You would think people would realize that those "free checks" they got during the pandemic haven't been so free. I try to tell people until I'm blue in the face that nothing is free, especially from the government. They will always find a way to get their money with interest. However, there's a reason too many are economically illiterate. We don't teach these things because the government has an interest in keeping people in debt and in need.

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I like the article but I don’t see why tariffs were brought into the discussion. Tariffs can and should be used to account for the differences the US has in environmental and labor laws versus the rest of the world. I do understand that a nuanced and measured approach may be impossible for our current government though.

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Tariffs are a tax paid for by consumers. Period. So you are for higher prices if you are for tariffs.

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The blue electorate the dead, near dead and brain dead will cheer the economic demise.

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Inflation is almost back to the Fed's benchmark so I don't know what all the hoopla is about.

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When the Fed was undershooting inflation by 60 bps (on their arbitrary, made up 2% target), they were in such a panic they needed to blow the roof off with unlimited QE. Now that we're 60 bps *over* the target, we're 'almost back'? Let's see what happens if and when stocks crash and then the Fed is forced to turn the money printer back on again. What if this is CPI 'bottoming' as we speak?

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Compiling ideas from others… I think Covid pioneered the government concept of picking winners and losers (by arbitrarily deciding what businesses could remain open and who is “essential”.). There was no meaningful pushback on this.

The government is clearly sowing seeds of financial crisis in part so they can then again pick the winners and losers. “Oh yes of course we support capitalism and free markets but this is an EMERGENCY.”

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The inflation RATE is down, but the dollar has not, and will not, regain the value that it had under Trump. A Biden buck is worth eighty cents of a Trump buck. And a Trump buck is worth somewhat less than an Obama buck, and so forth.

Based on the devalued dollar, the DOW should be over 50,000 right now, just to be even with where it was under Trump. At the current level of about 41,000, the DOW is a LONG way from reaching the value it had four years ago.

Inflation doesn't have to happen. It is a deliberate choice by government to add more money at a higher rate than the availability of goods to buy. More money chasing fewer goods is the basis for all inflation. An economy that is designed around money is an economy in peril. An economy designed around production has at least a possibility of being healthy.

We are headed for economic disaster in this country, because our 'experts'; are idiots.

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Correct. +1 month comped on your paid sub.

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Not to mention the “inflation rate” is still inflation! It’s still 3% on top of the previous 9%. It’s not like anyone wins cause it’s “only” 3% now. It’s

Iike if you were getting stabbed 20 times per minute, am I, the stabber really doing you any favours if I reduce that to 10 times per minute on top of the previous rate? 🤣

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Bought idiots

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Do you buy food?

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