This is good. However, it does not explain how the virus showed up in various parts of the world at the same time. think New York City and Italy. both hit hard. The only way to do that was to clone the virus then seed the cities. The person who identified this was JJ Coey with Gigaohm biological.
This is good. However, it does not explain how the virus showed up in various parts of the world at the same time. think New York City and Italy. both hit hard. The only way to do that was to clone the virus then seed the cities. The person who identified this was JJ Coey with Gigaohm biological.
The virus was highly infectious. Mass movement via international air travel can get things spread quickly. For example, northern Italy has a significant amount of industrial activity run by Chinese nationals. Lots of them visited 'home' over the Christmas / Chinese new year period, and then returned back to Europe. Each person could then spread to many, many more, who in turn, travelled all over the world. That was just 1 international flight route.....
that 'sounds' good. but I do not believe it. that theory is yet another convenient way to explain away something that really could not have happened in real life with a simple corona virus. Corona virus's are known to not be all the stable. they will mutate easily and lose the ability to continue to replicate.... Couey is a biologist . dig deeper
My theory is that sars-cov2 was in the general, world wide population much before October 2019. Someone(s) seized upon it with the end game being the pharmaceuticals and a test run of global control.
This is good. However, it does not explain how the virus showed up in various parts of the world at the same time. think New York City and Italy. both hit hard. The only way to do that was to clone the virus then seed the cities. The person who identified this was JJ Coey with Gigaohm biological.
Keep digging there is more to discover.
The virus was highly infectious. Mass movement via international air travel can get things spread quickly. For example, northern Italy has a significant amount of industrial activity run by Chinese nationals. Lots of them visited 'home' over the Christmas / Chinese new year period, and then returned back to Europe. Each person could then spread to many, many more, who in turn, travelled all over the world. That was just 1 international flight route.....
that 'sounds' good. but I do not believe it. that theory is yet another convenient way to explain away something that really could not have happened in real life with a simple corona virus. Corona virus's are known to not be all the stable. they will mutate easily and lose the ability to continue to replicate.... Couey is a biologist . dig deeper
So, how do you think it spread so quickly to so many people?
My theory is that sars-cov2 was in the general, world wide population much before October 2019. Someone(s) seized upon it with the end game being the pharmaceuticals and a test run of global control.
not couey but prof. denis rancourt. there was no new infectious virus. read his papers