I second Clif High ... but warn caution for those unprepared.
I view him (binge watching late at night when I'm more restive, open and stable) and I've come to appreciate him as a source of information but also entertainment. I find him super smart but often wrong in hindsight (makes sense as he is predicting vast quantities of things in…
I second Clif High ... but warn caution for those unprepared.
I view him (binge watching late at night when I'm more restive, open and stable) and I've come to appreciate him as a source of information but also entertainment. I find him super smart but often wrong in hindsight (makes sense as he is predicting vast quantities of things in real time a la Nostradamus), self-deprecating but also proud/defiant ... he seems caring, honest and a decent person - he makes me think, laugh sometimes ... he's definitely way out there though - so any normie-ness left in you will be challenged and upset (I like him and regularly still shake my head, laugh and mutter man, you are one crazy dude:-)
Do NOT watch him if you are in a tense, paranoid state as it may not do you well in that condition.
I would not have been prepared (mentally/physically/emotionally) to watch him 2-3 years ago ... I actually watched a David Icke video on April 17, 2020 - blew my mind BUT it was in the early Covid period and my personal condition was mental confusion, emotional disturbance (like most everyone else in normie land) ... that night, middle of the night I went to the bathroom and on the way back passed out, crashed my face to the floor and concussed myself (was in bed for a week in recovery).
That was the last day I watched broadcast TV and I can't imagine going back.
The point of bringing up the David Icke video I watched (and what happened to me) is not to vouch for him ... rather, I was NOT prepared for that level of "creativity" and outside the box thinking (what normies would call crazy talk) ... and Icke has a much harder edge than Clif High ... they are both kind of crazy in the normie sense of the world - but it helps me to view them as sci-fi artists and entertainers (acknowledging that there is a lot of truth, knowledge and even fact in entertainment) so that is not a knock on either of them.
In summary, Clif High has for me filled in a role of entertainment (I used to enjoy the Ancient Aliens series in the same role 4-5 years ago, early Covid I was also consuming history videos and also Jordan Peterson lectures - imagine my surprise to find that he didn't seem as bad as the media had portrayed him ... lol).
And remember, my use of entertainment is not denigration - and as crazy as they may seem ... I've seen jokes/memes around along the lines of "Many Conspiracy Theories need to be renamed as Coming Attractions" :-)
Speaking of coming attractions (and the "truth" of entertainment) ... watched the 2004 movie Idiocracy with my kids the other day and even the most immature of them was like ... "Hey, this is what Corona is like" ... the movie was hilarious but scary ... Brawndo !!!
I second Clif High ... but warn caution for those unprepared.
I view him (binge watching late at night when I'm more restive, open and stable) and I've come to appreciate him as a source of information but also entertainment. I find him super smart but often wrong in hindsight (makes sense as he is predicting vast quantities of things in real time a la Nostradamus), self-deprecating but also proud/defiant ... he seems caring, honest and a decent person - he makes me think, laugh sometimes ... he's definitely way out there though - so any normie-ness left in you will be challenged and upset (I like him and regularly still shake my head, laugh and mutter man, you are one crazy dude:-)
Do NOT watch him if you are in a tense, paranoid state as it may not do you well in that condition.
I would not have been prepared (mentally/physically/emotionally) to watch him 2-3 years ago ... I actually watched a David Icke video on April 17, 2020 - blew my mind BUT it was in the early Covid period and my personal condition was mental confusion, emotional disturbance (like most everyone else in normie land) ... that night, middle of the night I went to the bathroom and on the way back passed out, crashed my face to the floor and concussed myself (was in bed for a week in recovery).
That was the last day I watched broadcast TV and I can't imagine going back.
The point of bringing up the David Icke video I watched (and what happened to me) is not to vouch for him ... rather, I was NOT prepared for that level of "creativity" and outside the box thinking (what normies would call crazy talk) ... and Icke has a much harder edge than Clif High ... they are both kind of crazy in the normie sense of the world - but it helps me to view them as sci-fi artists and entertainers (acknowledging that there is a lot of truth, knowledge and even fact in entertainment) so that is not a knock on either of them.
In summary, Clif High has for me filled in a role of entertainment (I used to enjoy the Ancient Aliens series in the same role 4-5 years ago, early Covid I was also consuming history videos and also Jordan Peterson lectures - imagine my surprise to find that he didn't seem as bad as the media had portrayed him ... lol).
And remember, my use of entertainment is not denigration - and as crazy as they may seem ... I've seen jokes/memes around along the lines of "Many Conspiracy Theories need to be renamed as Coming Attractions" :-)
Speaking of coming attractions (and the "truth" of entertainment) ... watched the 2004 movie Idiocracy with my kids the other day and even the most immature of them was like ... "Hey, this is what Corona is like" ... the movie was hilarious but scary ... Brawndo !!!