The MSM is now just worthless - to be a democracy, one needs a vigorous "fourth estate", and we have instead two competing circuses (left, right) chock full of craven clowns with no value whatsoever.

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Thank you Chris. You have said what many have been trying to get others to recognize for years now. We need people like you to cut through the BS. That is one way to pull ourselves out of this proverbial black home of disinformation. Keep it up.

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The most annoying part is that there are people who legitimately believed it was false solely because the mainstream media told them it was. They'd ignore the evidence of 200 photos of hunter smoking crack and banging pros simply because Chris Cuomo told them it was actually Putin making the photos in a lab.

Its just incredible how stupid some people in this country are, and now even the mainstream media is admitting its true because they see how much of a lame duck Joe is.

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American is slowly being demolished, in front of our own eyes, by the hatred of one man for another??? We need President Trump back a.s.a.p.!!!

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can we please stop pretending the left wing and right win are equally bad? the democrats are SO MUCH WORSE its not even close.

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That's exactly y no one believes the media any more...we all have realized that they to were paid off by JB!!!

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What matters here is not the “What,” but the “When” and “Why.” Why did the NYT choose to confess error now? When the error now injures their Boy Joe? It could be they want him injured now, and not then. Now, there’s not Trump. Now, there’s just a lame Joe, going into the mid terms. Even the “Gay Lady” is embarrassed by their erstwhile nominee choice. Now, the embarrassment is indigestible , indeed galling for her. Joe must go!

And, a new Democrat must be advanced as the Left’s Cho’s en one, but whom? Time is needed to allow a politician, o more likely a non-politician to appear - a popular personality indeed, so the “Lady” can prepare and clear, the stage of pretenders. This takes time, and media work; hence, “Joe Must Go” - NOW! So, the confession of error by the lying “Gay Lady.” The midterm can serve as a first primary stage. And, meanwhile, quell the Democrat warring factions, recluse the likely destruction of the Party itself. After all, even the

“The Party” protected but the Lady from news of Ukraine starvation news ultimately fell.

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