Well put: "...a stream of malicious commands, paraded as 'settled science.'" The jab worked to an extent but in terms of the de-pop agenda it must be kind of a let-down.
Well put: "...a stream of malicious commands, paraded as 'settled science.'" The jab worked to an extent but in terms of the de-pop agenda it must be kind of a let-down.
I fear for what the criminals learnt, so that version 2.0 plugs the holes that made version 1.0 fail. The well known farmer, biologist, botanist, brain surgeon and all-round expert known as 'Bill G' is keen to launch yet more plug-and-play potions to protect us all from anything that could develop in the future. Now, that's high-power BS.
I think this is window dressing, to deflect from corporate issues. Moderna is a one-trick pony, with one product, no pipe-line and is desperate to get the G-g-g-gates Foundation 'mRNA' of the future into their income stream.
Hope you're right, even tend to agree. And yet I see their stock price is up, they have an approval pipeline even if it's empty and their blackmail folders are full. To a man with a CRISPR program everything looks like gene modification. (I worked for billg. He thinks immortality is doable.)
Well put: "...a stream of malicious commands, paraded as 'settled science.'" The jab worked to an extent but in terms of the de-pop agenda it must be kind of a let-down.
I fear for what the criminals learnt, so that version 2.0 plugs the holes that made version 1.0 fail. The well known farmer, biologist, botanist, brain surgeon and all-round expert known as 'Bill G' is keen to launch yet more plug-and-play potions to protect us all from anything that could develop in the future. Now, that's high-power BS.
Moderna has appointed a Vice President of Long Covid:
I think this is window dressing, to deflect from corporate issues. Moderna is a one-trick pony, with one product, no pipe-line and is desperate to get the G-g-g-gates Foundation 'mRNA' of the future into their income stream.
Hope you're right, even tend to agree. And yet I see their stock price is up, they have an approval pipeline even if it's empty and their blackmail folders are full. To a man with a CRISPR program everything looks like gene modification. (I worked for billg. He thinks immortality is doable.)