"Society is not a machine that anyone can control. It has no pause button. Attempt to treat it as if it does and you end up creating something distorted and possibly terrible..."
This post is a COVID victory lap of sorts for me: I spent the COVID years as lead counsel for 683 Los Angeles County Firefighters who refused the vaccine. It was one hell of a fight. But 2 days ago, LA County rescinded it’s mandate, finally. In the end, none of my clients took the vaccine and none lost their jobs.
We were fortunate to have Dr. Peter McCullough as a testifying expert. It took all we had, collectively, to keep the County leadership at bay. But we did it.
The moral of this story: stand up and fight back! A small team of dedicated fighters can make a big difference.
Congratulations! Can’t imagine how insane that pressure was. Bravo! Thankful to have been in a red state. Just had a new employee in my office discuss her husband’s severe & debilitating reaction to the jab. He can no longer work, she’s pulling both their weight now. Evil times. Ever more grateful for unexpected heroes like yourself & those firefighters.
Thank you :) -- we all have it deep inside--I’ve seen it time and again. so I actually have faith that somehow we will all figure out this mess of a world!
Wow! Kevin, that's just incredible. And a huge contrast to the Trucker Convoy here in Canada, where it was a hell of a fight. And we, the people, lost. Thank you for bringing your story forward. I think some in-depth coverage of the Firefighters personal stories,, would make for a terrific article. Thank you, Kevin.
It's getting old: banking consolidation, J6 hearings, Nord Stream explosion, forced jabs, lockdowns, French pensions, it goes on - the one thing in common is that these were all unilateral decisions by a handful of unelected leaders with virtually no pushback from government or media, and all of them contribute to the stratification and degradation of society. Every major decision by our leadership in the last few years follows the same script of not allowing debate or resistance, and one major question remains unanswered: why?
Well, the people making those decisions are the government, specifically the global West, which is more or less one big government ruled by one Uniparty. IMO, the underlying cause of the ramp-up of craziness is that the West is insolvent and looking for ways to 1) increase their revenues or 2) decrease their expenses w/o having to give up on the social programs and socialist ideology that got them elected, but also made their countries insolvent. They are the lame duck ruling elite of a dying empire lashing out trying to control the momentum building against them.
Good points, but the epicenter of failure is "unelected leaders" having influence on elected leaders of individual countries - decisions are never in the best interest of the citizens of individual countries and always directed to benefit a theoretical, global utopia. Why is the highest excess mortality in countries with the highest government collaboration of WEF, UN and WHO?
I make a distinction between the two because even if it's by a minor amount, individual citizens in democratic countries are responsible for the leaders they elect and responsible for those chosen. I've been surprised to this point we haven't had a single politician stand up and run on a campaign of swearing-off any support of these global institutions, and directly confronting the people that want to eliminate the sovereignty of individual nations, perhaps there isn't one?...
It is odd that even Trump hasn't done that very directly. I guess some would argue that calls against the "deep state" are doing that in a way, since these orgs are mostly run by the American establishment/uniparty.
I just think too many in the general public still think these global organizations are a "conspiracy theory." So, calling them out directly carries political risk. But...they write books, give speeches, hold conferences, write white papers and policy papers, influence lawmakers, and even set out detailed plans with deadlines for implementation. The scariest one I saw was from the WHO or UN (can't remember which) that was a detailed policy plan to nationalize all food production and distribution worldwide. So, I wonder how anyone could think this is a "conspiracy theory." I mean, they're real organizations and they're openly telling us what they're doing. But, most people don't want to believe it. It's all very strange.
Let’s hope for the unintended consequences of; 1). Widespread skepticism of anything and everything from the expert class and, 2). Renewed connection to natural law and its Source. Rights don’t come from gubment and freedom ain’t free. 3). The toppling of The Fourth Estate by courageous investigative journalism found throughout Substack.
I don’t agree that there is numbness and exhaustion post Covid.there are an awful lot of people I encounter that share your sentiment and are braced to fight back against authoritarianism. I only hope people don’t get complacent as time passes.
Jeffrey Tucker and Brownstone in general were my go-tos throughout the scamdemic. I would take everything in this article one step further. We do not yet know the political ramifications of what just happened because roughly half the population still hasn't figured out what just happened. White collar professionals esp. (laggards as always) being the largest cohort who haven't figured it out.
But, there is no way around the truth. These people did not act in good faith. This was never a particularly dangerous virus, and if I knew that in 2019, then surely they did too. Which means they did all of this on purpose, knowing full well it was not necessary and that none of it would have any positive effect. "They" being one political party controlling the int'l Western establishment, the narrative, and the Overton window.
I personally think this will ultimately lead to ideological "regime change" in the West. I think we will flip from an era of Dem/liberal control of the narrative and Overton window (since at least FDR) to an era of conservative control of the narrative and Overton window. Obviously, I'd like that to be the case, so I hope my analysis is correct and not just a biased conclusion. But, it seems to me that once all but the 15-20% diehard leftists figure out what just happened, there is no other logical course for history to take. The Dem/liberal establishment order has to be replaced with something. They are no longer fit to rule. I think their recent attacks on freedom of speech show they know their time is up.
Once I realized that Covid was only a danger to those with compromised immune systems, or pre-existing comorbidities, and that the rules about masks and distancing were meant to train people to be good little slaves to the state, I went on with my life.
I asked the Fred Meyer grocery store manager, where I had shopped for the past 20 years, if she was going to call the police if I didn't wear a mask. She said, "no." So I didn't wear a mask. There were people that hissed at me or made snide comments under their breath. I was prepared for someone to actually physically strike me. I'm tall, and ex-military, so luckily no one punched me for walking through the grocery aisles without a mask.
I risked allowing strangers into my house to do remodeling work and to sell it and sold my house and moved into a Class C RV, full time, which has been my home since August 27, 2020. I have traveled from the northwest to Florida and back and crisscrossed the US. I lost 20 pounds. I rode the mules down to Phantom Ranch and my one regret is that they served us box lunch and dinner that had to be eaten outside as the famous and old fashioned communal dining tables were closed. You don't get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and Phantom Ranch if you are ill or sickly. You ride a mule for 6 hours or you hike your way there.
I have used camp showers, public laundromats, cleaned an Air BnB for a month, cleaned pit toilets, cleaned camp bathrooms and showers and what have I caught? Nothing. I've never been healthier!
The sad part of Covid, for me, was seeing healthy children and adults, out in the woods, wearing a mask. I consider those parents to be guilty of child abuse.
Supposedly the reaction to Covid was a form of mass formation psychosis. I'm not sure what that means. Everyone lost their mind at once?
I certainly kept my head and went on with my life.
What would the great armchair revolutionaries typing on their computers have done? Harry hindsight is always perfect and always has the right answer. When you’re in the middle of a tornado that came out of nowhere what do you do? When you’re in the middle of a cat 5 hurricane that everyone said would miss you, what do you do? Just pouring shite on anyone who gets it wrong is not the solution. Show me what any of the Harry hindsight experts would’ve done in the moment and I’ll gladly listen. Give me the solution, not a bitch session of the terrible problem we all experienced. No one really wanted this. I don’t believe big pharma just invented this. We spend too much time nowadays trying to create narratives to suit our own beliefs. Many times it’s just not that simple!
Plenty of better alternatives were offered at the time, not in hindsight. We need to come to terms with what actually happened and hold the leaders and "experts" accountable. There were real experts and many everyday people at the time calling for a very different response. Not in hindsight. We were right. They were wrong. There is no excuse for what they did. This was not a category 5 hurricane. It was thunderstorm.
The earliest data showed covid was nothing more than a bad flu. They lied about that. Many of us were saying that at the time, not in hindsight. The common sense approach would have been to protect the elderly and let everyone else go about their business (the Scott Atlas and Barrington approach, which were offered at the time - not in hindsight - but ridiculed by the power mongers). Building natural immunity was always the only reasonable course of action, as many real experts said at the time. At every step, our "leaders" chose exactly the wrong path. Including forcing countermeasures like masking and lockdowns - long known by Public Health to be ineffective and harmful. And even making up things like "social distancing." There is no such thing. It was just to control and scare people.
It doesn't help anyone to excuse the willful actions of the ruling elite, pretending that they didn't know what they were doing was wrong. We have the emails, texts, and phone records to prove they did know what they were doing was wrong and they did it anyway - sometimes with glee, literally laughing at the chaos they were causing. We need to hold them accountable, not shout down the people trying to call them out.
Over 1 million people died in the U.S. from Covid…a bad flu! Ask the families of older people who died from it how natural immunity saved them. I agree some measures in hindsight did not make sense. I think your fury should be targeted at the Chinese government who refused to let anyone into investigate the cause of Covid.
There are plenty of quacks around who like to convince us that vaccines are terrible and natural immunity is the only solution. I just don’t buy that ridiculous argument. Florida has a quack Surgeon General who continues to spread lies and misinformation. The ultimate farce in the whole Covid debate was when Trump postulated injecting us with bleach. Now that’s science at work!
Everyday we had a moron president Trump telling us Covid would be over in a few months and that it was nothing serious, just like the flu. How many Americans took his advice and died vs following proper medical evidence. The communication on Covid was a disaster during his presidency and probably resulted in thousands and thousands of unnecessary deaths. Other countries like Australia followed similar CDC protocols and had lockdowns. How come their death numbers and rates were so low? Because they had pretty consistent public health messages and didn’t politicize and divide states and voters against one another.
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.
FACT: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the Illusion of a COVID Pandemic
Criminal Charges: U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and many others for racketeering, collusion in creating the Wuhan virus and premeditated murder of thousands by Remdesivir and Covid Vaccines.
Fauci Lied & Children Died: Secret CDC Documents confirm 120k Children, Teens & Young Adults ‘Died Suddenly’ in the US by Oct. 2022 after ‘“Emergency” Use Authorisation’ of Covid Vaccines.
I don't disagree with your observations. However, I think that the fincialization of the economy, from hedge Funda rolling up everything from porta potties and road barricades to movie production and publishers tho Penguin Random House Simon and Schuster was blocked. It's why it's harder than ever to see a black and white French film where the characters are smoking cigarettes. It's why Superman v Marvel 43 is playing at the AMC. Monopolies and oligarchy leads to stifled innovation and a reluctance to fund anything new other than tried and true. While there is the paradox of choice when choosing between 28 rows of toothpaste, you don't realize that they are all owned by two or three producers. Barriers to market entry are high, what with AMZN and WM controlling your choices, and when you look for a teapot wou see brands called Takelp and Xizily so they avoid being outed as outsourced in house products 'competing' with each other...one more thing., per Columbo. Ask any indie artist how big their check for streaming their music was last year, setting aside YouTube blatant rip offs of protected music paying nothing because the uploaded stuff is 'fair use.' Even porn performers are pissed off, as their work is uploaded to PornHub....
This post is a COVID victory lap of sorts for me: I spent the COVID years as lead counsel for 683 Los Angeles County Firefighters who refused the vaccine. It was one hell of a fight. But 2 days ago, LA County rescinded it’s mandate, finally. In the end, none of my clients took the vaccine and none lost their jobs.
We were fortunate to have Dr. Peter McCullough as a testifying expert. It took all we had, collectively, to keep the County leadership at bay. But we did it.
The moral of this story: stand up and fight back! A small team of dedicated fighters can make a big difference.
Congratulations! Can’t imagine how insane that pressure was. Bravo! Thankful to have been in a red state. Just had a new employee in my office discuss her husband’s severe & debilitating reaction to the jab. He can no longer work, she’s pulling both their weight now. Evil times. Ever more grateful for unexpected heroes like yourself & those firefighters.
Thank you so much!
WOW.... that's awesome to hear
Thank you for standing up when others bent the knee.
Thank you for your courage.
Thank you :) -- we all have it deep inside--I’ve seen it time and again. so I actually have faith that somehow we will all figure out this mess of a world!
Wow! Kevin, that's just incredible. And a huge contrast to the Trucker Convoy here in Canada, where it was a hell of a fight. And we, the people, lost. Thank you for bringing your story forward. I think some in-depth coverage of the Firefighters personal stories,, would make for a terrific article. Thank you, Kevin.
It's getting old: banking consolidation, J6 hearings, Nord Stream explosion, forced jabs, lockdowns, French pensions, it goes on - the one thing in common is that these were all unilateral decisions by a handful of unelected leaders with virtually no pushback from government or media, and all of them contribute to the stratification and degradation of society. Every major decision by our leadership in the last few years follows the same script of not allowing debate or resistance, and one major question remains unanswered: why?
Well, the people making those decisions are the government, specifically the global West, which is more or less one big government ruled by one Uniparty. IMO, the underlying cause of the ramp-up of craziness is that the West is insolvent and looking for ways to 1) increase their revenues or 2) decrease their expenses w/o having to give up on the social programs and socialist ideology that got them elected, but also made their countries insolvent. They are the lame duck ruling elite of a dying empire lashing out trying to control the momentum building against them.
Good points, but the epicenter of failure is "unelected leaders" having influence on elected leaders of individual countries - decisions are never in the best interest of the citizens of individual countries and always directed to benefit a theoretical, global utopia. Why is the highest excess mortality in countries with the highest government collaboration of WEF, UN and WHO?
Yes, agreed. The "ruling elite" is how I think of the unelected and elected "leaders" of the West.
I make a distinction between the two because even if it's by a minor amount, individual citizens in democratic countries are responsible for the leaders they elect and responsible for those chosen. I've been surprised to this point we haven't had a single politician stand up and run on a campaign of swearing-off any support of these global institutions, and directly confronting the people that want to eliminate the sovereignty of individual nations, perhaps there isn't one?...
It is odd that even Trump hasn't done that very directly. I guess some would argue that calls against the "deep state" are doing that in a way, since these orgs are mostly run by the American establishment/uniparty.
I just think too many in the general public still think these global organizations are a "conspiracy theory." So, calling them out directly carries political risk. But...they write books, give speeches, hold conferences, write white papers and policy papers, influence lawmakers, and even set out detailed plans with deadlines for implementation. The scariest one I saw was from the WHO or UN (can't remember which) that was a detailed policy plan to nationalize all food production and distribution worldwide. So, I wonder how anyone could think this is a "conspiracy theory." I mean, they're real organizations and they're openly telling us what they're doing. But, most people don't want to believe it. It's all very strange.
Let’s hope for the unintended consequences of; 1). Widespread skepticism of anything and everything from the expert class and, 2). Renewed connection to natural law and its Source. Rights don’t come from gubment and freedom ain’t free. 3). The toppling of The Fourth Estate by courageous investigative journalism found throughout Substack.
I don’t agree that there is numbness and exhaustion post Covid.there are an awful lot of people I encounter that share your sentiment and are braced to fight back against authoritarianism. I only hope people don’t get complacent as time passes.
Jeffrey Tucker and Brownstone in general were my go-tos throughout the scamdemic. I would take everything in this article one step further. We do not yet know the political ramifications of what just happened because roughly half the population still hasn't figured out what just happened. White collar professionals esp. (laggards as always) being the largest cohort who haven't figured it out.
But, there is no way around the truth. These people did not act in good faith. This was never a particularly dangerous virus, and if I knew that in 2019, then surely they did too. Which means they did all of this on purpose, knowing full well it was not necessary and that none of it would have any positive effect. "They" being one political party controlling the int'l Western establishment, the narrative, and the Overton window.
I personally think this will ultimately lead to ideological "regime change" in the West. I think we will flip from an era of Dem/liberal control of the narrative and Overton window (since at least FDR) to an era of conservative control of the narrative and Overton window. Obviously, I'd like that to be the case, so I hope my analysis is correct and not just a biased conclusion. But, it seems to me that once all but the 15-20% diehard leftists figure out what just happened, there is no other logical course for history to take. The Dem/liberal establishment order has to be replaced with something. They are no longer fit to rule. I think their recent attacks on freedom of speech show they know their time is up.
Once I realized that Covid was only a danger to those with compromised immune systems, or pre-existing comorbidities, and that the rules about masks and distancing were meant to train people to be good little slaves to the state, I went on with my life.
I asked the Fred Meyer grocery store manager, where I had shopped for the past 20 years, if she was going to call the police if I didn't wear a mask. She said, "no." So I didn't wear a mask. There were people that hissed at me or made snide comments under their breath. I was prepared for someone to actually physically strike me. I'm tall, and ex-military, so luckily no one punched me for walking through the grocery aisles without a mask.
I risked allowing strangers into my house to do remodeling work and to sell it and sold my house and moved into a Class C RV, full time, which has been my home since August 27, 2020. I have traveled from the northwest to Florida and back and crisscrossed the US. I lost 20 pounds. I rode the mules down to Phantom Ranch and my one regret is that they served us box lunch and dinner that had to be eaten outside as the famous and old fashioned communal dining tables were closed. You don't get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and Phantom Ranch if you are ill or sickly. You ride a mule for 6 hours or you hike your way there.
I have used camp showers, public laundromats, cleaned an Air BnB for a month, cleaned pit toilets, cleaned camp bathrooms and showers and what have I caught? Nothing. I've never been healthier!
The sad part of Covid, for me, was seeing healthy children and adults, out in the woods, wearing a mask. I consider those parents to be guilty of child abuse.
Supposedly the reaction to Covid was a form of mass formation psychosis. I'm not sure what that means. Everyone lost their mind at once?
I certainly kept my head and went on with my life.
What would the great armchair revolutionaries typing on their computers have done? Harry hindsight is always perfect and always has the right answer. When you’re in the middle of a tornado that came out of nowhere what do you do? When you’re in the middle of a cat 5 hurricane that everyone said would miss you, what do you do? Just pouring shite on anyone who gets it wrong is not the solution. Show me what any of the Harry hindsight experts would’ve done in the moment and I’ll gladly listen. Give me the solution, not a bitch session of the terrible problem we all experienced. No one really wanted this. I don’t believe big pharma just invented this. We spend too much time nowadays trying to create narratives to suit our own beliefs. Many times it’s just not that simple!
Plenty of better alternatives were offered at the time, not in hindsight. We need to come to terms with what actually happened and hold the leaders and "experts" accountable. There were real experts and many everyday people at the time calling for a very different response. Not in hindsight. We were right. They were wrong. There is no excuse for what they did. This was not a category 5 hurricane. It was thunderstorm.
The earliest data showed covid was nothing more than a bad flu. They lied about that. Many of us were saying that at the time, not in hindsight. The common sense approach would have been to protect the elderly and let everyone else go about their business (the Scott Atlas and Barrington approach, which were offered at the time - not in hindsight - but ridiculed by the power mongers). Building natural immunity was always the only reasonable course of action, as many real experts said at the time. At every step, our "leaders" chose exactly the wrong path. Including forcing countermeasures like masking and lockdowns - long known by Public Health to be ineffective and harmful. And even making up things like "social distancing." There is no such thing. It was just to control and scare people.
It doesn't help anyone to excuse the willful actions of the ruling elite, pretending that they didn't know what they were doing was wrong. We have the emails, texts, and phone records to prove they did know what they were doing was wrong and they did it anyway - sometimes with glee, literally laughing at the chaos they were causing. We need to hold them accountable, not shout down the people trying to call them out.
Over 1 million people died in the U.S. from Covid…a bad flu! Ask the families of older people who died from it how natural immunity saved them. I agree some measures in hindsight did not make sense. I think your fury should be targeted at the Chinese government who refused to let anyone into investigate the cause of Covid.
There are plenty of quacks around who like to convince us that vaccines are terrible and natural immunity is the only solution. I just don’t buy that ridiculous argument. Florida has a quack Surgeon General who continues to spread lies and misinformation. The ultimate farce in the whole Covid debate was when Trump postulated injecting us with bleach. Now that’s science at work!
Everyday we had a moron president Trump telling us Covid would be over in a few months and that it was nothing serious, just like the flu. How many Americans took his advice and died vs following proper medical evidence. The communication on Covid was a disaster during his presidency and probably resulted in thousands and thousands of unnecessary deaths. Other countries like Australia followed similar CDC protocols and had lockdowns. How come their death numbers and rates were so low? Because they had pretty consistent public health messages and didn’t politicize and divide states and voters against one another.
Ahh, I see. Take care...
Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer.
Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker: They make sh$t!
o Schizer (1minute video)
o Murderna (1minute video)
o Micro-Tech in COMIRNATY Quackcine – New Zealand D SOS
o How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
o Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
o Covid-19 Quackcines Worldwide Democide - 1,291 Side Effects – Schizer Approval Document Reveals
o Suppression of Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells - 100% of People Tested pre and post Covid-injections.
o “MmRNA Vaccine Approval” was a Farce. Deaths and Injuries are Real and Intentional
Democide Actors: Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
Hidden in Plain Sight: Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
UK’s Plandemic: “When Do We Deploy the New Variant?” – Hancock (Health Minister) asked.
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019
Omicron is Not Normal
UK - IT WAS ALL A LIE: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create Illusion of COVID Pandemic
FACT: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the Illusion of a COVID Pandemic
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Reviewing the DOD Contracts for Covid "Countermeasures" - 2020
Ralph Baric – NIH : Mice & Bat Viruses
Covid-19 Cartel: Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise
Regulation or Racket? UK Drug Regulator Never Inspected the Pfizer Vaccine Study Data
UK MP says Covid-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon and Security Services knew about it in August 2019
1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe
Deadly Skies: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots (80% injected) - Putting Your Life At Risk
Pilot Dies During Takeoff, "The Captain is Out" [ATC audio] - Chicago
Criminal Charges: U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and many others for racketeering, collusion in creating the Wuhan virus and premeditated murder of thousands by Remdesivir and Covid Vaccines.
British/Swiss citizen files lawsuit against Pfizer in America for profiteering from covid mandates
Secret Government Documents confirm COVID-19 Vaccine roll-out caused Excess Deaths in Australia to increase by 5,162%
Fauci Lied & Children Died: Secret CDC Documents confirm 120k Children, Teens & Young Adults ‘Died Suddenly’ in the US by Oct. 2022 after ‘“Emergency” Use Authorisation’ of Covid Vaccines.
BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Graphene Oxide is in the COVID Vaccines & here is how to remove it from your body
"I will never put a global organization, including WEF, WHO, UN or any other, before the interests of the citizens of the United States."
Seems if it's repeated at every event without elaboration, few voters could disagree with it and many more would come to understand the real enemy.
I don't disagree with your observations. However, I think that the fincialization of the economy, from hedge Funda rolling up everything from porta potties and road barricades to movie production and publishers tho Penguin Random House Simon and Schuster was blocked. It's why it's harder than ever to see a black and white French film where the characters are smoking cigarettes. It's why Superman v Marvel 43 is playing at the AMC. Monopolies and oligarchy leads to stifled innovation and a reluctance to fund anything new other than tried and true. While there is the paradox of choice when choosing between 28 rows of toothpaste, you don't realize that they are all owned by two or three producers. Barriers to market entry are high, what with AMZN and WM controlling your choices, and when you look for a teapot wou see brands called Takelp and Xizily so they avoid being outed as outsourced in house products 'competing' with each other...one more thing., per Columbo. Ask any indie artist how big their check for streaming their music was last year, setting aside YouTube blatant rip offs of protected music paying nothing because the uploaded stuff is 'fair use.' Even porn performers are pissed off, as their work is uploaded to PornHub....
Great read