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To Answer your first question:

1: NO! after the last 3 year ( even before CV19), i will never trust the MSSM ( Main Stream State Media) again. They will start backpedaling away from this new variant, but only to move forward on a new “crisis”

2: The newspaper are in the same boat as the MSSM. I’m glad there going extinct. There opt pieces & front page coverage, has been pure and straight propaganda the last two years. Good riddance. I do have a like to read books in certain authors, like: the 4th turning, Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept.

3: i watch some peter schiff, George gammon. I get good outside the box thinking from Tom Luongo, Grant Williams, a little bit from CRP. But the person i get the best critical thinking from, on everything from Financial,Geo political, and economic advice, hands downs… TFM. The monkey been right on everything the past 2+ years. Even call it Omicron, back around mid November. Easily best pay subscription i have. He on every online platform, but hard to find. He get ban early and often, and Is not for everybody’s palette.

4: probably your most difficult question to answer. Honest news coverage is a rare commodity. I go to my multiple sources( most of the names I’ve mentioned above) and try to fine commonality on what what there talking about. I try my best not to get stuck in the echo chamber of listening to things that I already believe to be true, but that is also difficult.

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