There can be no counter culture in this current banana republic, the sheeple have not fully woken up, or felt enough pain.
There is no savior coming to restore common sense. No RFK, No Orange man, or Carlson can’t fix the damage that has been lay upon us.
Even now the Matrix/ Deep S tate is working relentlessly to find “solutions” to make us drive less, use less energy, eat less meat, eat more bugs, get your booster, to lock us down again. All in our best interest... of course.
Unfortunately, I believe the next 16-24 months will bring unfathomable amount of pain.
An what makes it unfortunate is that our overlords will use the pain to implement their “solutions”, that the sheeple will be grateful for it, at first.
Common sense will not be returning in time save us. This time, we’re on our own.
Agree...Only we can save ourselves. (see my comment ) We ARE the strong people who might create good times. We are NOT going to just walk into their 'cattle cars'...we must organize for the GoOD fight...which BTW does not have to be violent. Genius is our ultimate weapon...we only have to tap into it collectively. Face to face, word of mouth only to spread the plan. Find like minds and organize!
The only thing I disagree with is that the pain could last for 5-7 years and resemble the scene in Margin Call, Senior Partners meeting, . "We could be left holding the biggest bag of ..."
This is part of the propagandizing that's happened. It was intentional and it happened over a much longer period of time than "covid" They have taught younger people that the one and only "proof" that could ever validate anything with finality was a "scientific" "study" presented in an "academic" "peer reviewed" "journal article." Everything else, they were taught, was nothing more than personal opinion and bias. It's science as religion: Scientism.
The Science says don't believe your lying eyes or your thermometer: things are not actually getting worse, the average person has more stuff than ever; and it's not a normal summer day, it's the hottest day in earth's history. Don't you dare use logic or common sense - you're just a flawed person, not a scientist or a "doctor!"
This is of course factually, logically, and morally bankrupt. Science does not have absolute answers and cannot answer the important questions. Science is never final and never offers final answers.
Science is amoral and is nothing more than a process. It does not deliver truth, it delivers information that has been recorded and compared to other information. Literally, that's all it delivers.
The way out of this mess is for people to re-learn how to think like detectives at a crime scene. My grandparents' generation was great at this. Gather evidence, use logic to determine what is true, and make a case or decision. Even among normies I see the tendency to wait for some sort of scientific expert to declare the obvious truth valid. Think of the lab leak vs. natural origins argument. Logically and probabilistically, the natural origins theory should never have been taken seriously. It was laughably ridiculous from the start - and yet no one is willing to say this, even among normies. Ditto, masks, lockdowns, and "vaccines." Suddenly, it was like "oh we never thought about putting something on our faces." Yes, we had, and we didn't b/c it didn't work. And we've tried for 100 years to create this type of vaccine and failed...but this time...
It was a psychological experiment and was a tremendous success for the globalists, the ultimate goal is a borderless world run by unelected leaders. The masses are assuming that our elected leaders are protecting them, but the reality is that the majority of our leaders are complicit, compromised and unprincipled.
Yes, a “borderless world” but within this borderless world there are borders defined by QR Jew Stars and 15 Minute Cities. They want to redraw the maps: erase borders defined by culture and nationality, and redraw borders defined by ‘zones of interest.’ Hitler and Stalin already pioneered this concept. I’m visiting Russian right now and all Russians carry a thick clumsy INTERNAL passport instead of a credit card sized ID card, a remnant from the Stalinist era (look it up) that was of course never abolished by WEF “opponent” Putin. In GUM, the famous department store near the Red Square they have still posters saying “vaccinate against Covid 19” and in many shops, banks and airports you still see ‘disinfectant’ dispensers. Of course you don’t read this on ZeroclueHedge because 99,999% of the Tylers or the people in the comment section have never been to Russia.
This is war. Most people think the bad guys are just confused, but they are not and they are out to destroy what’s left of the USA. The left is killing us and iif we don’t forcibly stop them, we are done.
"Covid was a killer. The evidence is clear. SARS-CoV-2 was a scientifically devised virus designed to kill."
That is a completely unfounded statement that has ZERO factual or scientific backing. My personal position is that, at this point, only a non-thinking idiot believes that the coronahoax was real.
I am going to need the good Dr. Grenda to a "killer virus" that was scientifically "designed to kill" had the exact same symptoms of the common flu, the exact same "mortality" rate as the common flu, the same at risk demographics of the common flu, and how the common flu was all of a sudden non-existent during the coronahoax. Why did tons and tons of the vaccinated people get sick with "covid"...........just the same way people who go get the flu shot end up
getting the flu?
I need him to explain for me why I needed a PCR test to even know I was infected by this "killer." Otherwise, for the entirety of my life, we would have said, "I've got the flu." I need him to explain why the Nobel prize winner that invented the PCR test, Kerry Mullins, laughed and scoffed at the idea his test could be used to determine an illness like a viral infection. Why did goats, papayas, and a can of Coke test "positive" for covid?
I need him to explain for me that, if there are billions and billions of these teeny-tiny "things" in me......because it requires billions of them to "kill" me......why they can't find them. Why do they have a test that looks for DNA material left behind by the virus.......rather than the virus itself? Why the killer virus, that traveled "around the world in 80 days," has never been seen in reality, much less ever isolated.
I need him to explain to me where the deadliest, killer, lab-created, virus went. Since it is able to mutate at the speed of light, overcome any slightest weakness in an immune system, and is obviously the equivalent of a single celled "Superman," and since over half the population was never vaccinated, and most never got sick, where did it go?
If no one would have told us there was a scamdemic, would we have even known?
This will be off the concrete topic of this issue of your Substack newsletter, but I am just listening to your last podcast from 1st of July 2023. So you seem to be surprised why the stock market is going up despite the fact that the FED is increasing rates.
I believe the answer lies in the things you will hear on this interview:
Liquidity has returned to the markets. The FED does the exact same thing what the BOE did after the GILTS crisis in 2022. Except, the BOE did not have that many facilities to hide their QE as the FED does. The FED has bond buyback programs, alphabet soup bailout facilities, daisy chain QE, all kinds of tricks to be able to add liquidity to the markets while maintaining the show of increasing rates and thereby constraining liquidity.
This is so evident now, that even M2 is on the rise again:
So, no, there will be no crash in the stock market. We will have one ATH after the other, especially in the NASDAQ space. Also, this will facilitate a nice recovery in energy prices, too and eventually inflation will pick up again too. As for recession - you could very easily make the argument that the US economy has been in a recession since 2008 continuously. For instance, primary energy supply has been flatline while the population has been increasing (thus per capita energy consumption is sinking) since 2008.
”Trump’s role in undermining the moral status of common sense included serious misjudgments. Ceding far too much power to task forces and bureaucracies was among them. As was blowing up the federal budget. And obviously pimping the injections.”
Since QTR is primarily a financial Substack, I’m quite surprised how easily the author ignores Trump’s financial neo-communism in the form of Stimmy Checks and PPP Loans to finance those ridiculous lockdowns in the first place. All of this of course AGAIN ‘coincidentally’ played right into the hands of the WEF. Trump has laid the foundation for more UBI-style ‘interventions’ for the next ‘crisis’ which is being cooked up by our unelected Globalist Leaders as we speak.
Isn’t it time to admit the truth that Trump was just a WEF puppet and a conman who could hide his cons better than the average politician?
And not just with regards to the economy, but also regarding the BS claim that “at least he didn’t start any wars.” One-Termer and Placeholder Trump was instrumental in setting up the current mess with Russia and Ukraine; 1) cancelling the INF missile treaty with Russia 2) cancelling the OpenSkies Treaty with Russia 3) proudly bragging about sending Javelins to Ukraine 4) cancelling the JCPOA Deal with Iran 5) giving Israel carte blanche 6) “we’re keeping the oil” in Syria.
Trump boasting on Twatter about sending Javelins and ‘doing far more than previous Administrations:’
“...(Democrats said I never met) and released the military aid to Ukraine without any conditions or investigations - and far ahead of schedule. I also allowed Ukraine to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles. My Administration has done far more than the previous Administration”
I’m visiting Russian right now and so much for that ‘Putin is fighting the WEF’ psyop that is pumped on websites like ZeroclueHedge. Putin is pumped in the exact same was as they pumped Trump by the way: “blah blah 3-D chess,” “blah blah trust the plan” etcetera.
I visited GUM yesterday, the famous department store near the Red Square, and they have still posters saying “vaccinate against Covid 19” (see the link to my Note below) on the entrance doors. Of course you don’t read this on ZeroclueHedge because 99,999% of the Tylers nor the morons in the comment section travel to Russia or can find Russia on a map:
I was on ZH for 11 years, and Tyler banned me for a disagreement over something that jackass Michael Hartnett posted in an article. I had over 55,000 votes. On that particular post I had 32 up votes and was the most popular comment on the thread. He deleted my post and the 5 comments I had on that post.
So I am well aware of the situation over at ZH. That being said, I like Putin. Not because I think he is some true freedom loving leader, as I imagine Thomas Jefferson to be. The main reason I like him is because he has the balls to tell the West, "Nyet." And they can't do crap about it. I also think he pretty much keeps his word. But I am under no illusion regarding his world view of politics. I just appreciate that he gives the neocons in DC a moment of pause.
It's all China. They did not like Trump and could not stand 4 more years of him - so release the COVID.
They want to dumb down our next generations - release Tik Tok.
Let's turn the US against each other - make being Transgender the new cool thing and if you don't embrace it - you are a white supremacist.
If you took any average US citizen from 10 years ago and let them watch the news of 2023 - they would be "WTF". Trans movement, kids chopping off their sex organs, drag queen shows in schools, homeless populations, the open border, the crime with no punishments, drug use, killing cows because of their farts, eating bugs.
Whether it is the deep state / WEF / China - they have done an incredible job of making people stupid.
We need to have a civil war and let the crazies have their own country and watch it burn.
It amazes me you can be such a shallow thinker at this point in the game. China didn't like Chump, so they released the coronahoax?........on themselves? LMAO
Released it on themselves.......because hundreds of thousands of Chinese don't travel to the US every year?...........because you have no way to transport a submicroscopic biological agent?.....because releasing it IN the US in a secretive way is just impossible? You, my friend, have a limited imagination and clearly no understanding of the capabilities in the 21st century.
Of course if you did, that would mean your theory was ridiculous and Chump never was really all that, wouldn't it? And that would be a huge blow to your man-crush, wouldn't it?
China? WEF? Deep State? Really?
Let me simplify it for you, even though you are not going to like it. The number one "organization," "entity," where blame can be placed for the current condition of this country, is the commie, public school system and the parents (probably like you) that sent them there to be indoctrinated that they are their own god and can determine what is right and what is wrong.......and that the most important thing in life is getting some moar money.
It only gets worse from here. You think you have seen the "WTF" scenario? Then you are a light weight when it comes to understanding the depths of the wickedness of humanity.
"The task before us now is one of building the counterculture of equal moral status in the face of the sophistry which will most surely continue."
Rather I would say the task is finding a way to join together those who (only since 2020) appear to be 'counterculture'...WE ARE, AND HAVE BEEN THE COMMON SENSE, MORAL CULTURE. The numbers of people who were piped pippered into woke insanity are large but NOT as large as they want us to believe. Their divide and conquer strategy has worked ....another boxed ticked by the globalist's covid plandemic...and our challenge is to find our moral common sense people of any and no religion and join forces. IF we don't, they win. (Here's an excellent interview laying out this as the bottom line: hard to face...but common sense adults will take up the good fight vs. the rose colored wearing hippie think crowd who will say 'It's all are so negative...get away! are ruining my bliss." (Yes, the social psych op started in the 60's.)
Not sure I'm completely understanding your comment but ...I'm referring to recent history 1900 > Common sense was the norm...hence 'common'. That is no longer the case. The Left has lost every last crashing the culture is the goal of the globalists.
I am saying it goes way deeper than that.......and I think proof is how stupid it and everybody has gotten in such a short amount of time.
What's the moral compass of the world? Common sense? Humanity is in denial.......denial of the fundamental principles of life as given by God. We are screaming at God that we know better than He does. The louder we yell, the uglier it gets.
Morality was not developed by mankind. When left to his own morality, the average man has the morals of a 4 balled tom cat. The moral code of humanity came from the Creator Himself. Deviation from that moral code, leads us down the path we are on now. When you think you know best, it is only a matter of time and the worst comes out.
Want proof? Give me one moral principle on which God is wrong. Demonstrate where man has improved on God's moral code. The fact that morality exist in humanity is proof of the existence of God.
I agree with you ! but I have a different take on it. In my view...We are here for soul growth. Each of us has the kingdom of GoOD within. Given free will to choose between GoOD & dEVIL. Our common sense is the voice of the Divine Spark /Holy Spirit/ Kingdom of GoOD within... there as the children of GOD to give us guidance. When we ignore it and each time we choose the bad over good the harder it is to hear the guidance. The more people make choices that are lacking love/no care or empathy for others, the more the corruption, the more the world goes off the rails. And here we are.
Trump had to follow the Administrative State dictates or he would have been impeached and possibly imprisoned for killing tens of thousands of Americans because he “didn’t follow the science”. Convince me I’m wrong.
Whatever you have to tell yourself so you don't feel like a duped dumbass for voting for him.....twice.
And if you imagine that Chump is in real legal jeopardy, then you are not paying attention. The man lives a life of wealth and opulence only experienced by the .01% of the world, and you think I should be concerned?
If you had of been a real man, he would have "watered the Tree of Liberty." Instead, he threw around insults like a jr high punkass kid.
We all know that is what needs to be done. Do you see anyone on the field with the balls to make that call?
The issue with Trump for a lot of us is that he continued to say AFTER he was out office that the 'shot is good, you should take it'. Alex Jones challenged him to look at the data and reconsider his opinion and Trump's response was 'DON'T bring me any anti-vaxers claims again...I don't want to hear it." This position meant that this die hard followers are still IGNORING the fact that his influence and trust in him is just adding to the deaths and injuries. That blood is on his hands. His position could/should have been. "I listened to dictates forced on me regarding Covid (assuming this was true) in office but NOW YOU must do the research the data is showing dangerous outcomes...I can't recommend it."
I see this as a separate issue. ANY person who is being mistreated by the system needs to be supported no matter if you like them our not. I'm not a fan of Trump now, in spite of his achievements, but we all need to stand for a fair and just system. Side note: The day that Alex Jones was banned I said to my IT guy, "IF this holds it will be the beginning of the end of free speech". His 30 year old woke response, "I hate AJ so I'm glad." I pointed out to him that 'hating' wasn't the issue. "If you don't like him, don't listen...this is America". Had EVERY single person of influence screamed at the top of their lungs, rather than trying to distance themselves from AJ, so afraid that supporting his right to speak would have been twisted into loving everything he said, we wouldn't be where we are today.
So basically you admit that Trump was a fraud and just says things ‘to stay out of trouble?’ So please share with us: how will he EVER drain the swamp then?
As we saw during his first term: Trump will say/lie about anything to get elected, and then he will say/lie about anything to please the DoJ, the MIC, Big Pharma, Wall Street, the neocons and the ultra Zionists.
How did ANYONE expect him to ‘drain’ the swamp by hiring Pompeo, Haspel, Elliott Abrams (a convicted war criminal), John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Gina Haspel, Jay Powell, Larry-cocaine-Kudlow, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx etc?
Oh wait, it was “3-D chess” right? To ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer,’ right?
Is that why he was so successful in ‘draining’ the swamp? /sarc
I wouldn't call a virus with a less than 1% mortality rate on the average designed to kill. Designed to scare people into getting the clot shot which if properly served up cold is designed to kill for sure.
Every protocol of the Nuremburg protocols were violated. After 1945 doctors hung for that sort of thing.
There can be no counter culture in this current banana republic, the sheeple have not fully woken up, or felt enough pain.
There is no savior coming to restore common sense. No RFK, No Orange man, or Carlson can’t fix the damage that has been lay upon us.
Even now the Matrix/ Deep S tate is working relentlessly to find “solutions” to make us drive less, use less energy, eat less meat, eat more bugs, get your booster, to lock us down again. All in our best interest... of course.
Unfortunately, I believe the next 16-24 months will bring unfathomable amount of pain.
An what makes it unfortunate is that our overlords will use the pain to implement their “solutions”, that the sheeple will be grateful for it, at first.
Common sense will not be returning in time save us. This time, we’re on our own.
Good times creates weak people.
Weak people creates the hard times.
Hard times creates the strong people.
Strong people creates the good times.
Agree...Only we can save ourselves. (see my comment ) We ARE the strong people who might create good times. We are NOT going to just walk into their 'cattle cars'...we must organize for the GoOD fight...which BTW does not have to be violent. Genius is our ultimate weapon...we only have to tap into it collectively. Face to face, word of mouth only to spread the plan. Find like minds and organize!
The only thing I disagree with is that the pain could last for 5-7 years and resemble the scene in Margin Call, Senior Partners meeting, . "We could be left holding the biggest bag of ..."
This is part of the propagandizing that's happened. It was intentional and it happened over a much longer period of time than "covid" They have taught younger people that the one and only "proof" that could ever validate anything with finality was a "scientific" "study" presented in an "academic" "peer reviewed" "journal article." Everything else, they were taught, was nothing more than personal opinion and bias. It's science as religion: Scientism.
The Science says don't believe your lying eyes or your thermometer: things are not actually getting worse, the average person has more stuff than ever; and it's not a normal summer day, it's the hottest day in earth's history. Don't you dare use logic or common sense - you're just a flawed person, not a scientist or a "doctor!"
This is of course factually, logically, and morally bankrupt. Science does not have absolute answers and cannot answer the important questions. Science is never final and never offers final answers.
Science is amoral and is nothing more than a process. It does not deliver truth, it delivers information that has been recorded and compared to other information. Literally, that's all it delivers.
The way out of this mess is for people to re-learn how to think like detectives at a crime scene. My grandparents' generation was great at this. Gather evidence, use logic to determine what is true, and make a case or decision. Even among normies I see the tendency to wait for some sort of scientific expert to declare the obvious truth valid. Think of the lab leak vs. natural origins argument. Logically and probabilistically, the natural origins theory should never have been taken seriously. It was laughably ridiculous from the start - and yet no one is willing to say this, even among normies. Ditto, masks, lockdowns, and "vaccines." Suddenly, it was like "oh we never thought about putting something on our faces." Yes, we had, and we didn't b/c it didn't work. And we've tried for 100 years to create this type of vaccine and failed...but this time...
It was a psychological experiment and was a tremendous success for the globalists, the ultimate goal is a borderless world run by unelected leaders. The masses are assuming that our elected leaders are protecting them, but the reality is that the majority of our leaders are complicit, compromised and unprincipled.
Yes, a “borderless world” but within this borderless world there are borders defined by QR Jew Stars and 15 Minute Cities. They want to redraw the maps: erase borders defined by culture and nationality, and redraw borders defined by ‘zones of interest.’ Hitler and Stalin already pioneered this concept. I’m visiting Russian right now and all Russians carry a thick clumsy INTERNAL passport instead of a credit card sized ID card, a remnant from the Stalinist era (look it up) that was of course never abolished by WEF “opponent” Putin. In GUM, the famous department store near the Red Square they have still posters saying “vaccinate against Covid 19” and in many shops, banks and airports you still see ‘disinfectant’ dispensers. Of course you don’t read this on ZeroclueHedge because 99,999% of the Tylers or the people in the comment section have never been to Russia.
This is war. Most people think the bad guys are just confused, but they are not and they are out to destroy what’s left of the USA. The left is killing us and iif we don’t forcibly stop them, we are done.
Central Bank Digital Currency/Digital ID card will be the end of individual liberty.
"Covid was a killer. The evidence is clear. SARS-CoV-2 was a scientifically devised virus designed to kill."
That is a completely unfounded statement that has ZERO factual or scientific backing. My personal position is that, at this point, only a non-thinking idiot believes that the coronahoax was real.
I am going to need the good Dr. Grenda to a "killer virus" that was scientifically "designed to kill" had the exact same symptoms of the common flu, the exact same "mortality" rate as the common flu, the same at risk demographics of the common flu, and how the common flu was all of a sudden non-existent during the coronahoax. Why did tons and tons of the vaccinated people get sick with "covid"...........just the same way people who go get the flu shot end up
getting the flu?
I need him to explain for me why I needed a PCR test to even know I was infected by this "killer." Otherwise, for the entirety of my life, we would have said, "I've got the flu." I need him to explain why the Nobel prize winner that invented the PCR test, Kerry Mullins, laughed and scoffed at the idea his test could be used to determine an illness like a viral infection. Why did goats, papayas, and a can of Coke test "positive" for covid?
I need him to explain for me that, if there are billions and billions of these teeny-tiny "things" in me......because it requires billions of them to "kill" me......why they can't find them. Why do they have a test that looks for DNA material left behind by the virus.......rather than the virus itself? Why the killer virus, that traveled "around the world in 80 days," has never been seen in reality, much less ever isolated.
I need him to explain to me where the deadliest, killer, lab-created, virus went. Since it is able to mutate at the speed of light, overcome any slightest weakness in an immune system, and is obviously the equivalent of a single celled "Superman," and since over half the population was never vaccinated, and most never got sick, where did it go?
If no one would have told us there was a scamdemic, would we have even known?
This will be off the concrete topic of this issue of your Substack newsletter, but I am just listening to your last podcast from 1st of July 2023. So you seem to be surprised why the stock market is going up despite the fact that the FED is increasing rates.
I believe the answer lies in the things you will hear on this interview:
Liquidity has returned to the markets. The FED does the exact same thing what the BOE did after the GILTS crisis in 2022. Except, the BOE did not have that many facilities to hide their QE as the FED does. The FED has bond buyback programs, alphabet soup bailout facilities, daisy chain QE, all kinds of tricks to be able to add liquidity to the markets while maintaining the show of increasing rates and thereby constraining liquidity.
This is so evident now, that even M2 is on the rise again:
So, no, there will be no crash in the stock market. We will have one ATH after the other, especially in the NASDAQ space. Also, this will facilitate a nice recovery in energy prices, too and eventually inflation will pick up again too. As for recession - you could very easily make the argument that the US economy has been in a recession since 2008 continuously. For instance, primary energy supply has been flatline while the population has been increasing (thus per capita energy consumption is sinking) since 2008.
”Trump’s role in undermining the moral status of common sense included serious misjudgments. Ceding far too much power to task forces and bureaucracies was among them. As was blowing up the federal budget. And obviously pimping the injections.”
Since QTR is primarily a financial Substack, I’m quite surprised how easily the author ignores Trump’s financial neo-communism in the form of Stimmy Checks and PPP Loans to finance those ridiculous lockdowns in the first place. All of this of course AGAIN ‘coincidentally’ played right into the hands of the WEF. Trump has laid the foundation for more UBI-style ‘interventions’ for the next ‘crisis’ which is being cooked up by our unelected Globalist Leaders as we speak.
Isn’t it time to admit the truth that Trump was just a WEF puppet and a conman who could hide his cons better than the average politician?
It is way past time to call that silver spoon, New Yawker, jackass, the conman he is.
And not just with regards to the economy, but also regarding the BS claim that “at least he didn’t start any wars.” One-Termer and Placeholder Trump was instrumental in setting up the current mess with Russia and Ukraine; 1) cancelling the INF missile treaty with Russia 2) cancelling the OpenSkies Treaty with Russia 3) proudly bragging about sending Javelins to Ukraine 4) cancelling the JCPOA Deal with Iran 5) giving Israel carte blanche 6) “we’re keeping the oil” in Syria.
Trump boasting on Twatter about sending Javelins and ‘doing far more than previous Administrations:’
“...(Democrats said I never met) and released the military aid to Ukraine without any conditions or investigations - and far ahead of schedule. I also allowed Ukraine to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles. My Administration has done far more than the previous Administration”
Very good points.
Anyone who thinks this Russian/Ukrainian thing just started in 2022 is not paying attention.
I’m visiting Russian right now and so much for that ‘Putin is fighting the WEF’ psyop that is pumped on websites like ZeroclueHedge. Putin is pumped in the exact same was as they pumped Trump by the way: “blah blah 3-D chess,” “blah blah trust the plan” etcetera.
I visited GUM yesterday, the famous department store near the Red Square, and they have still posters saying “vaccinate against Covid 19” (see the link to my Note below) on the entrance doors. Of course you don’t read this on ZeroclueHedge because 99,999% of the Tylers nor the morons in the comment section travel to Russia or can find Russia on a map:
I was on ZH for 11 years, and Tyler banned me for a disagreement over something that jackass Michael Hartnett posted in an article. I had over 55,000 votes. On that particular post I had 32 up votes and was the most popular comment on the thread. He deleted my post and the 5 comments I had on that post.
So I am well aware of the situation over at ZH. That being said, I like Putin. Not because I think he is some true freedom loving leader, as I imagine Thomas Jefferson to be. The main reason I like him is because he has the balls to tell the West, "Nyet." And they can't do crap about it. I also think he pretty much keeps his word. But I am under no illusion regarding his world view of politics. I just appreciate that he gives the neocons in DC a moment of pause.
It's all China. They did not like Trump and could not stand 4 more years of him - so release the COVID.
They want to dumb down our next generations - release Tik Tok.
Let's turn the US against each other - make being Transgender the new cool thing and if you don't embrace it - you are a white supremacist.
If you took any average US citizen from 10 years ago and let them watch the news of 2023 - they would be "WTF". Trans movement, kids chopping off their sex organs, drag queen shows in schools, homeless populations, the open border, the crime with no punishments, drug use, killing cows because of their farts, eating bugs.
Whether it is the deep state / WEF / China - they have done an incredible job of making people stupid.
We need to have a civil war and let the crazies have their own country and watch it burn.
It amazes me you can be such a shallow thinker at this point in the game. China didn't like Chump, so they released the coronahoax?........on themselves? LMAO
Released it on themselves.......because hundreds of thousands of Chinese don't travel to the US every year?...........because you have no way to transport a submicroscopic biological agent?.....because releasing it IN the US in a secretive way is just impossible? You, my friend, have a limited imagination and clearly no understanding of the capabilities in the 21st century.
Of course if you did, that would mean your theory was ridiculous and Chump never was really all that, wouldn't it? And that would be a huge blow to your man-crush, wouldn't it?
China? WEF? Deep State? Really?
Let me simplify it for you, even though you are not going to like it. The number one "organization," "entity," where blame can be placed for the current condition of this country, is the commie, public school system and the parents (probably like you) that sent them there to be indoctrinated that they are their own god and can determine what is right and what is wrong.......and that the most important thing in life is getting some moar money.
It only gets worse from here. You think you have seen the "WTF" scenario? Then you are a light weight when it comes to understanding the depths of the wickedness of humanity.
"The task before us now is one of building the counterculture of equal moral status in the face of the sophistry which will most surely continue."
Rather I would say the task is finding a way to join together those who (only since 2020) appear to be 'counterculture'...WE ARE, AND HAVE BEEN THE COMMON SENSE, MORAL CULTURE. The numbers of people who were piped pippered into woke insanity are large but NOT as large as they want us to believe. Their divide and conquer strategy has worked ....another boxed ticked by the globalist's covid plandemic...and our challenge is to find our moral common sense people of any and no religion and join forces. IF we don't, they win. (Here's an excellent interview laying out this as the bottom line: hard to face...but common sense adults will take up the good fight vs. the rose colored wearing hippie think crowd who will say 'It's all are so negative...get away! are ruining my bliss." (Yes, the social psych op started in the 60's.)
What is the foundation of you "counterculture of equal moral status"?
If it is nothing more than yourself, then the only difference between you and the "other side" is just a matter of time.
Not sure I'm completely understanding your comment but ...I'm referring to recent history 1900 > Common sense was the norm...hence 'common'. That is no longer the case. The Left has lost every last crashing the culture is the goal of the globalists.
I am saying it goes way deeper than that.......and I think proof is how stupid it and everybody has gotten in such a short amount of time.
What's the moral compass of the world? Common sense? Humanity is in denial.......denial of the fundamental principles of life as given by God. We are screaming at God that we know better than He does. The louder we yell, the uglier it gets.
Morality was not developed by mankind. When left to his own morality, the average man has the morals of a 4 balled tom cat. The moral code of humanity came from the Creator Himself. Deviation from that moral code, leads us down the path we are on now. When you think you know best, it is only a matter of time and the worst comes out.
Want proof? Give me one moral principle on which God is wrong. Demonstrate where man has improved on God's moral code. The fact that morality exist in humanity is proof of the existence of God.
I agree with you ! but I have a different take on it. In my view...We are here for soul growth. Each of us has the kingdom of GoOD within. Given free will to choose between GoOD & dEVIL. Our common sense is the voice of the Divine Spark /Holy Spirit/ Kingdom of GoOD within... there as the children of GOD to give us guidance. When we ignore it and each time we choose the bad over good the harder it is to hear the guidance. The more people make choices that are lacking love/no care or empathy for others, the more the corruption, the more the world goes off the rails. And here we are.
Trump had to follow the Administrative State dictates or he would have been impeached and possibly imprisoned for killing tens of thousands of Americans because he “didn’t follow the science”. Convince me I’m wrong.
Whatever you have to tell yourself so you don't feel like a duped dumbass for voting for him.....twice.
And if you imagine that Chump is in real legal jeopardy, then you are not paying attention. The man lives a life of wealth and opulence only experienced by the .01% of the world, and you think I should be concerned?
If you had of been a real man, he would have "watered the Tree of Liberty." Instead, he threw around insults like a jr high punkass kid.
We all know that is what needs to be done. Do you see anyone on the field with the balls to make that call?
Me neither.
The issue with Trump for a lot of us is that he continued to say AFTER he was out office that the 'shot is good, you should take it'. Alex Jones challenged him to look at the data and reconsider his opinion and Trump's response was 'DON'T bring me any anti-vaxers claims again...I don't want to hear it." This position meant that this die hard followers are still IGNORING the fact that his influence and trust in him is just adding to the deaths and injuries. That blood is on his hands. His position could/should have been. "I listened to dictates forced on me regarding Covid (assuming this was true) in office but NOW YOU must do the research the data is showing dangerous outcomes...I can't recommend it."
I agree with your assessment. But as we have seen recently, being out of office hasn’t removed Trump from legal jeopardy.
I see this as a separate issue. ANY person who is being mistreated by the system needs to be supported no matter if you like them our not. I'm not a fan of Trump now, in spite of his achievements, but we all need to stand for a fair and just system. Side note: The day that Alex Jones was banned I said to my IT guy, "IF this holds it will be the beginning of the end of free speech". His 30 year old woke response, "I hate AJ so I'm glad." I pointed out to him that 'hating' wasn't the issue. "If you don't like him, don't listen...this is America". Had EVERY single person of influence screamed at the top of their lungs, rather than trying to distance themselves from AJ, so afraid that supporting his right to speak would have been twisted into loving everything he said, we wouldn't be where we are today.
So basically you admit that Trump was a fraud and just says things ‘to stay out of trouble?’ So please share with us: how will he EVER drain the swamp then?
As we saw during his first term: Trump will say/lie about anything to get elected, and then he will say/lie about anything to please the DoJ, the MIC, Big Pharma, Wall Street, the neocons and the ultra Zionists.
How did ANYONE expect him to ‘drain’ the swamp by hiring Pompeo, Haspel, Elliott Abrams (a convicted war criminal), John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Gina Haspel, Jay Powell, Larry-cocaine-Kudlow, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx etc?
Oh wait, it was “3-D chess” right? To ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer,’ right?
Is that why he was so successful in ‘draining’ the swamp? /sarc
I wouldn't call a virus with a less than 1% mortality rate on the average designed to kill. Designed to scare people into getting the clot shot which if properly served up cold is designed to kill for sure.
Every protocol of the Nuremburg protocols were violated. After 1945 doctors hung for that sort of thing.
no common sense in subscribing to this blog. run by fools who try to sound like they know something the rest of us don't.