A repeal of the 17th amendment would be a great place to begin. The Founders rejected direct election of Senators for a reason. Senators were intended to represent the specific interests of their states, providing a bulwark against Federalism being bent back against the interest of the states. Senators no longer represent their states interest. Instead, they are beholden to the special interests (some of whom you mentioned) who pour massive amounts of money (most of it coming from outside the state) into Senatorial campaigns.

Just imagine the difference in the politics of the Senate if direct election was abolished. Billions of influence dollars could no longer be spent by corporate interests. An entirely different set of characters (yes there would still be characters) would ultimately comprise the Senate. And Senators would be forced to represent the interests of their state first, or be guaranteed to be shown the door.

Lastly, the Founders understood the tendency of a federal governmental apparatus to expand over time…much of it done in ‘secret’ and usually to the detriment of the states. Part of the idea behind having State Legislators choose their Senator was to provide an always open window into the machinations in DC.

When one examines where Senatorial campaign contributions originate, more acutely of course in the less populated states, the percentage of money coming from outside the state is astonishing. A Senator elected from a less populated state might owe a fleeting allegiance to the voters. But his or her real benefactors are the corporations, special interests, think tanks, etc…that donated the tens of millions of dollars to the campaign…and have zero interest in the wellbeing of the Senator’s state.

It should come as no surprise (although it usually does given actual history has been memory holed) that the 17th amendment preceded the passage of the Federal Reserve Act by a mere 8 months. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 directly contravened the interest of individual states. Although one can only speculate, the FRA might never have made it through the Senate if direct election had not been in place.

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Nice summary. Federal Bank Reserve Act was clearly in conflict with State rights and local banking. Plus fiat money is unconstitutional; introduced in August 1971 by Tricky Dick. Most living today do not know that the $ was pegged to an ounce of gold until 1971.

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Thx. Of course, no way to prove it. But the meeting on Jekyl Island took place late in 2010. And if I recall correctly the real push to enact the 17th also began in late 2010 and escalated in 2011-2012. Prior attempts at some sort of reform had failed for over 100 years. My unprovable theory is that the cabal realized that a central bank, not being in the interest of the states, would never pass the Senate as long as state legislatures had appointment power. Hence, they had to provide cover to Senators, assuring them they would not face the future rath of those closest to the people, I.e., State legislators. It’s just too convenient that after more than 100 years and a dozen different efforts (all of which failed) the 17th was passed in 1913.

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That is interesting.

Yeah, if SBF taught us anything, it that a US Senator can be purchased for as little as $5k

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I dunno. Most states are so gerrymandered that they have a one party system ,18% of the people in the USelect half the Senate. In most others, the “elections area farce. Illinois? Maryland? South Carolina? Yes, a real bulwark against Federalism.

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No disagreement. Which is why I said it would be a place to start. Putting Glass-Steagal back on the books would be my 2nd choice.

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Add- get rid of the Dept of Education. There must be term limits for politicians.

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No. The three letter agencies rule the country. They are not elected, responsible to nobody. Anyone at the Fed ever get calloused hands working? Work anywhere? Get punished when they crash the economy? The only way to counter them are long term elected representatives. Barney Frank once said I have an election every 2 years.

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Add to team tyranny: the post-millennial modern church; large parts of the amillennial modern church; most of Islam (not that they can see this); anti-Zionist Judaism; "new agers." Anyone who says: "hammer stoutly pray devoutly" (Fabians). Essentially, anyone who is "progressive," and holds humans can rightly be shaped to bring about something close to an ideal society on the face of the Earth.

Add to team freedom: the parts of the pre-millennial church who pay attention, small remnants of the amillennial church; small sections of Judaism; small numbers of atheists.

Team tyranny is not just tyrannical, it is self-destructive because progressivism is, at its heart, self-destructive.

We often miss the spiritual dimension. I hope y'all don't mind the link here (feel free to delete if so):


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-Repeal the Administrative Procedure Act and root out all Administrative law and the Administrative Court System.

-Close any Federal organization/agency/department/etc., whose existence is not explicitly justified or called for in the Constitution. A good start would be to simply close and lock the doors of the Dept. of Education and the EPA.

-Outlaw the unionization of Federal employees.

-Outlaw the Federal Civil Service laws/rules/procedures.

-Force Congress to abide by the same Generally Accepted Accounting Principles they make us live by.

-Force Congress to only pass bills that:

--Can be read and understood by a person with a High School diploma

--Has a clearly stated source and availability of funding

--Has a clearly stated Constitutional justification in the first sentence

Stop the use/abuse of Executive Orders

Make violating the Oath of Office by any public official, Federal and State, a criminal offense (I know, this one would be tough...)

-Enough with the "Climate Change" nonsense already. Convince me rather than lecture me. Prove it is actually a thing or stop spending my money on it.

Abolish the IRS and enact the Fair Tax.

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The reason the billionaires now have billions in wealth and power is that they’ve siphoned off wealth from common folk through the mechanism of unsound fiat money, coupled with a fraudulent system of fractional reserve lending. Not sure ‘cash’ is the economic system for team freedom because the value of paper money unbacked 100% by a limited commodity will repeat the cycle of siphoning wealth through printing worthless paper: inflation.

Why are some of the richest people in the world, and hence the most powerful, bankers and financiers? See above. This cycle has to stop.

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Absolutely correct. Money has to be something that you can't create out of dirt-cheap materials. It has to be limited.

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I see politics increasingly in the lens of center vs periphery instead of left vs right. I think this is more or less the rubric you lay out as well. The problem with the center vs periphery paradigm is that the political (and economic as they re basically intertwined) system is designed to smash the periphery, to drive it out of existence. I don’t think the political system is capable of giving voice to the mass grievance of the modern world (the end of productive work, the end of marriage, the end of childhood, the end of the nation state, the end of local small businesses). We don’t want to be interchangeable consumption cogs in the worldwide game of globalization. We don’t want our children to be melted by smartphones, we don’t want our food to be lacking of nutrition and filled with toxins. We don’t want to prove our “value” to society by staring at a screen for 50 hours a week, our souls screaming into the void, awaiting liberation into the sunlight.

But it is a fools errand to think that voting, or calling your elected representative will change a damn thing. The system is incapable of producing anything less than full global totalitarianism, where anything of value exchanged between humans (food, work, durable goods, human connection, family) must first pass through many layers of corporate-governmental arbitrage and have all of the humanness of life taxed and guided and consumed out of us. None of this changes by complaining or writing a strongly worded letter or having a protest. It changes by all of us taking responsibility for our future.

Responsibility deferred is tyranny guaranteed. So much of modern life is deferring the things necessary to our survival and well-being to our corporate and governmental overlords. The way we get around (cars, public transit), the way we communicate (phones and ancillary apps), the way we feed ourselves (restaurants and grocery stores), the way we find mates (tinder, bumble), the ways we find healing (medicine) and truth (ugh don’t even get me started) have all been taken over by Fortune 500 companies which have fundamentally psychopathic ethoses (which of course is the point of our corporate system - you remove the painful decisions from those who have to deal with the consequences so the whole system can be psychopathically focused on a single variable-profit, everyone and everything else be dammed).

We can’t expect to vote for a Democrat or a Republican, or an Independent to get a solution. We can’t expect to see the system pass a set of laws which will put the human at the center of legal protections. We don’t have a democracy. We don’t even have a republic. We have a techno-corporate-governmental leviathan that will consume everyone and everything in its path. It has tied the average American to itself through salaries, 401k plans (investments in the “system”, mortgages, car loans and other “necessities” of modern life that are only available through their arbitrage system.

Our only tools against it are slow. We must seek out mates the old fashioned way by having networks of friends and being ok with the awkwardness. We need to grow our own food and trade with our neighbors to get enough to eat. We need to carefully consider a life that is dependent on any form of globalization, because it both feeds the leviathan, but also interrupts the natural local bonds that humans instinctively seek out. We must seek out clothes that are made or repurposed locally. We must support local artists as our entertainment. We must seek local artisans to make our furniture. And of course Milton Friedman and Alex Smith will be screaming, but your TV! And your economies of scale! Alex Smith and Milton Friedman are both fools, and fundamentally misunderstand humans. Humans don’t need more of everything all the time. We need sunlight, clean water, fresh air, shelter, healthy soil, communities, love, friendship and family.

Alex Smith and Milton Friedman are the theologians of our materialist-reductionist-techno-corporate-governmental dystopia. They (and all economists - one of the least sciencey sciences out there) have equated prosperity with GDP. Whose prosperity exactly? And if we live in a finite world, how exactly are we going to maintain the illusion of exponential growth indefinitely into the future? Those things are not in alignment. I think there are a whole bunch of base assumptions about the modern world that we avoid looking critically at. Why? Because once you do, it melts your brain. Once you see how everything is laid out to give more and more to the fewer and fewer and to drive a wedge between natural human connection, you see how everything has to change. One slow bit at a time.

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QTR! You are MASSIVELY missing the biggest player on Team Tyranny: the CCP, far, far greater than people realise, cunningly hidden behind proxies, bought and paid-fors, NGOs etc etc. Before your next stack you MUST read 'Hidden Hand', a serious text book on the depth of Chinese psyops and WW3 that is well down the road. Half the people you list are just a smokescreen, useful idiots, including Mann, plenty of very wealthy people are just as stupid as Uber drivers on climate, they are just glove puppets. Find 'Hidden Hand' on Amazon.com, read some of the reviews, prepare to crap your pants.

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Moody is right, repealing 17 would bring us back to the idea that all politics is local.

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As a result of the combined effects of the contemporary Fourth Turning (Strauss and Howe) and the Long Emergency (Kunstler) the 20th-Century "Liberal World Order" is in the process of collapse (including the US federal govt. and (in the US) the governments of large "Blue" States and cities). The process of "Relocalization" is occurring and eventually the localities that assume responsibility for their own welfare will have to create citizen militias to resist both the remnants of the fedgov and marauding bands of "pirates". In the meantime the only sane course of political action is to become involved in local politics (for the purpose of guiding the above process at that level). Political engagement at any other level is pointless/hopeless as the "larger "systems" have already failed and cannot be restored to functionality.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

In addition to the "Our preferred (general) tools to create change" I would add a specific tool.

Home building methods and organizations that enable people to build a house with the help of their family, friends, church and community.

Also, a complete parallel economy, and technology that the owner truly owns without collecting data and requiring non-sense subscriptions.

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Adding to Team Tyranny - they also control all banking institutions, including central banks. Their currency includes debanking and/or seizing assets.

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Many 'religious' organizations (notice I speak of the institution) and their 'leaders' (Pharisees) are part of it. A very, very important part leading people astray.

People of true faith will not bow down to the globalists (or whatever they call themselves). They (UN, WEF) have their own plans for one religion.

Spiritual wickedness in high places....

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It's just the military industrial complex expanding its ranks. It's all war all the time for these sociopaths.

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And "they" control the captured MSM hypnotizing the masses with eye candy nonsense and propaganda, which the masses believe to be gospel.

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After looking at what Congress has been prioritizing lately, which is not America, cutting the Federal government down to 1/10th its current size is sufficient. Lobbying which allows foreign aligned nationals to bribe and blackmail Congress into passing unconstitutional laws needs a new deterrent that rests in the hands of the citizens.

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Heres the mechanism the clown "elites" used to put corporate funding into PAC's and into Elections destroying whatever semblance of objectivity that was present before this was allowed.




While corporations and labor organizations are generally prohibited from making contributions in connection with federal elections, the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and Commission regulations permit them to set up political committees, which may raise funds permissible under the Act in order to make contributions to and expenditures on behalf of federal candidates and other committees.

Federal election law refers to a corporate- or labor organization-sponsored political committee as a "separate segregated fund" (SSF), though it is more commonly called a "political action committee" or PAC. As the name implies, money contributed to an SSF is held in a separate bank account from the general corporate or union treasury.

The connected organization

A corporation or union that sponsors an SSF is called the connected organization.

The connected organization may use its general treasury funds to pay the establishment, administration, and fundraising costs for the SSF.

The connected organization may also exercise control over its SSF. Corporations and unions often adopt bylaws to govern their SSFs, though bylaws are not required under the law and do not have to be filed with the FEC except when requested.

Limited liability companies and SSFs

An LLC that elects to be treated as a corporation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or that has publicly traded shares will be treated as a corporation under FEC regulations and, therefore, may serve as the connected organization for an SSF.

<end snip>

Quoted from URL:


We need to rescind this so that corporations can't lobby the fed gov Against the consumers they have STAKEHOLDER'd against to force changes in behavior. (nevermind impoverishing everyone thru excessive inflation of goods costs.)

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Looks apt. Past time for Accountability to show up, or we move to REVOLUTION and show the clowns who are intent on murdering the gullible and scared how outnumbered they are.

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