I love the sentiment, I really do. But I don't think you understand how Marxists work. These people stopped vote counts in 6 states simultaneously at 3 am in a massive assault on American voting rights, funded gain of function research that wound up destroying the US economy, killing millions and vaporizing constitutional rights, had unarmed women killed at the capital on J6, jailed hundreds of Americans without bail or trial on misdemeanor charges for years, targeted parents at school board meetings, jailed peaceful abortion protesters and had the FBI illegally surveil American citizens through FISA over 278,000 times. Do you think the Mafia has committed that many Federal crimes in its entire history? The fact that you are only recognizing that they want to literally kill Trump now, when one of their reprogrammed crazies tries to literally blow his head off on live national TV, shows you have not yet shaken off the normalcy bias. The administrative Deep State and its proxies in the Democratic Party have been trying to kill Trump for several years. What else do you call it when someone tries to sentence a 78 yo man to over 100 years in prison on "novel" legal charges except a slowly rolling assassination attempt? Face it, this isn't your father's Democrat Party and we're no longer living in a Constitutional Republic. All the evidence you need is there to show that we are currently ruled by a feral and illegitimate criminal enterprise, which is losing the thread and has shown it will literally burn down the nation through WW3 or Civil War to protect itself from a Trump DOJ that makes an honest inquiry of their many crimes. You can't obey your way out of tyranny, and you can't make Communists to play nice by "toning down the rhetoric". Check their impressive body count in the 20th century...

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Honestly this post makes me question what the hell I’m doing here. It’s light years from reality to quote Hilary saying “go high.” Seriously??

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Actually it was Michelle Obama who said "When they go low, we go high". Later Eric Holder voiced their true modus operandi and he said, "When they go low, we kick 'em".

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Jul 15Liked by Quoth the Raven

Where’s Epsteins client list???

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The Bush family made sure it never got out…remember Hastert blackmailed the Bush family into making him Speaker and he’s a convicted pedo.

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Jul 15Liked by Quoth the Raven

The Leftists in media are a sick, malicious, mendacious, enemy of individual God -given rights and God. It seems dangerous to me to treat them as worthy of compassion instead of as the diabolical monsters they are.

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I gave up any tiny lingering thoughts of compassion I might have about 5:15 CDT Saturday afternoon.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Yeah. I'm figuring that their backup plan is counting on a whole lot of us wanting to take it one or more steps further than that.

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Jul 15Liked by Quoth the Raven

A great screed. I hope you are correct that the middle left is sliding right….if not, I fear for the bleak future we are leaving future generations.


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I understand where you are coming from. Having compassion and behaving with class is always good. But to those who favor policies that undercut free-speech, private property rights, or any of the institutions that separate western representative democracies from shitholes ruled by feudal theocracies, I believe our good vibes are purely irrelevant. They are irrational, and said irrationality is core to their existence. I see it everyday living in a university town full of overeducated douchebags. The things I've heard a coupla these people say about Trump surviving are beyond despicable.

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Perhaps there will be a credible FBI / Secret Service accounting of events.

Highly coincidental.

Hours before the opposition convention?

Supposedly an untrained, amateur shooter that 'happened' to know that one spot the experts overlooked?

No shooter affiliations with political or foreign interests?

Acted alone?

No such thing as coincidences.

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I couldnt agree more. 130 yds away roof top and we have SS and local cops blaming each other for not manning that with arms? Even Fox seems to buy it as just an “oversight”. Sorry. No one could miss that shot. No on could believe that they agree to a 150 yd perimeter - should be 2,000 yds - for President Biden. I so hope I’m wrong but I imagine yet why. Oh, and btw, if it wasn’t a mistake you’d certainly need the guys behind him to take care of the shooter just the way they did.

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Crooks was a bitter clinger MAGA Republican—a Deplorable!

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I think it's Michelle Obama who made the comment about going high not Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a lowlife.

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The zeitgeist shift surrounding this attempt on trump's life has been something. My Spidey senses tell me that they want him in there now, bring back the patriotism and the rah rah let's go USA type mentality because they can see the writing on the wall and unfortunately I'm thinking that this giant end we can all see is going to come with a War.... how could America not go out with a War, it's our nature....time will tell, but I don't want my sons dying over Taiwan.

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Let me start by saying the meek will NOT inherit the earth. The elite class always has, does, and will have the meek for lunch. It is part of the human tragedy. If you are going to play street ball, you better learn how to play. DJT learned how to play NY-style business. Otherwise, you don't survive. Speaking of survival, no other high-level politician in the history of politics could survive what the full power of the US government, MSM, the DNC, plus billions of dollars of special interest has done to Donald, and now, even after their propagandized minion missed his mark, they have to go back to the drawing board! AND YOU THINK THEY WILL BE COMPASSIONATE??? Oh, I'm sorry. You would like me to be compassionate? If we want to win, the hard fight begins now! Don't forget to vote.

p.s. Oh, a few of my friends and I can accuse you of a myriad of disgusting, illegal, and immoral acts. All you have to do is defend yourself. I bet that would be fun for you. Especially if all of the above took our side. I am sure Donald didn't think it was fun, either. Just say'n.

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I think you're using the common, but incorrect, definition of meek which is not how the Bible defines meekness. Meek does not mean weak. In Numbers 12:3 the Bible declares "Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth." No one would ever describe Moses as weak, in fact he seems very much a Trumpian figure. Meekness means submission to God's will in will, deeds, and thought...

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I am using the "quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. current OED definition:"

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Since you're quoting the Bible, shouldn't you be using the biblical definition? I, for one, would prefer to use words in the context they were originally meant, such as those in the Constitution.

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The meek will inherit the earth, but only 6 feet of it.

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It is time the meek understand this!

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Great episode, Chris

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I loved the podcast on this subject. Spot on, and watching your slow metamorphosis since i first started following, it is really refreshing to see someone who asks questions and transforms to follow the truth. Bravo.

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Marco pretty much hits the mail on the head. We are dealing with literally murderous Marxists who have slaughtered hundreds of millions in the last 100+ years. Given the facts your "sentiment" is a ludicrous fantasy - and one that will get us all killed if widely adopted. Melania's statement does her credit and demonstrates he "femininity" splendidly. We have to be a lot "tougher-minded" and realistic because we're not dealing with "Americans" any more - we're dealing with "robots" programmed to destroy everything that the Republic stands for as exemplified in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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Your remarks just stated is why I am drawn to your every writing and listen to all your remarks. You have a courage you might not be aware of and I am a loyal listener. Thanks, Chris.

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Chris, I thought your position on the whole monologue was spot on.

I’m saddened by some of the comments I read (although I understand them and sympathize with them) but I can’t see how escalation serves to reduce the “political temperature”.

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Destiny! They can't even kill him! I already loved him, now it's just so f'ing over! #DJT

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