Not to heel.. But to hell 😎

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They should have been punished for homicide of kids.

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“The incoming Trump administration offers a rare opportunity to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable and to investigate the depth of the cover-up.”

Don’t hold your breath. In order for the “Trump administration” (i.e., his new health-centric cabinet members) to “hold pharmaceutical companies accountable,” they would have to show that Trump’s “Warp Speed” push to develop a new vaccine, which generally takes 5-6 years, using a technology (mRNA) never before used, was a wrong-headed disaster. There’s not a snowball’s chance that Trump will ever allow his minion to suggest that he was wrong. Remember, HE has never apologized for the death and destruction that HE wrought.

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He didn't mandate them. Big difference.

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Like the drug dealer who sold your kids heroin, he didn’t force them to shoot it.

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Trump himself received the 'presidential cocktail' in Oct 2020 at Walter Reed under the medical advice/treatment prescribed by V. Zelenko MD (RIP). Dr Zelenko successfully treated thousands of covid patients, including Trump. For that success story, Dr Zelenko is treated with utter contempt by the 'establishment' with a lie-ridden false account of his success in none other than Wikipedia.

Trump had the power to stop the deaths and looked the other way. He knows about Wuhan, he knows about the shots yet the people worship him.

Today I notice mrna stock is falling by 33% due to lackluster covid/rsv shot sales. (Of course, this is the big JP Morgan biotech/pharma conference week in SF where deals are being inked. Big deals. Lots and lots of money.)

BTW, the US govt, using our tax dollars, GAVE moderna more money earlier this year for a bird flu mrna shot. The same day moderna announced it may have a 'vaccine' a 65 yo male, with significant underlying health problems, died of 'bird flu' in hospital. Of course, the fear porn has it 'spreading rapidly'.


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I'm not convinced that relying on Trump will suffice for the fraud that was perpetrated on the global community...Big Pharma has always gotten away with instances of "bad medicine"...You dont have to look much further than the way ivermectin was ostracized during the Covid crisis...Look at the opioid crisis and you will see how the Sackler family was (allegedly) able to utilize false data to support the non addictive properties of Oxycontin...they paid a fine...which appears to satisfy the public cry for justice while providing no solution to the mess they created...Where is the deterrent to prevent this from happening? Dont worry, somehow the Main Stream Media will the Trump effect and how he made the situation worse...Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banks, and Big Insurance own us and the Government and until people go to jail nothing will change...

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Moderna’s shot was more toxic than Pfizer’s or AstraZeneca’s. In fact, numerous datasets have shown the Moderna vaccine is roughly 50% more likely to injure recipients (which includes deaths, miscarriages, and birth defects). Full exposé here:


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Trump's accountability agenda needs to be extensive. The censorship, government (USG) weaponization, and corporate accountability, would be the start.

Every person on the USG payroll who censored American citizens should be not only dismissed, but tried for 1st Amendment violations as Treason. Mandatory jail time. They violated their oath of employment to protect and defend our foundational law.

Corporate employees at Facebook, Twitter, Etc who colluded with USG censorship should be civilly fined, with a lifetime bar from government employment or contract.

Next, every USG employee who weaponized government power should be prosecuted appropriately. DoJ, DoT, IRS, IC, DoD, DoC to start. Going all the way back to the Obama admin where the IRS started targeting the TEA Party and other conservative groups/individuals. Trump, Flynn, Bannon and other headliners should only be the start of the list who enjoy true justice for this regime's crimes.

Then, get after the DHHS rot and all crimes surrounding the lockdowns, vaccines, COVID treatments, and all the sinister things surrounding the PLandemic. Accountability should to go back to the gain-of-function research.

Suspend statutes of limitation. Protection and bounties within the USG would be a good start to embolden whistleblowers. The efforts should be pursued with greater effort and resources than DoJ put into chasing down veterans and grandmothers who nonviolently protested on J6.

The American system of fair and equal treatment under the law might actually be restored through these investigations.

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That's quite a pipe dream to expect from someone with connections to the big banks.

I think he'll be the one to implement CBDC in the US. Or at least get it started. A CBDC would only help the surveillance apparatus from social media to government agencies.

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As I agree with You even living in the other side of the world, I wish to ask You a couple questions if I may:

a) Is it legal in US system for a President to disawow any pardon granted from a previous President? cough possibly Fauci cough?

b) Assuming they should be hanged for willing massacre an inordinate number of people, realistically could Don at day 1 issue an executive order like this one? Every one who committed a crime related to covid who will fully and entirely confess all the crimes and co-cospirators during the next 7 days should have the penalties reduced to 1/10th of the normal, so putting the whole cabal under a strong pressure to confess and finally enlight the whole world on what happened in those fateful years?

Your opinion... could this works?


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Biden’s use of “preemptive pardons” is unprecedented. In the American justice system, a person is innocent until convicted of a crime in a court of law. Therefore, Biden seeks to “pardon” a person who is de facto “innocent.” Because of this, I’m not sure that presidential “preemptive pardons” will survive the Supreme Court’s scrutiny.

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Hope so, but i'm not holding my breath... They seemed so fluffy and plyable in all these years...

just to say...

2020... nothing to see here???

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Trump's already backpedaled on issues, i.e. H1B. I was never expecting much from him. But I'm not surprised.

Never trust a politician. Trump is a politician.

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Trump is a guy who's made a living off the big banks in NYC, and who've made a living off him. How could he not be in their pockets at some level? Is there something that points to a breaking point in their relationship? It's always seemed interesting that he would somehow been seen a a savior to middle America. Perhaps it's just hope on our part. At least this is how I constructed things until he was shot and prosecuted.

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Agreed. I'm in flyover country. I went to a wedding last summer in Idaho. There were Trump flags and signs all over the place once you left the major cities.

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It’s time to empanel the “Nuremberg” Covid Tribunal.

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I had a heart attack after my 2 Moderna shots, now the heart is back to normal. No boosters for me.

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A friend of mine worked with the Trump organization. They told ne that you can only screw them once. You'll never screw them twice.

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You may only screw Trump once. But how many times can he screw American citizens ? The counter starts rolling in 8 days..

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