Here we go AGAIN - watching the fedgov play "Let's Pretend" as far as consumer prices are concerned. ALL fedgov economic data that requires any form of "interpretation" (and most that doesn't) since the early days of the Obama administration has been falsified (bluntly - blatant lies) promulgated (as in the old USSR) to trying advance the Democratic Party/Communist agenda of destruction of America. It is baffling as to why conservative commentators continue to use this garbage in their analyses - the false data inputs make their conclusions nonsensical. It's the same with calling federal reserve notes "money" - they're not - they're fiat debt/"iou nothings". It's long past time for conservative commentators (and their readers) to wake up and start paying attention to the meanings of words and the reality of "facts". If we don't we lose arguments before they begin because we're using the enemy"s language.

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Interest rates have to rise in order to heal this economy. Meanwhile, We the People bear the brunt.

Congress & Senate very busy having lunch with their real constituents....Lobbies.

We need more political parties besides Demopublicans & Repocrats.

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Always makes me laugh how politicians cry crocodile tears over a loaf of bread costing a few cents more but ENGINEER higher house prices....so young people can't afford a home, never mind a loaf of bread. It's pressure from the already rich, isn't it? Simple solution, which France has: a home loan has an interest rate set for its whole term. That's genius.

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We have fixed rate mortgages in the USA.

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