Every authoritarian regime through history has resorted to "book burning". Authoritarians clearly suffer from mental pathologies (e.g. pathological narcissism, sociopathy, psychopathy, psychosis and more no doubt), hence the repetitious behavior. They are diseased, incapable of interacting with human beings in a healthy, peaceful, tolerant manner. And those recurring societal afflictions have now deeply entrenched themselves in DC.

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"Turn on, tune in, and drop out" is increasingly relevant. Drop out from doom-scrolling and reading state-sponsored dogma, turn on and tune in to the things you can personally see and hear irl. And give your smartphone a Snowden before powering it on.

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Sounds like Bill Ghate$

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There are more psychopaths now since psychopaths breed psychopaths. Either that, or evil has settled over our land.

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Well except that this didn't just start a decade ago. Maybe it could be said that it started in earnest a decade ago? But even that is not quite correct. I think more correctly, the forever ongoing activities of the federal government on the information front, became glaringly obvious about a decade ago -- not four years ago. And I mean to the point where "the adults in the room" had to finally tell "the conspiracy theorists", some concession like, "well, maybe there is something to what you've been saying."

Then the absolute red-handed undeniable evidence could not be hidden any longer. Only then did people start to construct this story of "must have started about a decade ago." Yeah, no.

And it's only in slight retreat, using careful application of limited hangouts, until the major holes can be covered and it will continue indefinitely. As long as nobody can stop them, they will do it. In other words, as long as we have an unaccountable "security" apparatus like the CIA, it will continue.

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Pentagon Papers maybe?

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It's getting really bad, parallels with 1930's Germany.

It's engineered human mass hysteria, neatly observed by Charles MacKay in his 1841 book 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'. Should be a must read for everyone.

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I believe amateur (ham) radio will be the samizdat of our time.

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How does that work in practice? Since 99+% of the population do not have a ham radio, how does the population get the uncensored truth? Unless you can figure out a way to put a ham radio receiver in every smart phone, 99+% of the population will still be subject to hearing only “government approved” information.

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More like 99.999%. 🙄

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With Software Defined Radio (SDR), it wouldn’t be difficult to use a smartphone as a ham radio. Apps would proliferate as they did (still do) with smart phones. Ham radio can send & receive video as well as text and sound.

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How many people had a smart phone in 2005? How many people had an untraceable typewriter or copy machine in the Soviet Union?

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The censorship is predominately jews, censoring people who Notice the disproportionate influence jews have on open borders, LGBTQ+, financial crimes, and both political parties. They own 96% of traditional American media, and founded (with help from Mossad, Unit 8200 and the CIA) Google, Facebook and Amazon. Larry Rat Face Fink the CEO of Blackrock, brags that he influences anti-White hiring practices across the entire Fortune 1000, while the other jew at Bloomberg reports on it, with glee. America and the once White West is circling the drains thanks to jews, just ensuring it is noted.

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Don't forget to Vote!

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Because the narrative speaks to one half of the civil schism, it's not seen as a bad thing by them. However you always have to remember these weapons will belong to the other team when they get their turn at the plate.

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Is there a link in the above article to this most-important report?

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Uhhhh, the very first line of the article is a link….to the actual article at The Brownstone Institute

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lol figures I missed it 🤣

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Jeffrey Tucker 😊

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I read (maybe Pirate Wires) that a company is paying the poor in Argentina to scan their irises as the basis for creating a new type of financial platform. Of course, privacy and safety are assured. While I welcome a new stage of economic development in Argentina, the drastic transition could unleash new demons.

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