Enjoy the feeling while it lasts; there is a tremendous amount of work to be done in order for Trump’s victory to have any lasting positive impact. The Deep State will not give up and will resist with every means at their disposal, including violence, to avoid losing one iota of their power and influence.

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May I retort? This was no "landslide." Trump's 2024 raw vote margin was smaller than any popular vote winner since 2000, and the fifth-lowest since 1960. On a percentage basis, Trump's 2024 winning margin was the fourth smallest since 1960. W claimed he had a mandate in his re-election, but the votes were about 2% favorable towards him. The Electoral College that Trump dared to overturn four years ago is beyond the pale. He is a distinctly unctuous man. Let's agree that the swamp needs to be drained. What goes around comes around. Making more than ten thousand (or more) swamp people only increases the backlash we will endure, possibly every four years. That might be a good thing. Maybe not. Businesses or entrepreneurs want a solid foundation upon which to risk capital, and a flurry of changes every four years is not stability but chaos. As Luke Gromen says, Let's watch...

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I too have a "thank god it's over" feeling about the election.

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Great post. I feel like stepping away from social media myself but, sadly, it’s one of the necessary ways folks in business need to communicate. Hope you had a great holiday.

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Have you ever thought about hiring a social media manager? Sure, you'll still need to make sure the messaging is correct and on-brand that the social media manager posts. But there are ways to get your time back if you want to scale a business.

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Appreciate your comment; sorry for the delay in responding. A social media manager would be optimal, but my business is not yet at a state where I can take on someone else. Thank you! 🙏

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I completely understand. However, social media can become a shiny object if it is a distraction from finding ways to grow your business to make it profitable.

Social media is now a full-time job. Just be aware of the best ways to maximize your time to grow your business. Social media could be a shiny object due to the number of platforms now.

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I’m a retired IT guy, most of my career at IBM, an English major from way back (‘77), and your piece is exactly why I read Louis Lamour in my free time. Complete disengagement from politics, socials, cultural insanity… checking-out fur a few hours of brain rest…

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Other places politics, socials, cultural insanity don't exist: chess boards, jiu jitsu gyms. :)

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A palpable sense of relief would best describe my post election emotion. I was convinced that a win by the other administration would not just mean having to wait another four years, my fear was it could mean a permanent change to the way we are governed. Biden Harris et al was willing to make all sorts of structural changes, packing the court, eliminating the filibuster, Electoral College, DC as a state, state sponsored censorship, legislation through regulation. Listening to Rogan’s interview with Marc Andreessen made me realize I was only giving them half credit. Marc’s description of their plans, to control a select few large corporations and choke off any competing enterprises was chilling. What’s that system called again, you know, where the state controls the means of production? It’s on the tip of my tongue.

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Our world has changed due to Social Media...While many of us have come away form the election with a distrust in the Main Stream Media (thank you Trump 2015 Fake News) there are many who are fooled into believing that the "truth is out there" (sorry Moulder) and for now many are believing that Podcasts will now provide the Truth we all seek. Unfortunately there are a multitude of podcasts to choose from as there are websites to "Google" in the search for the ultimate Truth....But this requires time and work researching and who has time for that...many of us will land on a news source (is Joe Rogan news?) that supports our "confirmation bias" (a term developed by those who tell other people they are wrong because they dont follow their websites)...As a late in life Dad with 2 daughters in their early twenties it evokes feelings of sadness and disappointment at the same time....sad because they are not willing to really delve into a subject and disappointment to see how the internet has impacted their lives...We haven't even reached 4 weeks since the election and we are still hearing the Main Stream Media forecasting the same doom from Trump being in office as they did during the election cycle...proving once again that the definition of insanity still applies to those such as Joy Reid...

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I agree with you for a change

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Are you kidding me that we'd have the same outcome if KH won? So little memory of the last time Trump lost and him and his conspiracy-laden followers denied the results and later stormed the capital threatening to kill the vice president?

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I feel the same way. Certainly, it's a relief that Trump won. That's huge, but the election ended nothing. The same players are still in the game. But I do think there is a grass roots movement to undo the power of the progressive cult.

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Since I have been a political and public policy junkie for approximately 70 of my 82 years on earth ( at least in this incarnation) , I have not been able to separate myself as completely as you have, but directionally I am with you , although I would suffer withdrawal if I did not watch Gutfeld and Friends occasionally. Met Tyrus at a wonderful event last week and his comments concerning his early life and what he overcame had everyone in the audience enthralled. It certainly is relaxing to have a general sense of the direction of the country for the next few years, although the unk unks particularly with regard to geopolitics are still a cause for concern. Certainly feels great to somewhat catch up on my reading, developments in the sports arena and the many quarterly earnings calls which I can now listen to their archived versions.

The things I found most encouraging concerning the election outcome in addition to its decisive nature were the broad Trump voter coalition, its revelation of the complete echo chamber in which the MSM exists and the fact that alternative news sources ( think Substack and X) won the heats and minds of a majority of Americans as their primary source of news, and the fact that I now have some hope that the culture war and cancel culture have passed their peak and in effect yelling racist in a crowded theater no longer causes either panic or cows people. Good bye to DEI, ESG, and climate hysteria in their current destructive form.

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I love Gutfeld. Watters makes me laugh just as much though, too. He’s got great delivery.

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Peace of mind or just cessation of the constant election bombardment of drivel. Somehow our number one priority should be to shorten the electioneering from three plus years to 90 days. Canada has drastically shortened their electioneering by law; resulting, no doubt, in a lot more bass fishing (a more productive enterprise). Dinosaur that I am, I do not, and never have, participated in social media propaganda. As a result, I did not miss anything and my life is centered locally. Much better outcome for me!!!!

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Landslide - all 3 branches of government - hope that helps the people in denial

I am also enjoying the peace.

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That's what I was referring to - and/or electoral college. But as always nice to have you here in the comments Brandy :)

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Although, I have a sneaky feeling the next four years of my life will contain an increased number of conversations from a left-leaning “independent” friend of mine that had mysteriously been quieter the last 4 years - excluding a number of TDS outbursts during the election cycle and during Jan 6 related news cycles 😒

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