Trump needs to do the right thing for the party and stand aside....period.

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I agree

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Agreed. He also enables much of the hysteria and panicking on the TDS-dependent evangelical left. Remove Trump and a lot of their hot air goes somewhere else.

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If he stands aside, he and his family face endless prosecution. There are spears pointing at him forcing him to stay in the arena, playing the divide and conquer role.

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Once the Republicans take back the white house and Congress the prosecutions end. Do we really need a few more Trump impeachment trials?

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As long as the media and the deep state wants this New World Order, the Republicans are not going to win anything.

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Ah yes, because if DeSantis becomes President and and actually challenges the status quo, he won’t be impeached...

I mean cmon dude, stop pretending like is 1982

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Exactly - DeSantis will get the same treatment if he is the guy - worse than Hitler, extremist, yada yada.

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That is 100 percent sure.

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Trump is compromised, forced into the role of a spoiler. The Dems HAVE the White House and probably Senate.

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Not even close. Trump is the only candidate that isn't compromised and that's what they hate. They can't control him with money or blackmail.

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They can't control him. But he is very much compromised. Why did he choose 65 CFR people to run his government?

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trial by whom? A Republican Congress?

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Google “Letitia James” (hint: NY State AG).

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If Republicans want to win in 2024, then they had better make DeSantis the front runner: he showed that he can win with traditionally Democratic constituencies and he has governed effectively.

Trump’s biggest disadvantage is all of his baggage. A large percentage of the population actively hates the guy, which is a huge burden to start with in trying to carry a national election. He also has zero discipline, which makes it tough for him on the campaign trail and even tougher in terms of effective governance. We also know that Trump voters aren’t going to run away and go vote for Democrats if DeSantis gets the nomination, so there’s zero reason to run Trump.

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DeSantis has yet to be tested on a national stage. If the neocon RINO crowd start getting behind DeSantis financially, MAGA could lose interest and not come out in droves for him which he will need them to do. MAGA Trump raving fans have to be 50% of the GOP now? Trump pulled the huge upset in 2016 due to his force of personality (despite all his many flaws). McCain and Romney could not pull this off. I hope DeSantis is not another Romney or McCain in terms of sputtering at a national level. The left will find a way to demonize DeSantis like they did Trump.

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DeSantis has a personality - unlike Romney or McCain - so I see him more like Trump in that regard. I think it's also important that we start to run candidates from a younger generation than Trump/Biden/Pelosi/McConnell, as that alone makes it hard for the majority of the population to get excited about voting.

Perhaps the best thing for the party would be Trump eventually realizing that he's not going to get the nomination and endorse DeSantis. Then if DeSantis wins, Trump can take the credit and save face. That'll also help get the MAGA Republicans to the polls.

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I like DeSantis a lot. I wish him the best. National elections are a lot different than state elections. He will figure that out. In 2012 Romney had a better image than today, was a successful former MA governor, had a good VP. But got smoked at a national level. DeSantis is great, love him. But IMO doesn't have a ton of public speaking charisma.

Most of Trumps so called "baggage" is alll fake shit concocted by the media (Russia collusion hoax, mar a lago raid, etc...). So dumping him for this so called "baggage" is letting the left wing media/swamp apparatus win. Their brainwashing works. They want you to "think" he has baggage that they all created. But I do think Trump is probably too old at this point. They will label DeSantis a facsist and all the same crap. But I agree he is hope.

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Nah. Trump is in collapse. His narratives aren't working. His hand-picked candidates are flailing. Trump is sitting on $100 million in campaign money and hasn't spent a dime on his own candidates. He is a loser. DeSantis has never lost an election. Blame it on cheating, whatever - Trump is a loser.

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Yeah Trump is a loser who pulled the greatest upset in American political history in 2016. If not for Trump we would have had 8 years of Hillary and 3 of her supreme ct appointments for 40 years. DeSantis wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Trump. Trump raised the Overton window on so many things that none of the weak sauce RINO's "controlled opposition" dared to even talk about 7 years ago. The left wing media brainwashing apparatus appears to working very well on you.

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You're gonna take your ball and go home when Trump loses just like the RINOs at the Lincoln Project aren't you?

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The MAGA coalition, the 2016 rebranding of the Tea Party, is the most diverse electorate in the history of this country and it is growing. It was Trump who was our champion and who brought in more blacks and hispanics.

There isn't a politician in the USA that could defeat him without election fraud, and the Demoicrats are necer going t stop doing it.

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I am a huge Trump supporter but he just can't keep his mouth shut. DeSantis is going to be a very strong contender and he will have my support.

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A DeSantis/Gabbard ticket would be awesome!

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If we stick with Trump we will get more Biden's, Trudeau's, Arden's, Klaus Swchab's and the like, as the ridiculous opposites, a continuation of the clown show we have had for over a decade now.

The world needs dynamic freedom loving leaders that can implement policy that support the working and middle class. De Santis is one of those leaders and Trump should put his full support behind him.

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Wait until the left gets their hands on DeSantis and demonizes him. If he tries to shake things up like you want him to, he will get the same treatment as Trump from the left wing media & apparatus. With fake Russia collusion hoax's fabricated by the swamp, fake news national stories blamed on him, they will brand DeSantist a racist/white supremist/insurrectionist/anti-Democracy, etc... Wait until they left gets there gun sights on him. But I still have hope.

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DeSantis has been in the sights for years. You'd have to be blind not to see that. 60 Minutes already did a hit piece on him last year and he still kicked butt. Of course they will brand DeSantis as all those things, they do it to every Republican candidate. DeSantis has never lost an election.

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Total different deal when you are in a national presidential election. Wait until Trump is out of the picture and DeSantis is their sole focus. You haven't seen nothing yet.

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Trump had his chances for change and stopped at 50%

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Agreed. DeSantis is the clear choice.

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Demographics is destiny...Trump's base is literally dying everyday.

Agree that it is time for him to move aside.

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It doesn’t matter who the candidate is until they bring back election integrity.

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same in Germany!

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Lost respect for the state of PA voters. They vote in a communist loser who can't complete a coherent sentence into the USA senate. Kind of thing that makes a person lose faith in the nation.

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You will never lose money underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

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The wild card remains in my mind - Can Trump actually bring himself to bow out? I don't believe DeSantis could pull off a head-to-head primary victory, so the turbulence of even a Trump announcement (maybe coming as soon as next week) will send the left into a complete tailspin overshadowing the momentum Desantis has built in FL.

It's a tough climate and if judged on his record and accomplishments as a former president alone, I cannot see how Trump would not sail to victory over whatever retread the left can drum up. This is of course impossible as we have witnessed through the many lunatic led and more recently government supported shenanigans against him and his personal livelihood.

The ultimate prize in my opinion is a total shift away from our current toxic atmosphere. So, I remain steadfast behind whoever can pull us out of our impending financial, cultural, and continuously propped up divisive current stature. Left, Right (joking) or Libritarian. Think smaller govt., think happier humans, think Freedom.

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Trump is pushing 80, he needs to step aside

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Desantis is a far better candidate. He also would not have been complicit in rushing out untested experimental vaccines that mow down young people so that terrified geriatrics feel better. Trump is done.

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Make a deal. RD promise to pardon Trump if elected and Trump fully supports RD.

Liked Trump- we needed Trump, but time to move on.

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The neocon RINO crowd is already getting behind DeSantis financially. I would take Trump over DeSantis any day.

The real question is would a Trump loss be better than a DeSantis win? It depends on what the RINO uniparty would let DeSantis do to fix our country. We don't need another Bush, we need real change.

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Its kind of cute that people think voting still matters. You know what really matters? That power plants are being turned off, and refineries going off line PERMANENTLY, and being replaced with windmills and solar panels that CANT replace the same baseload.


We earn it

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Not that I'm a fan of democracy at all, but voting sure mattered for the Floridians who chose DeSantis pre-COVID...

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Some excellent comments here. As a market research professional, I would have to say that DeSantis' image and presentation is far easier to work with than that of Trump. To my knowledge, DeSantis isn't a billionaire, he has military experience, has served in Congress, and has achieved positive goals for residents of Florida. These are qualities I believe will resonate on the national stage. Especially if he picks a strong running mate (my choice is Kristi Noem).

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First of all, it’s quite ironic you used the verb “neutered”. Secondly, it’s time for Trump to exit stage left. Some of the mess we find ourselves in over the past two years is directly due to Trump’s actions after he lost the 2020 election. Despite his obvious disappointment he should’ve taken the highroad and campaigned for the two Georgia runoff Senate seats. By choosing not to and instead telling Republican voters to stay home because their votes would not be counted he handed the Senate to the Democrats. This election Trump’s meddling cost Republicans a Senate seat in Pennsylvania, a Senate seat in Arizona, and possibly a Senate seat in Georgia next month.

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The main reason why people voted for the Democratic party was because they thought that the alternative was worst. It’s almost imposible for an incumbent party, to do well in this economic environment, however, the Dems avoided disaster and that should be considered like a triumph. Even if they end up loosing the House. The GOP will have to moderate itself to be a competitive option in 2024. De Santis looks like the best option today, but will not be easy to beat Trump in the primaries.

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I don’t know how you can look at the election results (and the malfeasance on open display in multiple states, especially AZ) and not conclude that the steal was on again.

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Easily, I took my tinfoil hat off and the pronouns in black with fake ballots went away. (not to say there can be no election rigging, but the modern phenomenon of "how do you know an election was stolen? Because there was an election" is getting old). Do you have any actual evidence? As much as I'd like to see the red wave (and to see AOC get shellacked in her own district), the fact of the matter is that different voters vote differently and the answer is not 'the fix is in'.

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No tinfoil hat here. Pan out. Look at the entire country. Pick the races the Dems absolutely could not lose. Hoechul. Whitmer. Fetterman. Shapiro. (The latter three with clear Pres or VP aspirations. Maybe a couple more. Then look at results in FL, Miami Dade, Cory winning a Senate seat for the first time in 150 years, Anna Paulina flipping a D+13. FL was a lost cause so they could not cheat without it being obvious. So they let the voters have their say. Ditto with Ohio. But everywhere it mattered for the future narrative they won. That’s enough anecdotal evidence for me.

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That's like, your opinion man. Your assessment is pretty weak in substantiation and anecdotal evidence isn't you 'panning out' on the internet....anecdotal would be something you were actually involved in, like an election where you worked the polls or had first hand evidence.

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I’ve managed the Election Day polls at my precinct for years, and rest assured, the fraud’s not happening there. Once my job is done, and I transport the physical ballots and machine results to the county board of elections, all bets are off. That, plus I didn’t write the software, so there’s no proof that the boxes people check register in the machines as votes for that candidate. Because there’s no way to validate that. Unless theres a hand-recount, everything is on a USB stick in every precinct, and after 40 years in tech, I can assure you that we have no option other than to *trust* that there’s no nefarious code anywhere in there. But, the POTENTIAL for fraud on a massive scale is built-in.

Feature, not bug.

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Thank you for providing insight to the conversation. A few follow up questions; aren't there some basic checks at county and state to lessen the actuality that direct voting fraud occurs (for example, matching tallies of voters against votes cast. Not 100%, but close enough to statistically indicate a problem). As far as transported the ballots and machine results, do you see / are you escorted by observers from the parties at some point? As far as software and machines, doesn't your state have an open review process for the code and equipment? Thanks again for your input.

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From an audit perspective, everything is buttoned down tight at the precinct level - we know what we start with, and we have to balance out at the end of the night. Example: start with 1000 ballots, 950 voters show up, you have 50 unused ballots. We account for mistakes, spoiled ballots, misreads, provisional ballots, wrong precinct, etc., should those occur. The precinct chief judge and two additional judges sign off on everything after manually totaling the numbers. We can’t see results - that’s all captured by the OCR system (the first potential place for nefarious behavior), the marked paper ballots are locked in a bin, and the USB stick that records the ballots (2nd potential place for nefarious behavior) is locked in a bag for transport. At the end of the day, after everything balances and is locked up, the chief judge calls the county and tells them that the ballots and USB are on the way, and the clock starts. They give you an allotted time to have the results delivered to the county; once that happens, it goes to the county board of elections staff to do their thing, validate and run totals by precinct, the roll them up (3rd potential place for nefarious behavior). Our machines at the precinct have no connections to anything except 110v power, so no download/upload mischief potential (at the polling place).

Observers may or may not show up, usually there’s one person per party covering a dozen or so precincts, and they are out the door when the polls close. Not sure about observers at the county level, they’re probably there, but I’ve had no experience in that realm.

No clue about any open review process here, I’ve not seen or heard of that being an option.

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It is an opinion. On that we can agree. But anecdotal evidence, is evidence based on information gathered from a variety of sources. I’d suggest you read Emerald Robinson’s Substack for a good summary of all of the locations around the country with technical voting issues. 90% of them just happened to be in red areas. In Maricop County, the bulk of the precincts with issues just happened to be red precincts. Coincidence? I’ll let you judge.

Compiling them all together and you have enough circumstantial evidence from a variety of sources (voters, poll workers, candidates, party officials, lawyers) that something was amiss.

Direct evidence would be if I had been personally involved.

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I respect your perspective...however, the definition of anecdotal is "(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because it is based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.".

"while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact"

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Right. But personal accounts of others, from multiple locations, equates to anecdotal evidence. Not generally admissible in court, as it more or less constitutes heresey. But that does not make it untrue, or unreliable, depending on the totality of circumstances.

More facts will emerge. But when you see what occurred in FL, Ohio, partially in GA, and compare that to AZ it makes no sense. Overlay that on top of 20% of tabulators not working, printers malfunctioning, precincts running out of ink, all from the same people who had the same issues in 2020 and severe skepticism is warranted, in my view.

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But the Republicans were unable to find any evidence? Come on. The Democrats cannot be so smart that they left zero evidence.

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Dude.... all the ducks were lined up last night and the GOP still couldn't pull it off with any conviction. The Amercan public are a lot smarter than you give them credit for. I wouldn't want to be Kevin Mc after this. I vote Marjorie TG for House leader... she's really got strong credentials. A real leader with strong views.

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Given the uptake of the experimental mRNA shot the American public have proved to me at least that they are anything but smart.

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Are you a doctor?

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Hey...are you and Marjorie trolling from under a bridge? I didn't see SOH on my ballot.

GOP not pulling it off with any conviction is probably an indicator of quality of candidates and strength of democratic base in certain areas. Sometimes, the Republican has to be something more than an 'anti' wing nut to win a tight race.

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Many of the "results" we've seen last night do not reflect the will of the voters. While believe we overcame a lot of the illegal ballot harvesting in a lot of areas across the US there still remains a significant force to take advantage of far outdated voter roles and lax care of our ballots. New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan to name a few were stolen last night right out from beneath our noses.

To be operating unde the pervasive mantra that "we have to outvote the algorithm" is a not such sly reminder of our wide spread corrupted voting system.

We made good headway last ight. Yes, Florida and Oklahoma showed us how a clean election can be and should be run (stil more to do). The dumpster fire that is the Arizona voting process showed us how far we have to go.

Lake will win.

Actually count is a huge landside for Kari although "offica count" will be far less.

She was the absolute best political candidate possible while Dems invested in the worst possible political candidate possible--Katie Hobbs-- who is in charge of her own election race for highest office in Arizona. File that under hiring the fox to count the eggs in te hen house. Friggin amazing.

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Loved Trumps policies - however he is an ass hole. And people today have very thin skin.

What I have seen from Ron D. has been impressive.

We have a lot of fiscal problems that need to be navigated to avoid complete collapse - we are not going to be able to avoid some issues - just need to avoid the end of our country.

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DeSantis is the frontrunner, hands down. Election went exactly as I expected - in Florida where DeSantis is the face of the GOP. GOP could gain Senate if Trump got off his pile of campaign cash and spent a few bucks of it on his hand-picked candidate in GA. He won't though. Hasn't spent a dime there.

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The situation may be very different in a year, due to the economic problems piling up. Trying to predict now is like building on sand.

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I expected a shellacking by the GOP. Boy was I wrong.

Here in Illinois the voters even passed a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that enshrined absolute public union rights over any laws that lawmakers could even pass. The public unions (mainly teachers) knew that the day is coming when pensions can no longer be afforded. So they preempted lawmakers to do anything about it but continue to raise taxes and pay the bills forever.

The fact that almost 60% of Illinois voters approved this just stuns me. These people are literally voting to take their own legislative power away and give the public unions supreme rights over the land.

And then for what happened in the rest of the country, given the economic mess we are in, the pervasive crime-- I am just stunned.

So my feeling now is that the Democrats will give it to us "gooder and harder." I guess that's what the majority of voters want.

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If we want to see change, we ought to stop supporting the two party system that got us here.

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And do what? A third Party is a joke. May as well just make Joe Leader for Life.

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Chris, I really thought this was going to be a massive red wave. As it looks now(and we still have a bunch of undecided races) this is a red puddle. With the the worst inflation in 40yrs, crime and gun violence going crazy post pandemic, oil prices high due to Saudi’s, Russia trying to destroy Ukraine….. I genuinely thought Republicans would wipe the floor in this election. If Republicans couldn’t romp this in then I would be very worried about their standing with Americans as they are tired of Trump, tired of election deniers like some of the comments written here and a platform with no policies except grievances and vilifying minority groups and women’s rights.

The best thing that could happen is if Scott replaces McConnell as Senate leader and then Republicans cut Social Security. All those liberals getting SS will be so pissed. We know Scott is a real smart guy and he has the beat of what voters want. Cut Social Security…. Republicans voters will love that, right?

Remember elections are only fair if REPUBLICANS WIN EVERY TIME! If Democrats win then it is ALWAYS rigged.

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Didn't Abrams and Clinton say the same thing about elections being rigged?

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gotta remember that Kemp was Secretary of Elections in Georgia then whilst running for Guv.... a lot of ballot harvesting went on there from Republican's. Remeber the daughter who came out about her fathers hard drive with all the evidence showing thousands of votes had been changed in one county by her dad.

Clinton had a lot of issues, no disagreement there.

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Raven - time for a mute option?

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Freedom is what we want...right? Freedom of speech....right? Or is it only when we agree with that opinion? :)

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Trumps unfavorability ratings were terrible in 2020 and remain terrible. Thats why he lost in 2020 and would lose again in 2024. I freely admit that i would not have voted for Trump ever under any circumstances. If the Republican party can change the focus from crazy to conservative then DeSantis could win as could other Republicans that are focused on what they can do for America rather than tearing down a great country.

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Great questions!

We match the paper ballots (OCR ballots) against the number of voters who have voted in person that day. We have procedures for tallying up all ballots to account for mistakes, wrong precinct, unused, etc., then match that against the number of blank ballots we start the day with. Everything is counted and verified by two people, and signed off on by the chief election judge for the precinct, as well as two additional election judges. Observers rarely show up, and if they do, they don’t stick around to the bitter end - the day starts at 6 am, and by the time everything is cleaned up, locked, tallied, and the ballots are delivered, it’s usually 9 pm-ish. The only ballot transportation checkpoint is that we have to call our coordinator at the county as we leave the polling place, and if we aren’t downtown dropping the locked bins with the results within a specified time, they’ll start calling/checking our whereabouts.

I haven’t seen any evidence one way or the other that we have open review in this state, so I can’t really offer any intel there. All I know is that if any fraud is happening, it’s downstream of the polling place. (Think it was Lenin or Stalin who said “It doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes”…quite true)

As far as taking a week to count votes (PA, AZ), it looks awfully suspicious. In my humble opinion, if places like Brazil can count all the votes in a few hours, there’s no excuse in the U.S., other than gross incompetence or outright fraud…both equally likely in PA (lived there 20+ yrs).

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Senate is gone, DeSantis will not run because of Trump's BS he doesn't need. I predict Trump will run again, lose again and in 4 years when the country has totally gone down the toilet he will run.

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Big Ron needs to term out as Governor. He also needs to think hard about the company he keeps. An endorsement from Rachel Maddow and the human scum that make up the GOPe isn't going to win him any accolades, no matter how he tries to market it. The memes are already building up against him. Take your time, stay in Florida, look towards 2032. Shake off some of that !Jeb! energy you keep around you - it might play well with the AIPAC jet set, but it's not going to play well anywhere else.

The people that NEED to step down are Cocaine Mitch and McCarthy. They're worse than useless. Mitch spent more money wrecking other Republicans than he did promoting them, and he absolutely needs to be punished for his contempt for his constituency, to say nothing of his party.

2024 is Trump's nomination, whether the people in this forum like it or not. Man's got his flaws and I don't love what he's been doing over the past few days, but he's also justifiably tired of working for a party that does nothing but betray him every step of the way, to say NOTHING of how little the party does for the rest of us as a whole. He's not going to step down, and he's not going to step aside, and if these shenanigans keep up, you can expect a 3rd party run that will all but guarantee the GOP decisively losing elections for the foreseeable future

Nobody packs a stadium to hear what Cocaine Mitch has to say about anything.

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The best analysis is by Sundance. The media and poltical establiment that enables them are trying to diminishes Trump and the MAGA movement. They fear the movement. DeSantis is owned, Trump is not.


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Thoughtful opinion piece in the WSJ today by Daniel Henninger stating that Trump is unelectable,

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Trump is the MAGA King. DeSantis is governor of Florida because of Trump. The establishment of both parties do not want Trump as the nominee so they are doing everything, along with the media, to promote DeSantis.

Trump was in Miami rallying the troops for all the Florida R candidates, including the noticably absent DeSantis.

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A big fat no! DeSantis is my governor, but he will get no support from me if he runs against Trump. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell support? All I need to know. Swamp draining is the goal. DeSantis doesn't cut it.

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The best scenario for our country is a Ron DeSantis ticket, with Trump supporting him both politically and in an advisory position. DeSantis is younger, respects Trump, has a proven record of working with people, and a proven record of bringing people together without the divisiveness.

This is clearly the best path, but will never happen because of Narcissistic Trump who lately is trying to cut DeSantis down. He simply can't stand seeing his success. WTF.

People that want Trump for president think he is the man to bring Washington to its knees. What they don't understand is that how he does it will result in civil war. A large portion of the population HATES Donald Trump. The reasons are obvious. Look how he treats DeSantis, mostly just because he won't bow to Trump.

I'd pick the smaller rudder to turn the ship around. I'd pick DeSantis.

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Good Morning from Bangkok QTR.

Am I surprised by the vote result? No, I am not. Do I believe the vote results are totally honest? No I do not. Do I believe it makes much difference whether one party of another is in the so-called power position? No! I believe the world is run by the central banks, working together to own and control it all being the lender and buyer of last resort always.

Do I believe De Santis looks better than Donald Trump. Without any doubt. Trump had everything in his first two years and what did he accomplish? He selected almost all CFR members to lead every important post in his administration. He did nothing at all to "drain the swamp". I was a wild supported of Trump in 2016, but he bitterly disappointed me.

I do not believe DeSantis is not a swamp creature. DeSantis is younger and he definitely does not alienate people like Trump does. Can he withstand the extreme attacks from the Demon Rats when he runs for President? That remains to be seen. The Demon Rats will play any dirty trick.

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This is overblown. The GOP leadership, not Trump, is responsible for any underperformance. They clearly want to push Trump away but Trump's base is too strong. They did it to the Tea Party and they are trying to do it again. Hell they undermined Trump while he was President and ever since. Nothing against DeSantis, he might make a great Prez someday - but he is being financed and managed by GOPe and the enthusiastic Trump base won't come out for him like they do for Trump especially if he sells himself out. I don't know what's best or if either or both Trump and RDS will or won't run, but this is a GOPe influence operation that the media is all but too happy to amplify. It is dumb. Make no mistake, McConnell and company are too blame. Mitch is all to happy to be "Leader" of the Minority and go along with all the spending grifts the Democrats orchestrate. He would rather lose now if it means they can get rid of Trump as some are braying for today. As for the Senate, NV and even AZ are still in play, and if they win one of those, Mitch better get his ass fully in gear behind Herschel in the GA runoff (unlike his pathetic GA effort in 2020 runoff). They can still wind up w/ 51 in the Senate if they can thread the needle - despite Mitch and the GOP.

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Alberta has elected a Premier who has told the WEF and Trudeau to take a hike. She is saying the unvaccinated are the most persecuted people in the world and is firing all the WEF people on the Health Boards. She is cancelling all the CO2 mandates for the oil and gas industry in Alberta. If she can survive the next 2 years , Desantis should have no trouble as well with the WEF and the WHO and all the vaccine pushers.

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Gotta ask yourself why the media has been propping up DeSantis so much recently... The powers that be do not see him as a threat

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I'm hoping, albeit with little faith, that Trumps announcement on the 15th will be an announcement that he isn't running and potentially backs DeSantis. I give it a 1% chance, but I'm saying there's a chance...

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DeSantis will not pull the crowds at rallies that Trump does, but he has an excellent record of policy decisions in Florida and is more tactful in where he engages publicly. My opinion is that DeSantis is the best shot for the GOP if for no other reason is that Democrats hate Trump so much that if he is the nominee there will be huge numbers just to vote against him.

The split congress gridlocks the government, and the less they do the better. The Republicans need to stay more on message and find a way to connect to voters. The call of the Democrat party is to appeal to them personally by government taking care of them in some way which is a seductive call to individuals looking to keep up/get ahead. Republicans need to find a way to show the flaws with these policies and get voters believing they will actually enact good policy that is in their best interest.

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I am a MAGA republican. Realistically with OZ loosing to a less than able candidate, means Trump will be at a huge disadvantage, IMHO. I think, as much as I like him (Trump), we may have to move past him. I live in Florida and do not want to loose our governor because he has been great for us, however, I think I would support him over Trump as it stands now.

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As a Florida citizen I like Ron Desantis, but I'm not so sure his success in Florida would carry over into the key battleground states (PA/GA/WI/AZ/MI/NV) any better than Trump. With the pandemic he was able to recruit people to move to Florida from up north that he naturally appealed to and would vote for him. Regardless, Desantis might be the best hope for the GOP.

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Competition on the ballot is critical to keeping people in check. The duopoly has created this mess.

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Trump is compromised; he and his family are threatened with prosecution, he has no choice but to continue to be a spoiler. Mass media will continue to highlight him so he can divide and conquer. It seems obvious.

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While I strongly support Trump’s policies his “mean tweets” undermined his appeal. My fear, too strong to no longer be a Trump supporter, is that DeSantis will be captured by the big donors class and move away from Trump’s policies to strengthen the middle class. Just look who are DeSantis donors……..Club for Growth and a list of gloabalists.

The mail in ballots and machines need to be done away with. Once again, too much opportunity for mischievous behavior by those scouts ting the votes. Look at AZ, PA, NV and GA.

In the meantime, get ready for the massive crash that is already baked into the cake.

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Good points all around

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