It’s good to see the restrictions going away.

But, what happens next December when the elections are over and Covid cases are rising? Do blue states throw away the “changed” science and go back to lockdowns and mandates? I hope not

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I've asked myself this. It could wind up being something to behold. My guess is a lot is going to hinge on how November goes.

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If they get decimated in November, they should take that as a lesson and hopefully not repeat that which failed.

One problem is that a lot of decisions on mandates and such have been implemented by public health officials, who can act on their own. Typically, these people are not elected but have jobs at the behest of whatever administration is in power. Therefore, you have to vote against their politician enablers such as county boards of supervisors.

For example, I live in San Mateo county in CA. The sate of CA is dropping it's indoor masking requirements on 2/16. Most of the local counties are going along with the state and relaxing their own masking rules at the same time. But the infamous Covid fearmongering Sara Cody, head public health officer of the country below me,(Santa Clara) has refused to join everyone else and said that SHE has decided to keep existing mask rules in places through at least March and possibly April 2022.

An unelected official should not have this kind of power. If you live in her country, you need, if possible, to vote against the people who employ her and vote for those who promise to put limits on the power of public health officials in general.

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Same is LA. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer has decided to override the lifting of masks in all of LA County. I hope everyone realizes this is how they get around the law, our rights and bypass the will of the people. But it is not about her. She has been instructed by Newson to do so. She is being paid to do so. None of this is random decision-making--it is well strategized and planned. Newsom looks great politically and Cody and Ferrer who have no real skin in the game, can do his dirty work.

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Of course! This is ALL about the elections. They need to maintain their grip just through November and then We. Are. FUCKED.

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Next cold season Dems will have a much harder time getting anything done.

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Has anyone else notice how a certain party in this country Censor, blackmail, and cancel anyone who hold a different opinion or asks critical thinking questions? Kind of reminds me of a certain CCP government.

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I wish I could "like" this twice.

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What I most hate about Wen is that childish, annoying little smile she puts on when she talks down to everyone that radiates 'if you don't agree with me, then you must be an idiot'.

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They are hearing the sounds of pitchforks sharpening in the distance and they are scared.

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The answer to your question, "what was it all for," cannot even be approached until the inquiry begins to comprehend the massive amount of sucking up to China that was involved.

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Huh? While I agree with the point that elections have something to do with the current turn in narrative. A lot of the reasoning in this post doesn’t make sense to me.

First, about normal deaths vs. covid deaths. Look at background mortality per capita in the U.S. vs. what we’ve seen in the last two years. As an absolute number, deaths are way up. So much so that average life span in 2020 dropped 1.8 years. Yes, I hear you, it was dropping in the U.S. before the pandemic possibly because of the problems with drug use and diseases of despair like suicide which has been on the rise among all age groups but a drop of 1.8 in a year was much bigger than the background trend and it’s pretty easy to categorize the difference between an overdose, a suicide, and a covid death. Also, the heart disease and cancer deaths didn’t drop like you’d expect them to if we were misallocating deaths due to our number one and number two killers and shifting the blame to covid. All of this is especially glaring when you realize that cancer and heart disease deaths have been on the decline in the last decade as treatments have gotten better. Doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be some misallocation happening but the difference between the background total and the last two years should tell you a heck of a lot.

In a big population size like the U.S., huge number changes like that are pretty sharply accurate. We can debate why Americans died in greater numbers than normal if you want, but not that they did, in fact, die. For folks that want to blame deaths on lockdowns, that doesn’t make sense because we didn’t lockdown near as hard as other European countries and we had higher death rates per capita.

So that leaves us to rationalize that the background diseases weren’t the new variable changing the outcomes. Excess deaths due to hospitals being overwhelmed and people dying sooner of the other two larger killers: heart disease and cancer; probably played a part but that just circles back to what the medical community was asking us to get vaccinated for. Namely, so that the hospitals would be less overwhelmed so they could deal with the normal load of sick Americans they were designed to handle so they wouldn’t die young. Sadly, we don’t do self control very well so that shit was never going to work as well as it might have.

Our response to the pandemic was horrible for a first world country when you compare it to other countries with a similar age distribution. Yes, it’s true Americans tend to be less fit and sicker than most first world countries with poorer disease outcomes because our preventative medical system is embarrassingly bad, we have horrible diets, work more hours than most countries except China, and don’t exercise because of it. So maybe you can say it’s no surprise we died in higher numbers because we lead the world in being out of shape and overweight, and that’s why Rona kicked our ass harder than other countries. It’s at least plausible and jives with the data.

Still, that leaves a strong body of evidence to indicate it was because people wouldn’t get vaccinated and we had to let the disease work it’s way through more people unimpeded. People who didn’t get vax’d died of covid at a rate 7 times higher than that of people that did. I admit it’s hard to pinpoint causality there. Many of the folks I know that got fully vax’d were also much more careful in their daily lives and didn’t get covid until Omicron which would have a much higher natural survival rate. That’s super annecdotal, I know, but it’s just a decent hunch. Cautious people do tend to live longer, generally speaking.

Don’t believe me? Fair enough, compare the death rate of Omicron in high vax countries to the U.S., they’re lower. So here, it got a lot more people less sick, which had total mortality numbers close to the Delta wave for a time before receding. Omicron was less deadly for the unvax’d and far less deadly than delta for the vax’d, makes sense.

Now, for everyone’s hysteria about myocarditis, the actual total numbers of side effects are really low. Like way, way, lower than the death rate of covid. It seems rich to me for people that were arguing that we don’t need to get vaccinated because there weren’t many covid deaths -which isn’t true- to now turn and say we shouldn’t get vaccines because we might get myocarditis! To spell it out among 192,000,000 vaccine doses given, there were 1626 case of myocarditis and many of those people recovered. You don’t recover from dying.


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The main issue I have with your response is with the numbers in this last article. If they’re right, then your point is well taken. But while I realize that statistics are bendable and that my own sources might be wrong, I have found a number of other studies (I wish I had them at hand) that have indicated the cases of myocarditis to be orders of magnitude higher than the 1626 mentioned here. I know it’s only anecdotal, but I personally know two people who have had this sort of reaction, one of whom literally died a day after being vaccinated. Obviously my world may provide a small sample size, but many people I know have provided similar reports- admittedly second-hand reports. I also recognize that knowing people first-hand is notoriously over-emphasized, so I’m going to have to go back and check my original sources. But I don’t think the case is closed on this.

I also think that the ascription of most of all-death mortality to Covid, rather than to the vaccines, doesn’t explain the jump in all-cause mortality from 2020-2021, as compared to 2019-2020 or even 2019-2021. The big difference (as high as 40% among younger people, as reported by major life insurance companies) between 2021 and 2020 data fits more cleanly with the addition of vaccination than it does with the disease itself.

I’m not going to profess certainty on any of this, but to say that there is definitely some conflicting information out there.

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The CoVax shots themselves could be at the heart of the increased mortality figures. They have the potential to do insidious damage to your vascular system that might express itself first in the most vulnerable people and later in much more. The mRNA/DNA shots turn your cells into factories for manufacturing spike proteins, which are used as training targets for the immune system to produce antibodies to fight any potential Covid infection. The spike protein circulating alone in your blood system has been shown to cause serious damage in animal models.

Having your cells become targets for the immune system is a potential autoimmune disease issue.

It's amazing how few people actually understand what these shots are doing in their bodies. I suppose it's the usual problem of so many being busy with their lives and "trusting" what supposed experts tell them.

But the reality is that there are at least 20k unexplained deaths claimed AFTER getting a CoVax shot in the CDC's VAERS dB in the USA and according to extrapolations, the number is more likely in the hundreds of thousands.

Insurance companies are paying out way more money for life insurance in the last year also.

Here are a couple of research articles that I suggest everyone read to learn about what might be the problems to be aware of when taking CoVax shots.


Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

Stephanie Seneff 1 and Greg Nigh 2

1-Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge MA, 02139, USA, Email: seneff@csail.mit.edu

2-Naturopathic Oncology, Immersion Health, Portland, OR 97214, USA

10 May 2021


5 Concerns about SARS-CoV2 Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate and Revise Policy

Jonathan J. Couey and Piper L. Stover

May 18, 2021


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You have yet to actually support your conjecture that the vaccines do significantly more harm than good, Jojo.

Of course insurance companies are paying out a lot more for life insurance. A lot of people died. We all know that. It doesn’t prove anything. If you have an actual report from an insurance company stating that an unusual number of vaccinated people died, please provide it. Otherwise, cut it out with the conjecture. You’re making things up again.

The two articles listed here aren’t “research articles” as you portray them. They are opinion pieces scrapping together possibilities with zero actual first hand research being done. The first one is interesting in that it made in onto the Nevada Department of Behavioral Health website but it’s not hard science referencing any observable data sets and the journal it’s published in has a PHD in Linguistics for a Chief Editor. The journal itself says it’s peer-reviewed and maybe it is, but you don’t peer review articles without methodology and data, which that piece doesn’t have because it’s just a literature review. No more substantial than the papers you or I wrote in college. Also, none of the authors is a doctor or an immunologist. I’m not trying to say you need a phd to argue the truth, but they’re conjecture written in a report style, not research, not peer reviewed. Nada. They don’t support a thing.

The second article is published in a blog. You’re kidding us right? This is where you get your info?

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You really like to hear yourself post!

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Yep, almost as much as you like to change the topic when you get called out. Lol!

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Fair enough. I hear you, Peter. I’m all ears on most of these things as long as folks want to be rational and come with good, peer reviewed and large sample size data. Like a buddy of mine said about covid recently, “The one thing we can be certain of is that people who profess to say they’re sure about any of it yet, aren’t.”

Do let us know if you find studies or stats showing higher myocarditis. Here is the thing about that, with the hundreds of millions of people that have taken the vax, we’d be seeing it. Covid overwhelmingly killed old people. If the vax was killing people, rather than covid, the numbers would skew way lower post vax (I hear you saying that you saw figures that say they did, please share) and that hasn’t showed up in the cdc mortality figures which are divide by age.

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Thanks. I appreciate your rational manner of discussion and I will try to find those numbers. It’s true that without them, I don’t have a completed argument.

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I appreciate your approach as well, Peter. Far too many people on both sides of the preconception spectrum are filtering their reality through the lens of how they perceive themselves. Liberal, conservative, mertiocracy based, renegade… you name it. It’s producing a country full of sheople that follow cult leaders that aren’t interested in presenting useful information that might lead to effective outcomes because their whole power structure is based on angry reactionism while logical thought involves boring work and is the antithesis of what drives their popularity and financial support. That’s why can’t even pretend to pull together to do anything useful anymore and it’s going to destroy us if we keep it up.

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I couldn’t agree more. Critical thinking and a focus on accurate perception is the primary thing missing from today’s culture. I don’t think along ideological lines. My self-education began in earnest after seeing the 2003 run-up to Iraq, which seemed so incredibly duplicitous that I couldn’t believe that people were buying it. Remember “Freedom Fries”? That made me a huge lefty and Obama supporter. It was only after I realized that both parties are equally capable of this kind of thing. The same thing is obviously happening with Ukraine… but all my friends on the left can’t see it because it’s “their side” doing it. They literally think that I’m a right-wing nut case now, whereas I haven’t changed at all; now I see some of them as shockingly authoritarian at heart. The reality is that most people choose (or just assume from birth) that there is one “good” side and one “bad” side, and that they’re on the good side. They never question it. I’m a musician in NYC and I’m trying to get across the idea of critical thinking and the importance of learning history in my songs. Not a sexy subject, but I try to disguise it within fun songs. Probably won’t work, but… what will? I’d much rather hang out with people who aren’t married to their positions about things and who adjust their opinions when new information comes along… but such people are few and far between. Best of luck to you!

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It's happening everywhere in the world. Healthy vaxxed athletes seem to be suddenly dropping dead. Insurance companies are reporting a significant increases in death payouts for people in the 24-54 (young) age groups. The CDC VAERS data base (and similar databases in other countries) grows weekly with new entries for claimed vaccine injuries. VAERS has been minimized by its creator, the CDC and therefore is generally ignored by the MSM, so you might not be familiar with it.

In studies, it has been estimated that the VAERS dB represents less than 10% of actual injuries, so the real numbers of injuries that COULD be reported are likely WAY HIGHER.


OpenVAERS Data

COVID Vaccine Data

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov.

The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov).


23,149 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths

124,445 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/

1,088,558 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

Through January 28, 2022



You've been brought to the water. Are you thirsty enough to drink?

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Wow, there is a lot to unpack here. Please back up your statement healthy vaxxed athletes are dropping dead. Like who exactly? Name names and give news articles.

Now, you seem to be implying that the VAER’s database set and the openvaers.com website is the same or even references the same data. They don’t friend. VAER’s reports 3500 cases of mydocarditis related to covid vaccines, and 0 deaths.

Next, since you’re saying that other data sets support your very unorthodox conclusion. Where are they? Gotta be peer reviewed research though. Don’t bring us crap like openvaers.com

As you say, It’s pretty easy as you say to download the official VAER’s report. Thing is, you clearly never did it. The stats you list don’t match VAER’s and openvaers.com is nothing but a website with numbers. No methodology, or source data.

It’s not clear where the openvaers.com website is getting it’s stats but it sure isn’t VAER’s. Turns out Reuter’s and other news agencies has asked openvaers.com how they came up with their numbers. Interestingly, there has no response to date. I’m assuming because they can’t back it up.

You didn’t bring me water, so maybe spare me the water metaphor. It’s insulting when people that can’t back their opinions end statements implying the rest of us are sheople. It’s you that believed something you didn’t check on and then pretended you did.

There are a lot of other peer reviewed data sources besides VAER’s to support my assertion that mydocarditis isn’t a thing. I listed one in my earlier post. You gave us nothing but a website.

If you want to continue this convo download the data set from VAER’s as you suggested I do, and snap up a pic of your actual results that back your conclusion. Took me all of 10 minutes to download the VAER’s file, import it into Numbers and look it over. You’re right, it ain’t hard. Do it.

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You have absolutely no idea what you are posting about. You obfuscate your lack of understanding/knowledge with an excess of words and a seeming wiliness to consider anything that introduces new evidence, except when it disagrees with whatever idea you are trying to support.

Most OPENVAERS debunking articles you managed to stumble across on the web are generally from the MSM and serve to minimize trust in the very database that the CDC itself OWNS because the data does not match the establishment narrative that is being pushed.

All OPENVAERS does is read original VAERS data and make it easier to access.

Here's the data on myo/pericarditis:


If you have complaints about OPENVAERS, you can complain on their Twitter account:


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Dataset Jojo, or I’m calling b.s. If you can’t back it, it ain’t research, it’s opinion. There is no source info or methodology on openvaers.com

As for wordiness, sure. It takes more than a couple sentences to argue a complex point. Just like it takes more than a google search and a website to prove a point. You’re the one that said look it up. I did, you didn’t. If you can back it with VAER’s source data like you imply, do it. Otherwise stop implying that people are ignorant when it’s you making unsupported assertions. I showed the peer reviewed data set I was referencing. You’re showing us nothing but a website a thirteen year old could have made. Balls in your court until you come up with something better.

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You're missing the biggest point: THE REGIME HAS LIED ABOUT ALMOST EVERYTHING. And not just lied, but CENSORED voices that we now know were telling the truth.

I predict this is the tip of the iceberg. In a few years, the COVID response will make the "Iraq has WMDs" lie look like child's play.

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Agreed 1000%

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For the love of your fellow countrymen, stop saying things that aren’t backed up by actual research. Another large scale study just came out of the VA a couple days ago showing covid infections cause major heart damage in a lot of the cases and vaccines reduce the damage by reducing the severity of infection:


It’s not the vaccines that are the problem, it’s people that wanted to pretend like this was nothing more than the flu and we should all just run out and get covid to get it over with way before we knew what it could do. Why do you think the Chinese shut down so hard? I’m guessing they knew.

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Hi there, Maximus. I can tell you’re angry from the caps and the sweeping statement. It’s my day off so I’ve got a few minutes. I’m probably only going to make you angrier with what follows but if folks here are as much into free speech as they claim, we should debate on the ideas rather than sweeping statements about “The Regime.” So let’s start with free speech.

Personally, I think people miss the point on the 1st amendment. It says the government can’t prevent free speech. It doesn’t say, or mean for that matter, a person or a company can’t control what you say on their platforms or on their property.

Personally, if you came to my bbq and start dropping the n-word, I’ll be showing you to your car as fast as I can, which is my right as an owner of the property. Same goes for my business, do it there and you’ll be out just as quick. It’s just smart business because the majority of my customers don’t want to hear that shit. It’s not censorship of any high ideals, it’s just a recognition that acting like a fool by using offensive language doesn’t sell any better than trying to sow doubt with study’s that have 100-500 people in them, or bringing on a PHD that worked on the mRNA vaccine development in 1990’s and has claimed to be the inventor. Sure, you’ll attract some folks that lead their lives through self-reinforcing narratives about being renegades, and there is a fair amount of money to be made in that venue. Still, enough other folks in the general population are turned off by that crowd, that it’s bad business on a whole. More than anything, I hear folk in the renegade camp being pissed off that their business model isn’t as lucrative as they’d like. Fair enough, but it’s not my problem or Spotify’s.

Case in point: Rogen has been offered the same money by Rumble to go to their platform. I’ll bet you money it ain’t gonna happen for the same reason Rogen has started apologizing for using the n-word. He knows the population of people that want to associate themselves with a person that does that, or a company that allows it, is much smaller than the general population. It’s not censorship to not want to associate your products, brands, or person with ideas that don’t fit. Every company has the ability to make money because their customer base doesn’t mind associating with them. Rogen rides a large but-not-overwhelming wave of folks that want to hear something different and don’t mind his rambling unplanned style.

Personally, I like some of Rogen’s stuff but he’s not some arbiter of truth. That’s frickin’ laughable! He’s a dude slinging a some-what sloppy podcast. It’s worth about what people will pay for it, which isn’t near as much if he isn’t packaged on a large platform like Spotify to give him the listener numbers to supply an ad base. If he didn’t need them, he’d be paying himself instead of getting a paycheck from Spotify and he’d sell his own ads. If he tried that, his numbers would plummet because a lot of people aren’t going to pay to download another app just to listen to him. He’s interesting, sometimes, but he just isn’t that good a commodity. It’s no different than Trumps laughable attempt at creating an alternative to Twitter. He should have known better than to underestimate the network effect. The fact that the network effect exists and some other company created and harnessed it, doesn’t mean anyone has a right to destroy it to promote their own ideas. If you can, more power to you. Make your own. If you become a problem for them because their customer or value base doesn’t like you enough to start costing them, bye-bye. That’s true libertarianism and open market business at work. Yes, there are natural barriers to entry but that really is capitalism. It has nothing to do with free speech rights.

Buy hey, Rogen knows this every bit as much as I do. He also knows that regardless of the money at play in the moment, siding with Rumble and a bunch of folks that openly tolerate n-word dropping and pretty questionable covid experts rather than quality music content is going to result in your listener base plummeting and the bottom line on your next contract is going to follow suite.

So don’t expect him to be you 1’st amendment poster boy. First because this doesn’t have anything to do with the government blocking speech, second because it’s a somewhat free market and being a n-word dropping fool or bringing on a has-been researcher to tell people what they want to hear doesn’t sell as well once the general populace becomes aware of it.

Said more charitably, exactly what you like about him is what a lot of other people hate about him. So as that hits the larger societal attention span, he’s going to back off, apologize, and hope it’ll blow over before it costs him. Which is exactly what we’re seeing.

Sorry, I’m really not trying to lash out at people that like Rogen or believe in free speech. Free speech is an indispensable right as conveyed by the government. It is not and will never be a consequence free environment that means that people that pay to have a large library of music at their fingertips can be forced to support Rogen’s podcast. That’s up to the larger body of people that pay for the service, the larger body of artists’ that create the valuable content as a whole, and the ad services that is able to further monetize the platform.

You see, free speech is an important concept but it’s not as important to the average American as making a buck -Rogen included. If he cared about free speech more than money, he’d make his own podcast platform. He has the money. He just wouldn’t have nearly as much, for nearly as long. So lets all get over ourselves about an idea we don’t really believe in as much as we pretend to. The U.S. isn’t populated by a bunch of true moral evangelists. We’re just a bunch hookers following more successful prostitutes. If you’re not a hooker in this country, you either have no ability to make money because people don’t want your ass or have already made so much you can hang up your thong. I don’t think Rogen is there yet. Doesn’t really strike me as a guy that enough will come easy to.

Moving one from that, I’ve never missed that a lot of people don’t trust the dominate narrative. I’m with you on that actually, but I don’t trust unsupported conjecture either just because it’s not the mainstream. Trust and verify is what’s up but it’s always harder to verify alternative ideas because research and stats collecting takes a lot of money. If the “alt media” spent half as much time funding peer-reviewed studies as it did selling ineffective vitamins and penis pills to middle aged fuckwits that would more likely benefit from drinking less alcohol and exercising more, I’d find them a lot more credible.

Also, I have no specific idea about what you think “the regime” has lied about so I won’t try and guess. If you want some real free speech and some real debate, tell me what you’re talking about. As for your last statement that our COVID response would make Iraq look like child’s play, you straight up lost me there.

I was there for a minute in Iraq, maybe you were too. In excess of 750,000 people died violent deaths in the almost 20 some years of our occupation. Sadam sucked, but our attempt to govern that place was much worse and a shitload of people died because we tried. Some of ours, a lot of theirs. That’s how it’s gone for all the wars we’ve fought since Korea. We’ve done a lot better at finishing wars than starting them. The last couple just straight up bankrupted us and there were very, very few fiscal conservatives jumping up and down about it at the time because angry patriotism was selling well for the RNC back then. We might have succeeded in proposing up the petrodollar for a couple more decades but unless you can make a point that the COVID response caused more deaths than it saved, you’re comparing a negative with a positive and pretending they move in the same direction. Maybe cut it out with the caps and think things through before you jump to anger and hyperbole. Anger feels good, and it sells o.k., but it doesn’t make anybody right and there is plenty to be angry about that you can actually back up if you think about it for a second and stay off the angry button.

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Could you comment about: 1) the known short-term toxicity of injecting spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles, 2) the unknown long-term toxicity (risks), 3) the lack of long-term safety studies and incomplete information given to people who should have been able to use to decide whether to participate in these experiments, 4) the opposition to allowing MDs to use whatever well-studied drugs in legally-permitted, off-label treatments, and 5) the coordinated efforts to ban preventative and early-treatment protocols?

There will need to be pivots on all of these aspects.

In addition, I would wishfully hope for public exposure to what influential people (MSM, Gov't officials and bureaucrats, politicians, and big pharma) did with criminal and civil prosecution.

Unfortunately, the data from an insurance company in Indiana suggests increased mortality from the experimental drugs from Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J even after this brief time period.

These experimental drugs do not fit the traditional definition of vaccines and I am concerned that the risks from cancer and autoimmune diseases may be increased.

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Yes, the purpose was to get the whole world vaccinated. The vaccines are actually extremely dangerous. And for some people that harm comes quickly and some it takes longer. And, insurance companies have reported that in the second half of 2021 there was a 40% increase in death among people 18 to 65. This is unprecedented. This is because of vaccine injuries.

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Now that we hsve gone all around forced silence on natural immunity and nazi style demands to vaccinate and everything else covid restriction related, who will address the elephant in the room, the push to dictstorship and every opportunity to remove every freedom imaginable swirling with mandates, mixed messages and threats??? Right out of the playbook!! Come on!! Shout the truth, the horrible motives. They are already documented and have been circled around... but for those who still think this was all just innocent error, please get a backbone and say it!! The motive - the truth!!

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Yes, the whole purpose of the last two years has been to get people jabbed. The effects of this deadly vaccine have only just started to come out. This will be the biggest health crisis in the history of humanity.

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SORRY TO POST HERE but my requests to QTR reply to and substack have gone unanswered for a week. Cannot tell if they have been received. I have a subscription issue. Can someone pls follow up with me?

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The CDC’s Study on Natural Immunity Explained

By Brownstone Institute

February 8, 2022


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This is such a well done article. I run a small emergency preparedness channel on Youtube (Praxis Prepper) and I have been being attacked for everything noted in this article since pretty much the beginning of COVID. And this even though all of it (as you note) turned out to be correct.

I also recently made the exact same "pivot prediction" that you did. I made mine on my channel back at the end of 2021 ahead of the new year. I suggested that we'd be seeing the same thing (backpedaling on COVID restrictions) for the same reason (upcoming elections). It IS really frustrating seeing this all play out exactly as one would have predicted if they were a totally cynical human being. I hate that cynicism tends to be the most predictive lens through which to view the world.

Last thing, don't forget too back when the CDC was saying, "Don't mask at all, this isn't airborne. Saying it's airborne is just fear mongering." That was the first time where I started pumping misinformation out on my channel when I was suggesting to people that COVID very likely WAS airborne and the advice not to mask at all that the CDC was issuing was very bad advice.

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Of course, the criminal elites pivoted. They were winning with their agenda, but now we are because we're resisting their crap; they have the midterms coming; the truckers....

Those criminal elitists are all hypocritical pigs, they're criminals.

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The CDC’s Study on Natural Immunity Explained

By Brownstone Institute

February 8, 2022


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