I understand the reasons some are voting for Kamala. I listen thoughtfully to them about the buffoonish antics of Trump, the post 2020 antics, the 1/6 riot he inspired and then sat on his hands for hours and watched the chaos unfold. I don’t disagree with any of those sentiments. I listen to them giggle about the juvenile remarks he made about the “pet eating Haitians”. I hear them go on about his business history, his overt narcissism, his rallies where he drones on endlessly. I listen to all of it, and frankly don’t argue that they are wrong.

However, I myself will pull the lever for Trump, without a second thought. I’ll do it because of the imbecilic actions outlined in Chris’s article, for the absolute disaster the Democrats have created at the border. I’ll do it because the current administration has presided over two new wars bringing us closer to the possibility of nuclear war than any other time in my life. I’ll vote for Trump because the other side of the isle believes in censorship, weaponizing the judicial system, authoritarian control over those with dissenting opinions. They have adopted an energy policy that, whether or not you buy climate change, is totally disconnected from reality or common sense. I’ll vote for Trump because the other side will attempt to make structural changes to government like packing the Supreme Court, eliminating the filibuster, legalizing millions of migrants they allowed into this country, giving statehood to Puerto Rica and DC. I’ll vote for Trump because Harris believes in wealth redistribution and identity politics.

I explain all of that to any Dem voter that will listen. They nod, tell me none of that is really true, and that they will vote for Harris because she seems upbeat and positive.

I just shake my head, order another drink, and console myself with the thought that I’m living in interesting times.

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Well said and, sadly, rings true. Comped you +3 more months onto your subscription.

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Pivotal times for what's left of this Representative Republic. The Captured Transnational MSM has the brain dead hypnotized.

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All. Of. This.

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You really capture the absurdity of US monetary policy: We're totally fine creating money out of thin air with a few mouse clicks, but we have to draw the line somewhere, and that line is for devastation due to natural disasters. WTF?!

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Quoth the Raven

I'm glad you wrote this. Watching this disaster unfold is making my blood boil. We have so many options available for these people --- just print money, bring in troops from Ft Bragg (located in the same state), not send Tennessee national guard unit to Middle East until after this is fixed--- but none of these are happening.

I thought our leaders were just smug and incompetent but I am starting to realize the cruelty is the point. It does not fill me with joy.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Quoth the Raven

I hear ya. The leadership is no damn good.

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There are millions of brain dead voters who approve of the way this country has been run for the last 4 years.....and will vote for 4 more years. That is extremely fearsome.

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The stories coming out of NC and Tenn are enraging if true. Private pilots being told they’ll be arrested if they continue to make rescue flights, national guard sitting around waiting for orders, citizens being told they can’t volunteer to help because they’re not properly trained(trained in what?!? DEI drivel). I sure hope these are just that, “stories”!

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It makes me sad to see it happening, but it’s also in some small part a good thing because people have way too much faith in government and need to see it for what it truly is. For many they need to suffer to give up on the delusion that the government cares about them. The sooner the majority have given up, the sooner we can build something better (infinitely smaller and less powerful).

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However, don't presume that 'throwing the buns out' will result in anything but still worse bums. Citizens need to think rationally, not emotionally. The problems we have are solvable.

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The whole premise of the fiat, leveraged economy was that you could get something for nothing. Now that the bill is due, people will find out it was all a scam. The best outcome is an orderly dissolution of government and return to focusing on our local communities and taking care of our own needs.

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Fuck every democrat piece of shit on this planet with a giant cactus.

Refusing to help actual Americans is treason. $750 for you taxpayer with your life destroyed, $9000 a month to illegal invaders.

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Maybe it is partisanship. The Red States were the most hit. Who cares about them in Dem Land. But peeps on X say differently. The latest is a theory about government takeover of Appalachia in favor of giant lithium mining interests, same as they kinda did in that terrible Hawaii fire a few years ago.

Lots of angles. The other is that interest, transfer payments (especially) and military slash foreign aid takes up all the money and there is little left for, ahem cough cough, as they call them, “services.”

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5 hrs agoLiked by Quoth the Raven

You know what I think? I think slimy Mayorkas knew he might run out of money, but figured he would spend it all on immigration and then when he needed more, he knew Congress wouldn't let the American people suffer, so he bet on them giving him more money. Let's not forget that the people affected by this disaster paid their taxed and have had had them spent on illegal welfare. And, let's remember the Senate wouldn't even vote on removing him after he was impeached. I am infuriated.

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Sadly, you might be right.

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Thank you Chris. Thanks for the update.

What a mess.

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Why is there no ‘movement’ to join forces and stop paying taxes?

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3 hrs agoLiked by Quoth the Raven

We are being governed by fools. No one is even paying attention. Sooner or later, they will. People just assume everything is going to be o.k. It's not going to be o.k. This is an everything bubble. Why is the gold price doing what it is, if there is not real reason to be concerned?

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4 hrs agoLiked by Quoth the Raven

In particular, the money for Ukraine is well spent. I fear that if Putin is not stopped, somewhere down the road it will be our kids or grandkids that will pay the price. Having traveled throughout the world, I can tell you the uniqueness of American culture. It is wonderful we can speak our minds. Other places that will get you jailed or killed.

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Joy and opportunity abound! 4 more years of this insanity should just about do it!

Ass hats like Majorkis and Biden should be hung in the town square.

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I wish I understood how Majorkis can live with himself. What an utter piece of scum.

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"...faux-intellectual academic bullshit squared,..."


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Stupidity for some, Cloward-Piven for others?

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