I generally like your writing but have not subscribed yet (I pay for about 10 writers right now and you're just too damn expensive - you're asking for multiples of what Taibbi and Greenwald charge). Just one bit of feedback on this piece: Peppering your writing with "I told Tom" was a little odd. Either write about what Tom told YOU or just write a piece about the information itself without all the "I also said to Tom" stuff.

Anyway, I think you provide some good insight (and I have been working in financial services for 27 years so I read a LOT of this kind of stuff). Keep at it and thanks for the content.

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People could easily derail the Great Reset and kick goals with Schawb's head- over night if they wanted to, that is IF they felt brave enough to pick up that vestigial piece of hardware out forefathers had the foresight to bestow us with in defense of exactly such situations.

They could do it safely in a couple weeks if they had the testicular fortitude our often-mocked "milquetoast" and "too nice" Canadian neighbors actually have.

But alas too many people asleep, too many too lazy, and watching superheroes on Netflix is better than actually being one.

We used to riot over 3% tax on stupid tea but pony up for a 300% increase in heating oil when planted autocrats sabotage our nation with glea.

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Meh, I seriously doubt that those Millennials HODLing cryptos have woken up about fiat or the financial scam. I live in the EU and work with a lot of young engineers who are into cryptos, and 99% only see dollar signs, justifying it their greed (‘outsourcing’ criticism) by “trusting the technology” just like they “trust the science” when they get jabbed and walk around with a QR code and a face diapers. Maybe Americans are more critical (could be) but from my perspective most European crypto fanboys are just in it because they think they’ll be rich and will be able to escape the matrix this way.

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I love your substack but most of it is over my head. I really just want to know if I should get out of the market or not. I have a diversified portfolio with TD Ameritrade. At least half my savings. I'm sure you can't give advice but how about just a stealth thumbs up or thumbs down (to the direct question, "get out?)

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What exactly do you expect to happen? A monetary collapse such as happened in the Confederacy in 1865 and in Germany in 1923? Or will we experience a sustained period of inflation such as happened in the 1970's and 80's? There has not been a collapse of a currency in the USA since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Of course the question of a central bank was controversial from the very earliest days of this Republic. It was largely a struggle between the agricultural interests and the large commercial interests. The former were "soft money" advocates while the latter were "hard money" i.e. gold advocates. So are we going to see a situation where US currency becomes worthless? And, if so, approximately when will this happen? Also, what actions should I take to avoid the consequences of the collapse?

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