Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis

And yes, Fuck them all!

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I can't stand f-------g do gooders.

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Did you too get banned on ZH or do you still comment there?

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I had a medical emergency three weeks ago that required emergency surgery. I have been recovering and no, I have not been banned from ZH!

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I was a premium member for the last 4 year and 12 years of total membership. My total up vote score was 56,000........and I am a take-no-prisoners kind of poster on ZH.

I posted a comment on a premium article. There were 34 comments total. I got 30 up votes on my comment and 5 replies. It was a financial article. There was no bad language or racial comments, but I did disagree with the premise of the article and Michael Hartnet. After 12 hrs, someone at ZH deleted my comment and the 5 replies. I contacted them about it and was told Tyler did it. I requested an explanation. I then posted another comment explaining what happened, and several chimed in and agreed. Two hours later my account was banned. They conveniently removed the last 30 days of my comments from my profile.

So when you see articles on ZH talking about Twitter and free speech. You can know Tyler is full of shit. He is no different than the nazi, censoring punks over at Google, Meta, or Twitter. I'd pay good money to tell him to his face......as see just where that might lead.

Here's wishing all the best on your recovery.

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By March 2020, I was over the scamdemic. There were enough inconsistencies, contradictions, and outright bullshit that made it clear this was nothing more than a world wide psyop.

It caused me to do some serious research into what a virus is......or claimed to be......and the end result of my research is that "Germ Theory" is just that.....theory. These lying bastards pretend to know and understand a lot more than they actually do. That is a standard MO with a lot of "science" and medical research and practitioners.

Bottom line: I never wore a mask, never social distanced, damn sure never was vaccinated, and never took any regimen of "therapeutics" to keep me safe. They took the symptoms of the flu and common cold and weaponized them. If they could "weaponize" a virus, as described, we would've all been dead long ago.

I recommend you start asking some questions about things we have just always accepted as FACT.....when in FACT.......they are nothing more than theory. Read the book, "Virus Mania" and you'll find out there is a whole world of scientist and doctors out there.......that are just as smart and educated......that have a whole different view and theory of what is going on in the world of "germs." And if you approach it with an open mind, you will find they make a helluva lot of sense and that there is a huge amount of evidence out there that proves the Faucis of the world are just trying to drive a square peg in a round hole.

Right now around 6,000 boomers die a day. Been that way since 2018. Number is only going to get bigger as that very large demographic continues to get older. We all know the scam and lying about dying "with" Covid. It was an amazing thing........the only way you knew you had it was if you got tested. Prior to 2020, you would have just told everyone you had the flu. But in 2020 they told you to get tested and then informed you that you had Sars-cov-2.....OH MY GOD! The odds of dying were.....oddly enough......the same as the odds of dying from the flu!

I have no doubt they killed a lot of people in various ways. Go read about what you go through to get put on a ventilator. If you are in you 70s or 80s and get put on a ventilator, it is pretty much a death sentence. The protocols for dealing with the coronahoax were highly dangerous drugs and ventilators. Things that will kill a lot of boomers who are on the edge.

Not going to go into the anxiety and depression that killed many. We know it happened but there are a lot of variables in those scenarios.

In summary, there will never be another scamdemic in my lifetime for me. Because I will never believe their lying asses and will never follow their protocols. If you can't look back now and see that the whole show was a high level of bullshit, then you have a serious problem.

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IDK about germ theory (literally don't know enough to comment), but it wouldn't surprise me at this point; We've all seen the "science" around climate change be distorted to show only the conclusion that feeds the narrative. Including my weather app consistently showing alerts about "severe weather"...which turn out to be nothing more than thunderstorms or someone saying "there could be a fire today."

Re: weaponizing common symptoms. They're trying to do the same with seasonal allergies now. The latest covid "variant" (arcturus) has the deadly symptom of "itchy eyes." Just in time for allergy season.

BTW, ventilators weren't the only thing killing people in the hospitals. The drugs they were giving were also causing organ failure. Of course, all these deaths were labeled deaths "from covid." Imagine if every time someone died with a cold we called it a death from the common cold. Or died 29 days after having a cold, we called it a death from the common cold. Or died due to taking the wrong medication for a cold...

That said, even with their wildly - like double - inflated death totals (all the deaths with covid but not from covid, all those caused by inappropriate care, and those caused by the "vaccines" themselves)...the final covid IFR worldwide is right in line with the flu.

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The tell for me in March 2020 was "no kids" are getting this.

Old people dying relabeled as covid deaths was the broad stroke analysis.

Covid was real. But not real bad for society.

I prepared in January, being scared out of my wits by Chris Martenson. By March, did not care.

Masks are worthless. vaccinations CREATE ADE mutations. corner a virus and it will figure a way around you...mutate.

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Same here. Never vaxxed. Sold my house in August 2020 to travel the US. I lost 20 pounds!

I took Vit. C, Vit. D3, and Zinc chelate. Ate the best quality food I could find and prepared it myself.

I have used public laundromats, public showers, cleaned campground showers / toilets / pit toilets as a camp host, too. I have never been healthier. It's almost like being exposed to a variety of different germs improved my immune system, eh?

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Hear hear!

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Right there in agreement.

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Methinks he doth protest too much.

Fauci lied. Many Americans needlessly died.

Fauci is unforgiven.

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A master class in CYA. This article is for the normies who bought into the fear and became control freaks. So they can feel better about becoming health nazis. But yes, Fauci straight up lies that there was any accurate communication about risks by age. Unless he’s counting the “you’ll kill Grandma” campaign. History won’t be kind to St. Fauci.

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Three words: Fuck Them All!

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Like Dave Collum said "Hang him from a fucking tree"

Honestly someone should put a fucking bullet in his head - pure evil

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Let bugs eat him alive, a slow painful death, like he did to those beagles.

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Fauci: “Lockdowns weren’t my idea. Don’t blame me. Also we should have done it sooner.”

Fuck this guy.

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The book is indeed not closed. I reject all of the official covid narratives now and always will. Yet lots of people still think lockdowns, masking, forced vaccinations were good and necessary. They are willing to trade their freedom for perceived safety. It’s a persistent problem.

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For years (12 or so) I have concluded that flu vaccines were worthless, and possibly dangerous on the margin. They typically pick the wrong mutation and offer a 50/50 chance of immunity. At $20 a throw just what the hell are they putting into it to preserve it to make it cashflow? What does that do? Pass. Load up on vitamin D. I never get the flu.

Why don't we ever do any studies on efficacy? Detailed, longterm studies. What are the cancer rates for the unvaxed? What are the overall health outcomes for both groups?

Did you see anything? No. Did you look? Not necessary.

I got covid. I was mountain biking on scattered snowed, cold trails and felt a little weak. I took the horse paste, quercetin, zinc, more D and C and mucinex to control flem. I didn't workout for two days, but everything else was pretty normal. Not that bad. I had a weird rash sensation on my back and chest, but no rash. 3 days and done.

If Fauci bears no responsibility, why is he there? Whom should bear responsibility and why are they still there? Who has been reprimanded? Fauci captained the ship and made wrong decisions at every turn.

Zelikow. Please. Lifetime deepstate loser

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How did you know you "got covid"?

Follow up question; prior to 2020.....with those symptoms, after mountain biking in the winter..... what would you have assumed about your "condition" and would you have gone to the doctor?

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would have assumed I had flu.

would not have gone to dr

Covid? PCR test, which is spurious at best.

I do not recall getting flu for the last 40 years? 30? don't know.

I'll say this about it. It was weird. 3 days into it I had this strange sensation on my stomach and back that felt like surfers rash. It went away two days later. My kid had it before me.

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These are stunning admissions of either evil or incompetence on his part. If he doesn't know how respiratory viruses work, why is he in his role at all? If he doesn't know - even now, after all the new studies - that masks don't work and in fact cause harm (not news, BTW), why does he have a job anywhere in or around medicine? Same for lockdowns, which every public health student is taught don't work.

And, the reason no one knew that the virus almost exclusively killed the very elderly (just like that flu thing, you know) is that Fauci and public health people called it an "equal opportunity killer" from the start! They lied about what was obvious in the data from Italy at the start of this. They rejected the ideas put before them by actual epidemiologists to protect the elderly and let everyone else go about their business. To say someone else caused that mental overreaction in the populace is frankly just evil: lying for the sake of lying.

It also didn't help that early on he said it could have an IFR of 5%(!). Another blatant lie to scare people. Nothing in the data suggested a virus that deadly. In fact, the IFR ended up right where many of us said it would. Well below 1%, similar to the flu. The CFR is below 1%.

Fauci, Birx, Collins all need to be in prison - at least. Personally, I think the death penalty is more than warranted. And now that local prosecutors are going after national political figures, all we need is someone at the state level brave enough to indict.

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Totally off topic, but can anyone tell me how to remove the Substack Reads feed? I was on there just now reading an article about Robert Reich. Many commenters were critical of Reich. Then a crazy thing--a Substack staffer named Hannah started dealing numerous comments. So I tried to post a comment saying I object to the deletions. I was then blocked- couldn’t post a comment.

I think I speak for many of us that we pay for a Substack subscription precisely to avoid the censorship experienced elsewhere.

So again my question: how the hell can I remove Substack Reads from my feed? And if I ultimately choose to end my Substack subscription, can I find the excellent authors elsewhere?

Thank you

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Forget any honest answer unless waterboarded in prime time direct tv... My dream...

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Dr. Animal Fauci loves making up chimeric viruses like HIV and it’s protege, SARS-CoV2 so he can conjure up financially profitable but deadly treatments like AZT, Remdesivir, and the DARPA created cationic lipid enveloped , gene editing mRNA-spike technology.

Fauci doesn’t understand how the public detests him because his income from Moderna patents depend on him not understanding. May he and his bioethicist wife rot in hell.

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Well done. That guy should be arrested, Also, thanks for the tidbit in there about CDC suing to have control to force masks, or whatever they want to do, i did not know that. Those guys should also be held accountable. FIRED !!!

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Thanks for the dissection. I still wonder why, as a country with some of, if not the most advanced resources, technology, and ability, the US only had a middling deaths/100k (I know died with Covid/dies because of it) of 3302 deaths per million versus say Israel a country who sold itself to Pfizer, with 1312, vs. say Australia, with 745, or Sweden (they are said to be cold people, in more ways than one) with 2262. Mark Twain: "There are lies, damn lies and statistics."

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