political people (mayors, governors, congress, senate) the same story of a medical emergency as they do to everyone else.