I'm not sure how much things have changed. The democratic party has ALWAYS been the party of institutional racism. But since they control education, most students have been taught that republicans are the racists. But it is democrats who fought in the civil war to KEEP slavery, and republicans who fought to end it. It is democrats who, having lost the civil war, formed the KKK to terrorize freed slaves into submission. Enactment and enforcement of Jim Crow laws? Democrats. "Separate but equal' racism? Democrat.

The 1960s civil rights movement, led by MLK, had proportionally more support from republican leaders than democrat. All the big names in bigotry of the time, George Wallace, Orvill Faubus, Lester Maddox, Bull Connor, etc were elected DEMOCRATS. And, no, Nixon did not have a Southern Strategy to bring the KKK into the republican party. That's another lie that democrat historians tell. Southerners, black and white, who were fed up with Dixiecrat racism abandoned the democratic party and went to the republican party. The KKK members remained democrats, but the democratic party lost control of the south.

Fast forward to right now. Every black ghetto is ruled by democrats. Every cop in those ghettos that has killed or mistreated blacks was hired by DEMOCRATS.

With what I'm saying here, some might conclude that I am a republican partisan. That would be an incorrect conclusion. I detest BOTH parties. But it is a testament to the absolute control that the democratic party has over our schools and our media, that so many people have no clue about the sick, perverted history of institutional racism that IS the democratic PARTY.

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“The party that once dominated Woodstock and advocated for peace, civil rights, race relations, freedom of expression and freedom of...well, anything you wanted to do.”

Chances are, none of it was actually’organic’.


As Fergus O’Connor Greenwood wrote in 180 Degrees:

“You need to at least be open to the possibility that everything you’ve been taught, is a lie”.

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Amen, Moody. The girl who doesn’t know why she’s protesting is probably no worse than me mail-ordering a che guevara shirt 40 (ouch!) years ago. Kids are dumb and passionate and easily misled.

And it’s not so surprising that the ‘good’ party has gone bad- they’ve been in cahoots for over a century and it’s just the dem’s turn to be the evil empire. Watch what’s going on in the background (fed vs treasury) for the real news.

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Indeed. Well over a century for sure. And likely much longer than that.

The FED is going to lose the battle IMO. Fake job #s. Fake GDP. Fake CPI. (I’m anticipating a miraculous lower print upcoming). And soon we will be hearing about a huge drop in illegals coming in. All planned long ago to force (or maybe provide) the FED a reason to cut, despite inflation. All to try and put Obama on a glide path to a 4th term.

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And if they don't get the 4th Obama term, they will dump the ultimate financial disaster into DJT's lap.

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At the risk of triggering everyone here, do I recall that DJT ran a pretty big deficit 6-10 years into an economic expansion or am I misremembering. Unfortunately, neither party gives two shits about fiscal conservatism anymore. Both appear to be populist spending platforms battling on social issues and where to spend the money (as opposed to whether to spend).

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You remember correctly. DJT ran huge deficits - particularly when C-19 hit. That does not excuse Biden going totally hog-wild afterward, though. Biden's C-19 stimulus was totally unnecessary, and Biden's extra spending was actually enough to reverse the 40 year trend of declining interest rates.

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Yeah, I think its fair to say Dems completely whiffed on COVID and the responses. Both health wise and monetarily.

Suppose some will show states that had lower deaths per capita but I am skeptical of the data. Also think there were other health issues not accounted for. But now I have digressed.

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Also don’t believe that Fergus O’Conner Greenwood wrote that book. He was born in 1875 and hanged himself in 1929. So whoever authored it wanted to hide his own identity, the ultimate joke on the readers, who he is telling don’t believe what you think you know.

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Right. It’s his writers name. He’s not really hiding his identity. He’s done numerous interviews and given over a hundred live presentations.

So…9/11 was a bunch of crazed Arabs flying planes? Ok then.

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I saw this 20 years ago with every "progressive" I grew up with had a streak of authoritarianism in them. Everything felt "wrong" in that Twilight Zone kind of way. Questioning them and their methods made you the blackest Fascist to ever exist. Everything they wanted was less freedom while the window dressing for the argument made it appeal to people.

And these days they seem to skim reddit for political thought rather than critical analysis. Nor can you explain it without upsetting people.

Seriously, next time someone explains "we have to get rid of the electoral college for the sake of democracy" tell them the House of Representatives is supposed to have 11,000 people in it. Watch how quickly their argument becomes "that is too much democracy."

And this is the problem with the left. You realize that there is no principles behind their actions. (Yes you can make the argument that the right does this as well but the left is supposed to be better.) Everything was and is an act for the consolidation of power to their corporate masters.

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I suspect their love of "national popular vote" will dim if Trump wins the popular vote - which he could because of RFK and other minor party candidates.

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and if he wins, perhaps a bill to increase the size of the Supreme Court to 13 now. after all, the dems have floated that for a long time!

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Excellent! Progressivism is not an ideology; it is a cult.

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Yep. 100% yep.

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Glad you are covering this. There is a lot to dig into here, and I hope you write a lot more on the topic.

Our lack of critical thinking and individuality needs to be treated like the national emergency it is.

God save us when unemployment moves north of 10%.

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Great stuff as usual Chris, love the Geore Carlin it as well.

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Hell yes.

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Hey Mase!

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What is our Vision? Do we have a mission? Values? Or have we become unfocused? How can we protest something we do not understand? And even if we do understand, what gives us the right to break laws or interfere with another's space of life? Understanding equality leads to the knowledge that loans are secured with equity. Suppose we have time to waste on a university campus to protest another country's will yet have no understanding of how our home country is being subverted and how so desperately it needs our help. In that case, we have wasted our time and money. Or we want another country to be a part of—your call. Don't forget to vote!

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Among my must reads — in addition to Matt T and QTR — is the always loquacious James Kunstler who blogs two rapier-witted cultural takedowns per week at kunstler.com.

Here he is yesterday in great form:

“Why do the non-governmental elites of this land, the managerial and thinking classes, the college presidents, the cable news producers, the corporate execs, the movie directors, the whole arts establishment. . . why do they feel compelled, for nearly a decade now, to hitch their identity and their self-respect to this fantastic train of Kafka-esque corruption, tyranny, and abuse? How did they get owned by the blob?

We may never find out, and they may never know either, even after they snap out of the mass formation they’ve been in thrall to. But they have made themselves ridiculous — figures like Sam Harris, Stephen Colbert, and Rob Reiner — yelling about “saving our democracy” while the blob they worship systematically disassembles the US Constitution, and makes American law a global laughingstock.”

I think of that question too. Dostoevsky’s THE POSSESSED comes to mind.

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One thing I could never understand about “progressives” that hasn’t changed, is their love affair with some of the most brutal, horrific leaders the world has created. Decades ago it was Fidel Castro. A man that would jail or execute people simply for wrong speech, sexual orientation, or a desire to leave the country, but he was a darling for the Left. Now it’s Hamas. LBTQ protesting in support of Hamas. Can you really be that obtuse?

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Apparently that’s a resounding yes.

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Let's not forget Trump's puppy love for North Korea's leader, to be fair.

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Well, there’s a difference between how two leaders or diplomats need to deal with each other as opposed to citizens in what used to be a free country.

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Trump in no way promises a "free" country, rather a more authoritarian regime. He has stated it.

I find both the far-left and Trumpers missing what's necessary--rehabilitating democracy so it worked again. I don't want the heavy socialism desired by the loony left, nor do I want to descend into the rabbit hole of authoritarianism.

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Had this conversation this weekend and the response was "Biden is already an authoritarian." To which I said, "OK, but Project 2025 codifies the goal in a way."

Upsetting that Conservatives are so OK with so much power in the Executive Branch. Works while your guy is in charge...we (Conservatives) used to think longer. But, I am a RINO I suppose.

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Yeah I lean a little farther towards the middle but I'd be more than happy with a RINO with a bipartisan gene at this point.

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most of the confusion, on the part of both protesters and observers, seems to stem from the assumption that what they're really after is "revolution."

as far as i can tell, nobody on the Left is really prepared to overthrow anything. the Democratic Party was always in favor of the status quo, and expanding the power of the State wherever they could, because those are the interests of all politicians. the only reason they made any concessions during the Sixties was because people were genuinely willing to go to the mat for the changes they wanted to see. the civil rights movement, the labor movement, the anti-war movement, and even the hippie movement were all dominated by people who had no qualms about missing a meal, sleeping in the dirt, going to jail, or getting seriously hurt or killed in the process of overthrowing a particular power structure. they were willing to go all the way. the Democratic Party had no choice but to act as a pressure valve for that anti-establishment fervor. it forced their hand. shit got done as a result.

two things changed in the interim: the government got stronger, and the people got weaker. the authoritarians successfully kneecapped all the populist forms of organized resistance, at home and abroad; they consolidated power and rhetorically out-maneuvered the populists, and when that didn't work, they brought the hammer down through sabotage or outright violence. here in the U.S., they domesticated whole generations of potential activists by turning college into an institution of perpetual adolescence. "resistance" became about rhetoric instead of direct action and physical consequences. without the threat of somebody actually taking a swing at them from below, the Democratic Party was free for decades to pursue the state-power expansion it always wanted.

the only revolution these kids are prepared to ask for ("ask" being the operative word) is a conceptual revolution. they're demanding that powerful people change their minds in the hopes that they'll use their power more benevolently. nobody's actually trying to take power *away* from the powerful. they might deploy the rhetoric of revolution, in the same way that a dachshund might try to run away from home for a little while. in their heart of hearts -- i think they know that they're too soft to run with the wolves. they might nip the hand that feeds them, but they won't bite.

meanwhile, the reason J6 happened is because there are more working-class people on the Right who have an accurate understanding of who should be serving who in a democracy, and they're completely willing to throw hands over it. the Left might get there in a few more years, once enough Gender Theory graduates are too poor to afford any bagels at all, gluten-free or otherwise. we're not there yet though; all we have in the meantime is pageantry and public displays of impotent frustration.

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QTR: There is really nothing surprising or out of character about what is happening now. It's the logical conclusion of liberal ideology. The authoritarian element has always been there. "It's settled science!" has been a rallying cry for liberals/the left all of my life. The scolds, finger-wagging schoolmarms, and the nurse Ratcheds have always been Dems.

But, reality is if you worship secularism and the government as the solution to everything, you will get more government and in time more authoritarianism. If you think the government gives you your rights, it will be the government that takes them away. Forms of wrongthink will grow over time b/c that's how the gov't feeds its own power.

[I hear a lot of people using the term "classical liberal" these days b/c the propagandists in the schools and media have smeared the term "conservative." But, really, how does it differ from small gov't / Constitutional conservative? Is it supposed to be secular instead of God-given (as our Constitution has it)? I'll take God-Given Rights over gov't granted "rights" any day.]

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"the entire party appears to have had some type of bizarre ideological aneurysm simply as a result of Donald Trump existing, and the magnetic poles of both parties have apparently flipped. "

The transformation of the Democrats did not happen because of DJT. It was a long time in coming, and DJT was just the final straw that forced the Media and the Establishment to give up all pretense of objectivity and neutrality, and bring what was hidden out into the open. Rich, elite, lib communists were a problem in the 1970s. They controlled the school system and the state of Connecticut, and my parents fought with them all the time. Then, as now, it was all about the money. There are federal and state funds for every kid who is put into "special ed", so they have an incentive to put as many in as possible. That still goes on today, but there is no much more money available for them today, for all sorts of things well beyond elementary and high school, and they have the biggest billionaires on their side. Much of the transformation of the Dems to the party of the rich accelerated during Obama's reign. And what do the billionaires get out of siding with communists and fascist totalitarians? They get power and the ability to keep their wealth. Essentially, the biggest billionaires in the world, who profit immensely from globalism, are keeping their party going, buying off and co-opting their natural (Leftist) opposition, fragmenting and crushing their nationalist opposition (the biggest threat to their globalist money machine), and laughing all the way to the bank. In a debt-based financial system, the share of wealth held by the top will grow without limit until the whole house of cards collapses. Most wealth is a claim on someone else, or in other words, someone else's debt. This is why social tensions are growing and accelerating. When the system eventually blows up, the billionaires intend to stay on top, and they are gaming the system and building the allies they will need when that time comes.

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Pretty sure at least two people have self-immolated themselves so far this year.

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They're on trend. Thinking pretty hard about self immolating myself.

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I love your posts. I hope you enjoy writing them as much as we do reading them. Be well.

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Well said, sir. I think there is a liberal establishment now that asserts control over expression and personal freedom, and adjacent groups of conservatives who are at least willing to go along with it. A kind of coastal uniparty. It is a reaction to the democratization of information, which Martin Gurri has explained quite well in his book, “The Revolt of the Public”. Highly incisive and well-recommended.

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Not to mention the 40 year old trust fund babies worth $millions who don kefiyyehs, attend campus protests as if they were students, and whine disappointments about how not enough Jews are being killed by hamas.

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