I don't care what Whole Foods puts up at their entrances. Great time for hookers and high end M.D. scrips of all kinds o'pharmecuticals. Just like when the UN is in session, alcohol flows by the gallon in the Arab League receptions especially cuz it's haram at home, only more so...such crap. Trouble is it gets covered by the "news" and l…
I don't care what Whole Foods puts up at their entrances. Great time for hookers and high end M.D. scrips of all kinds o'pharmecuticals. Just like when the UN is in session, alcohol flows by the gallon in the Arab League receptions especially cuz it's haram at home, only more so...such crap. Trouble is it gets covered by the "news" and like they used to say about Paris Hilton, they're famous cuz they're famous. When did Kerry get his degree on Climatology? More people die from cold than heat every year, amirite?
I don't care what Whole Foods puts up at their entrances. Great time for hookers and high end M.D. scrips of all kinds o'pharmecuticals. Just like when the UN is in session, alcohol flows by the gallon in the Arab League receptions especially cuz it's haram at home, only more so...such crap. Trouble is it gets covered by the "news" and like they used to say about Paris Hilton, they're famous cuz they're famous. When did Kerry get his degree on Climatology? More people die from cold than heat every year, amirite?