My pleasure, and out of curiosity, are you going to post a list or your picks of replies concerning websites and/or sources people respond with. I am, as I am sure others are, always looking for a new site to review and perhaps follow.
My pleasure, and out of curiosity, are you going to post a list or your picks of replies concerning websites and/or sources people respond with. I am, as I am sure others are, always looking for a new site to review and perhaps follow.
Yes, that would be quite nice. And actually it is an interesting topic regarding fragmentation/diversity of media vs. concentration/monopolization. From what I see so far the choices are not so broad as one would expect, looks like we are a bit in our own bubble ...
My pleasure, and out of curiosity, are you going to post a list or your picks of replies concerning websites and/or sources people respond with. I am, as I am sure others are, always looking for a new site to review and perhaps follow.
I didn't plan on it, but it's a great suggestion - so maybe I will. Or I'll discuss during an upcoming podcast.
yes, please do.
Yes, that would be quite nice. And actually it is an interesting topic regarding fragmentation/diversity of media vs. concentration/monopolization. From what I see so far the choices are not so broad as one would expect, looks like we are a bit in our own bubble ...