great explaination for the ponzi economy

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How perfectly and simply stated. My cheers for the author.


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A very well-written article. And think about what happens to all the banks holding government debt as capital...

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Ah.... Most important is that due to the rise of IR many GREEN projects are being abandoned and this simply is not allowed under the shadow of the PROPAGANDA surrounding CLIMATE CRISIS... So yes, They have to start and reduce IR or else the mobs of MMS will not enjoy the GREEN 2030 🤑

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No doubt that years of QQE, ZIRP, NIRP and so on helped to create the base for money paper inflation... BUT these morons always and deliberately NEVER refer to the effect of OPERATION COVIDIUS (OC) on the inflation of prices for goods/services... Pack OC with sanctions against Russia and there you have the perfect excuse to SCREW and EXTRACT even more WEALTH from the herds of modern moron slaves. What a stupid bunch we ALL are.

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