Because you think Chump and whomever are going to put on captain and vice captain hats and pull this Titanic out of the toilet it is circling?
You are a perfect example of how we got here. Do you need me to give you the tired worn out definition of insanity? Keep voting.......for a man that filled bankruptcy 5 times.......that'll fix it for sure. Did you read the article? Chump increased the national debt by $6 trillion in 4 years. We are feeling that inflation right now. Sure the idiot that followed is doing the same thing, but if you don't think we are feeling the $6 trillion Chump shoveled out by way of inflation today, you are........well, just keep voting.
You just can't get it, can you? My problem with Chump is he is about as conservative as Tip O'Neill in was in 1982. The fact that you think Chump is a "conservative" shows just how much the goal post has been moved in the past 30 years........and how dumbed down your kind is.
Furthermore, when Chump ran the first time, there was a lot of talk about how they were going to crash the economy and hang it on him. That they didn't ......when they could have easily done so.......tells you everything about him and his $6 trillion in debt/ they hung the coronahoax around his neck.
filing bankruptcy is a tool to avoid debtor prison. It was prescribed in the Old Testament as Jubilee. It is quite old. Even our original 7 years of credit penalty due to default protection came from the Bible. It is old.... It is not a method to con people and frankly, a debt restructuring done properly benefits all. Often, it is a result of predators hamstringing the borrower from the getgo. In this case, the lender was the con.... TDS is real and you have it. It is dumb. It is obvious when you realize that for decades DJT was a pop culture icon. Then, through a massive, effective media propaganda campaign he went from icon to Hitler. How is that possible? He did nothing akin to the despised Adolf. People are gullible, naive, and frankly incapable of honest critical thinking. You have been had.
I think Trump is a horrible communicator, but besides the Covid response, his policies were spot on. I would love to replace him with someone less caustic....
While I am on the soapbox, take the border. Recall that DJT's control the border-demand legal immigration policy is exactly why the propagandist and then the gullible public marched, protested, screamed "fascist xenophobe"....and here we are - the same dopes that denounced this policy will want the policy. It is mind boggling.
Inflation is likely due to two things- Pelosi's Democrat controlled CARES act $6 trillion give away, and Bidens Ukraine policy destroying the SWIFT system and supply chains.
For the record, Biden's "strong as hell" economy is underfunded by over $2 trillion this year. How can it be $2 trillion short in taxes and still strong? No President has ever spent so recklessly, with no war or economic crisis...completely voluntarily. It is madness and the Country is barreling towards a reckoning which likely will leave us alone with our debt and about $2 trillion a year of GDP that must be erased....forever. You should spend some time looking at data. USADEBTCLOCK.ORG is good as well as
DJT was actually slowing the growth of debt by a very small amount up until the Covid response. It was one of the dumbest decisions ever agreed to by a nearly unanimous congress...and the border lunacy creates an additional burden that is cumulative, by the day, of about $300 million per day. Insanity...Fascist!! Xenophobe!! No- just simple math.
You are really starting to push it. You can take your TDS and go get bent. What you have is the inverse of TDS called CDS, Chump Deranged Syndrome. You fan boys are the deranged ones. Now to the record.
When you are in business.......the casino business........and go bankrupt 5 times, maybe you should admit your deficiencies go work for someone else. He worked the system. Period. He was a damn democrat his whole life.......and still is.
2019 was a record year for illegal immigration. I picked a local Texass paper so you won't holler "fake news!" so quickly.
When the Supreme Court verified that as President he had the power to stop immigration from any country he deemed a threat to national security, he cancelled all visa from some muslim countries but did nothing to Mexico. Only an idiot believes the president doesn't have the power to TOTALLY seal off the southern border.
Not sure what civics class you took, but Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and House bills require the President's signature to get passes. Chump never saw a spending bill his entire term that he didn't piss himself with glee to sign. Guess you forgot all about the Chump checks where he bragged about his signature being on the welfare handouts.
The fact that you stated Chump was slowing the debt shows your derangement.
"Federal budget deficit hits 6-year-high in Donald Trump's first fiscal year as president."
The onlying reason I take time to respond to deranged goobers like you is because I can't stand you head-up-ass blind loyalty and loud mouth ignorance.
And Chump was sending arms and funds to Ukraine. Oh sure He resisted. Right up to the point he signed off on it.
Face it. You don't even know what a conservative is.
I couldn't care less about which dufus psychopath gets elected to the WH. I kind of hope it is Chump, so I can rub it in the faces of CDS like you of just what a socialist loser he is, and how just like last time, he isn't going to change anything.
Finally, as your kind is so quick to forget, he had a Republican senate and house in his first two a massive corporate tax break passed......that ran up the deficit,....... and nothing else of any significance. Look where he left us! The people rotting in a DC jail cell because of Jan6 are an exclamation point on the Chump presidency. A perfect picture of where he left the entire country.
Now let's hear all your excuse about why he couldn't get his job done........and how this time it'll be different.
just look at the data a year prior to covid. The debt curve slope decreases...math.
Reagan is the beloved conservative and he gave illegals amnesty, the pharma companies legal immunity, and was the God Father of deficit spending....none of it he wanted....just the read the papers....but he was advised to, just like your juvenile rant, named "chump" Biden can't even control his bowels, let alone any word which he is all scripted by others.
Nobody with the class and intelligence of Ronald Reagan would touch DC with a ten foot pole. maybe someone like Reagan would be glad to step in the role and do their duty for their country.........after we turn the current residents and their minions into scorched earth.
Reagan had more class and intelligence in his big toe than Chump has in his entire body. There is no comparison. None were perfect, though Jefferson was close.
Chump bragged about using debt.......and get rich. And he proved it as he ran record deficits in his first two years.........long before the coronahoax.
Better you should ask: Where are the Ross Perot's? He understood the fiscal issues we were heading into, he knew about the giant sucking sound of jobs disappearing overseas for good, AND what the impact would be, years later (now!)... He got 15 percent of the vote. Tells you something....
Trump and policy??? He was always saying that his Health Care plan for ordinary Americans was “just two weeks away” It was a looong 2 weeks as he still hasn’t any coherent policy.
Trump was mutinied from before he was sworn in to office. Trump faced an actual insurrection. Insanity is thinking that corrupt mutineers and indurrectionists are going to do the right thing. You're the chump, chump.
He surrounded himself with swamp creatures. Name three key positions he fired. He was the head of the executive branch and had the authority to fire or dismiss without cause. You might say he fired John Bolton. I would ask, what idiot would hire Bolton in the first place? A Chump, that's who.
Didn't say he was perfect. For a guy who ran a successful TV show based on firing people he made horrible mistakes in hiring and firing. None of which justifies the seditious mutiny he faced.
Based on his campaign themes and stance, I expected him to run headlong into a buzz saw.
I had hoped he would be some bad ass, take-no-prisoners kind of reformer. Instead we got a bunch of jounir high nonsense and some playground insults using twitter.
You want to beat a great white shark? Then you get him out of the water. You want to beat DC, then you go outside the beltway. You don't surround yourself with the typical DC groupies........looking to stab whomever they can in the back while hoping to gain another rung on the ladder. Bunch of damn lawyers and lobbyists! How many Hebrew lawyers does he have swarming around him telling him what to do on every little decision? The man hasn't had to make a tough call on his own in quite some time.......if ever.
I’d agree but when you look at how all the candidates have China ties in some direct or indirect way it levels the playing field again and pushes him out front again.
I take a look around the world........and somehow, I just don't see China as THE problem. They are a 3500 year old country that has NEVER built a Navy and tried to conquer the rest of the world and maintain control of it for centuries. Last I checked, after the Korean conflict to "fight the communist," the Chinese went back to China, but we are still in Korea.
China is the powerhouse it is today because American/globalist corporations couldn't resist taking advantage of the cheap slave labor. I am way more concerned about the bastards in DC than I am about the Chinese or Russians.
Here's a homework assignment. Go find out how many military bases the US has all over the world, and then compare that to how many the Russians and Chinese have COMBINED. Then come back and tell us who's in running the world's problems.
If it wasn't for all the goods we've gotten from China,over the last 40 years,our standard of living would have been much lower.China,giving us real goods,at low prices, in exchange for our devaluing fiat Dollars was a great deal.
There is a problem with China. A major problem. It revolves around the climate change scam. It seems to involve our politicians, Gore, Gates, these WEF types like Klaus Schwab. Quite possibly the CIA and DOD too. The climate change scam appears to be an operation to allow China to gather up all the cheap energy dense resources. It is why the West is going uo have an energy crises very soon. This seems to be planned. The proof of this is all in the open. Gates, Trudeau, Schwab all sing the praises of the Chinese government well telling Americans they are destroying planet earth and must do things like eat bugs and only use electric cars. In the real world none of this matters because the reductions in the EU and USA are overshadowed by the rapid increases of energy consumption and emissions in China... and nobody says a peep about it. The last link is really telling as you can see China's rise and economy is powered by coal. As every major industrial power has ever been.
The East is where everything is made......with slave labor AND and vast amounts of energy. The West is where everything is consumed.
Right now, the US (5% of world's population) and the EU (10%) use 40% of the world's energy production.........for consumption.
China and India (roughly 40% of world's population) use about 20% and make a ton of stuff. The world is changing. The east wants and is going to get more energy. Russia and Saudi will see to it. Take away 10% of the West's energy imports and it will collapse.
Energy use is decreasing in the EU. It has been stagnate in the USA for 25 years. China's energy use is increasing exponentially. It is starting to increase rapidly in India too. This is from buying up the world's coal. The USA and EU seem to have wanted this to happen as the climate change nonsense is what made this all possible.
Exactly. The globalist in the West, who are running the world economy, set China up and India as well. They have the dumb western world believing the bs of climate change while they move energy east.
The eastern world is a collective serfdom. There will be no unions, there will be no minimum wage, and there will surely never be an $20 fastfood waged like California just passed.
Their problem is the Western debt cannot be sustained without the abundant, cheap energy we have had in the past. Something has to give or be sacrificed. "Americana" and Americans are "dead weight" to globalist.
Well now, would the world be a more prosperous place if the PLAN had a blue water navy and patrolled the sea lanes like we do (for PRC export products especially) so trade can exist without hassles? I totally understand your point about the proliferation of US bases, but our presence in most places is not malignant or those countries would invite the PLA to base. Not many places want them in except with huge infrastructure "loans" for white elephants so then the PRC can repossess the facility. Nor do many want us out, so how do you square that circle? FWIW during the Obama administration a US made bomb was being dropped every 20 minutes somewhere around the world, mostly Saudi led forces against Houthis in Yemen, I bet.
Well, I don't know.......but we may be getting ready to find out. The British and their vassals in DC have ruled the seas since the Spanish Armada was destroyed.
I can tell you this, the most communist countries on the planet right now all have English as their first language........and that is not hyperbole. Look at what is going on in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, GB,.......and look how the US is treating its citizens, as though the Bill of Rights does not exist.
Go read about the Opium wars and find out who wanted to trade with China......who forced opium on them.........and who attacked them and then exploited them for their goods and wealth. It would seem turn about is fair play.
My biggest problem with the whole thing is the ginormous amount of hypocrisy that is out there. People sitting around acting like they are live with or work for the "good guys. LMAO Government IS the problem, and there is no accountability for them at this point. Voting is a joke, and the criminals are running the justice system.
Not many want us out? You mean like Iraq, Syria,......hell there is even a huge portion of the German population that wants us gone. You need to go read, "All Wars Are Banker Wars."
Here's how I sum it up; "The only think I hate more than a democrat is a republican."
I like the Republicans better. They'll spit in your face and stab you in the chest. The democrats tell you they love you then shove a knife in your back as soon as you turn around. Republicans are more honest.
Chris, you keep hammering that Fed and calling it for what it is. It is an institution that has enslaved the world to a dollar denomination of debt and enriched a handful of people into a grotesque group that no longer has any connection to reality.........and will take us all with them down the road of destruction if they can.
When this shit finally does blow sky high, and it will,.......sooner rather than later at this point,.......we want to be sure that it is clear what side of this insanity we were on.
Remember how "The Bride" woke up from her comma and realized what had gone on while she was under? I got a feeling that kind of wake up and reaction to the current shenanigans is coming.
Just checked Costco Website and there is a limit of 2 per membership. Bummer. So they are not really serious about this, it is just a very smart marketing gimmick. Got me to go to their website though. haha.
I have a masters degree in finance and economics. I took a Monetary Economics with Harry Johnson a colleague and mentor of Milton Friedman. I will take no back seat to anyone who thinks they know it all about money,inflation and deflation. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme writ large and the worship
of the false god that is gold will only end in tears.
Well you stated your problem in the first sentence. I wouldn't give an ounce of gold for all the finance degrees of the last 5 decades.
Did you see anywhere that I was praising or pushing shitcoin? What you NEED to do is go educate yourself on the foundation of economy called energy. Then you might start realizing that the magical world of finance is akin to the stuff Stan Lee wrote, and you would learn why gold and silver will always b a store of real value. Gold has never changed in value, the by the great economist and financial minds.......has.
A master's degree? So enlighten the rest of us plebeians on what your take is on QTR's analysis of our precarious economy and the hole the Federal Reserve has dug for us?
Covid vax rates showed people with Master’s degrees are the dumbest people in society. They have an obvious false sense of mental superiority that leads them to disaster every time. They don’t know what they don’t know and make up for it in arrogance.
Agreed, but you have to include Doctors in that "Masters" category as they pushed the vax and the death treatment of ventilators and Remdesivir. Maybe they aren't the dumbest, but they proved to be money whores and grifters.
Education, moreso post grad, is soooooo expensive,that it creates an even worse need to rationalize its importance because so much was invested.
"Farmers common sense" easily deduced that the untested shot was not worth the obvious lack of danger of Covid. In April/ May 2020 I was saying "where are all the dead kids?" and "why is the average of Covid death equal to the average age of normal death?" and "how can you test for longterm in 6 months?"
Dude. A rule of thumb is if you first argue your credentials, your argument is likely weak.
Finance and economics are neither sciences. Some say dismal or soft science. They both make shit up when they fail. They work for some period of time, but then, out of nowhere, a well degreed smarty pants, calls counterfeiting MMT! And the acronym makes it all better.
Love the ratio! Lol. Ps Bitcoin has all the properties of gold and then some. The only (and potentially big) downside is that it's younger and still unproven, but it represents hope, sovereignty, and a way out of this fiat mess.
Bitcoin........and all other digital currencies will be fiat on steroids times a thousand. Anyone that thinks they can have sovereignty and freedom by living in the digital realm is delusional.
The reason Costco sells out of gold because it is cheap. Costco pretty much sells it at futures spot price with no markup or premium as it’s called in the bullion industry. That’s approximately a $125.00 discount buying from Costco than a bullion dealer. Also it’s online only, can’t walk in a club and pick up an ounce of gold.
Sure appreciate your disclaimer.Most of these people trying to get me to buy their newsletter,write a long bragging story,about how they made their subscribers huge money and called every market turn.
I believe there are something like 42MM oz of gold avail...... and there are 400MM americans..... so.... yeah... once the hypothecated price of leveraged paper becomes clear and people actually understand the term “Unallocated”....... well say 500 oz exist on paper for ever actual oz..... when people realize paper gold has no value..... then we could be looking at 200 -400 times the current price..... lets say it only bumps 100-1....... that 2,000,000 per oz..... this is going to be a spectacular shit show.......
Something about 'bag-holders' come to mind, when this went down gold was close to $2k USD, now its at $1850
Even Jim Rogers say's it will re-trace $1600 before going north of $2k again, that's when he advises people buy, if they didn't buy back at $400 USD a few years ago
The Bank of Korea explains that since the price of gold has been coupled to a significant degree with the investment performance of U.S. government bonds since 2018, there is no clear basis for purchasing gold. I used to be your subscriber, but I don't subscribe anymore because you don't admit your wrong claims.
Since you have been focused on the Fed for 15 years, I assume you also have a serious desire for an honest money system. If so, I strongly recommend that you read the writings of E.C. Riegel.
Not the easiest author to find on the web but well worth the effort.
Gold is not money.
Gold is a physical commodity,
Money, like mathmatics, is a concept.
Money is the mathmatics of exchange.
Without understanding the Money Concept, humanity will continue to be distracted by primitive ideas and deceived by charlatans.
Costco special: An ounce of gold, a hot dog, and a drink for $2000.
Might have to join costco, I think the Swami might be a good running mate for Trump but his China ties make me worry.
Because you think Chump and whomever are going to put on captain and vice captain hats and pull this Titanic out of the toilet it is circling?
You are a perfect example of how we got here. Do you need me to give you the tired worn out definition of insanity? Keep voting.......for a man that filled bankruptcy 5 times.......that'll fix it for sure. Did you read the article? Chump increased the national debt by $6 trillion in 4 years. We are feeling that inflation right now. Sure the idiot that followed is doing the same thing, but if you don't think we are feeling the $6 trillion Chump shoveled out by way of inflation today, you are........well, just keep voting.
thank you for your liberal drivel, I will vote for whoever isn't Biden, you are a perfect example of why we are in this dumpster fire.
You just can't get it, can you? My problem with Chump is he is about as conservative as Tip O'Neill in was in 1982. The fact that you think Chump is a "conservative" shows just how much the goal post has been moved in the past 30 years........and how dumbed down your kind is.
Furthermore, when Chump ran the first time, there was a lot of talk about how they were going to crash the economy and hang it on him. That they didn't ......when they could have easily done so.......tells you everything about him and his $6 trillion in debt/ they hung the coronahoax around his neck.
filing bankruptcy is a tool to avoid debtor prison. It was prescribed in the Old Testament as Jubilee. It is quite old. Even our original 7 years of credit penalty due to default protection came from the Bible. It is old.... It is not a method to con people and frankly, a debt restructuring done properly benefits all. Often, it is a result of predators hamstringing the borrower from the getgo. In this case, the lender was the con.... TDS is real and you have it. It is dumb. It is obvious when you realize that for decades DJT was a pop culture icon. Then, through a massive, effective media propaganda campaign he went from icon to Hitler. How is that possible? He did nothing akin to the despised Adolf. People are gullible, naive, and frankly incapable of honest critical thinking. You have been had.
I think Trump is a horrible communicator, but besides the Covid response, his policies were spot on. I would love to replace him with someone less caustic....
While I am on the soapbox, take the border. Recall that DJT's control the border-demand legal immigration policy is exactly why the propagandist and then the gullible public marched, protested, screamed "fascist xenophobe"....and here we are - the same dopes that denounced this policy will want the policy. It is mind boggling.
Inflation is likely due to two things- Pelosi's Democrat controlled CARES act $6 trillion give away, and Bidens Ukraine policy destroying the SWIFT system and supply chains.
For the record, Biden's "strong as hell" economy is underfunded by over $2 trillion this year. How can it be $2 trillion short in taxes and still strong? No President has ever spent so recklessly, with no war or economic crisis...completely voluntarily. It is madness and the Country is barreling towards a reckoning which likely will leave us alone with our debt and about $2 trillion a year of GDP that must be erased....forever. You should spend some time looking at data. USADEBTCLOCK.ORG is good as well as
DJT was actually slowing the growth of debt by a very small amount up until the Covid response. It was one of the dumbest decisions ever agreed to by a nearly unanimous congress...and the border lunacy creates an additional burden that is cumulative, by the day, of about $300 million per day. Insanity...Fascist!! Xenophobe!! No- just simple math.
You are really starting to push it. You can take your TDS and go get bent. What you have is the inverse of TDS called CDS, Chump Deranged Syndrome. You fan boys are the deranged ones. Now to the record.
When you are in business.......the casino business........and go bankrupt 5 times, maybe you should admit your deficiencies go work for someone else. He worked the system. Period. He was a damn democrat his whole life.......and still is.
2019 was a record year for illegal immigration. I picked a local Texass paper so you won't holler "fake news!" so quickly.
When the Supreme Court verified that as President he had the power to stop immigration from any country he deemed a threat to national security, he cancelled all visa from some muslim countries but did nothing to Mexico. Only an idiot believes the president doesn't have the power to TOTALLY seal off the southern border.
Not sure what civics class you took, but Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and House bills require the President's signature to get passes. Chump never saw a spending bill his entire term that he didn't piss himself with glee to sign. Guess you forgot all about the Chump checks where he bragged about his signature being on the welfare handouts.
The fact that you stated Chump was slowing the debt shows your derangement.
CBS News
"Federal budget deficit hits 6-year-high in Donald Trump's first fiscal year as president."
The onlying reason I take time to respond to deranged goobers like you is because I can't stand you head-up-ass blind loyalty and loud mouth ignorance.
And Chump was sending arms and funds to Ukraine. Oh sure He resisted. Right up to the point he signed off on it.
Face it. You don't even know what a conservative is.
I couldn't care less about which dufus psychopath gets elected to the WH. I kind of hope it is Chump, so I can rub it in the faces of CDS like you of just what a socialist loser he is, and how just like last time, he isn't going to change anything.
Finally, as your kind is so quick to forget, he had a Republican senate and house in his first two a massive corporate tax break passed......that ran up the deficit,....... and nothing else of any significance. Look where he left us! The people rotting in a DC jail cell because of Jan6 are an exclamation point on the Chump presidency. A perfect picture of where he left the entire country.
Now let's hear all your excuse about why he couldn't get his job done........and how this time it'll be different.
just look at the data a year prior to covid. The debt curve slope decreases...math.
Reagan is the beloved conservative and he gave illegals amnesty, the pharma companies legal immunity, and was the God Father of deficit spending....none of it he wanted....just the read the papers....but he was advised to, just like your juvenile rant, named "chump" Biden can't even control his bowels, let alone any word which he is all scripted by others.
You are correct about Trump,but he is better on policy than Biden.Is that sad,or what?Where is a Reagan type candidate?
Nobody with the class and intelligence of Ronald Reagan would touch DC with a ten foot pole. maybe someone like Reagan would be glad to step in the role and do their duty for their country.........after we turn the current residents and their minions into scorched earth.
Reagan is a fan favorite....however,- and I am sure he was pressed by the DC establishment....Reagan gave us 3 things which were awful..
constant deficits, big pharma immunity, a porous Southern border...All Reagans.
He wanted Jack Kemp as VP and the establishment forced him to take Bush.
Reagan had more class and intelligence in his big toe than Chump has in his entire body. There is no comparison. None were perfect, though Jefferson was close.
Bonus facts for you.
Chump begged for lower rates and more stimulus.
Chump bragged about using debt.......and get rich. And he proved it as he ran record deficits in his first two years.........long before the coronahoax.
Better you should ask: Where are the Ross Perot's? He understood the fiscal issues we were heading into, he knew about the giant sucking sound of jobs disappearing overseas for good, AND what the impact would be, years later (now!)... He got 15 percent of the vote. Tells you something....
Trump and policy??? He was always saying that his Health Care plan for ordinary Americans was “just two weeks away” It was a looong 2 weeks as he still hasn’t any coherent policy.
Tax cuts for the rich was his only policy.
Trump was mutinied from before he was sworn in to office. Trump faced an actual insurrection. Insanity is thinking that corrupt mutineers and indurrectionists are going to do the right thing. You're the chump, chump.
He surrounded himself with swamp creatures. Name three key positions he fired. He was the head of the executive branch and had the authority to fire or dismiss without cause. You might say he fired John Bolton. I would ask, what idiot would hire Bolton in the first place? A Chump, that's who.
Didn't say he was perfect. For a guy who ran a successful TV show based on firing people he made horrible mistakes in hiring and firing. None of which justifies the seditious mutiny he faced.
Based on his campaign themes and stance, I expected him to run headlong into a buzz saw.
I had hoped he would be some bad ass, take-no-prisoners kind of reformer. Instead we got a bunch of jounir high nonsense and some playground insults using twitter.
You want to beat a great white shark? Then you get him out of the water. You want to beat DC, then you go outside the beltway. You don't surround yourself with the typical DC groupies........looking to stab whomever they can in the back while hoping to gain another rung on the ladder. Bunch of damn lawyers and lobbyists! How many Hebrew lawyers does he have swarming around him telling him what to do on every little decision? The man hasn't had to make a tough call on his own in quite some time.......if ever.
He was a Chump.
Sure...just vote harder and harder until things get better!
I’d agree but when you look at how all the candidates have China ties in some direct or indirect way it levels the playing field again and pushes him out front again.
I take a look around the world........and somehow, I just don't see China as THE problem. They are a 3500 year old country that has NEVER built a Navy and tried to conquer the rest of the world and maintain control of it for centuries. Last I checked, after the Korean conflict to "fight the communist," the Chinese went back to China, but we are still in Korea.
China is the powerhouse it is today because American/globalist corporations couldn't resist taking advantage of the cheap slave labor. I am way more concerned about the bastards in DC than I am about the Chinese or Russians.
Here's a homework assignment. Go find out how many military bases the US has all over the world, and then compare that to how many the Russians and Chinese have COMBINED. Then come back and tell us who's in running the world's problems.
@HardcoreVeritas - You hit the nail on the head!
If it wasn't for all the goods we've gotten from China,over the last 40 years,our standard of living would have been much lower.China,giving us real goods,at low prices, in exchange for our devaluing fiat Dollars was a great deal.
Yes, if we were able to make stuff instead of just buy stuff with collective debt, we would have so much lower of a standard of living /s
Lol. Yeah. Must be an "economist"
There is a problem with China. A major problem. It revolves around the climate change scam. It seems to involve our politicians, Gore, Gates, these WEF types like Klaus Schwab. Quite possibly the CIA and DOD too. The climate change scam appears to be an operation to allow China to gather up all the cheap energy dense resources. It is why the West is going uo have an energy crises very soon. This seems to be planned. The proof of this is all in the open. Gates, Trudeau, Schwab all sing the praises of the Chinese government well telling Americans they are destroying planet earth and must do things like eat bugs and only use electric cars. In the real world none of this matters because the reductions in the EU and USA are overshadowed by the rapid increases of energy consumption and emissions in China... and nobody says a peep about it. The last link is really telling as you can see China's rise and economy is powered by coal. As every major industrial power has ever been.
Energy is moving East.
The East is where everything is made......with slave labor AND and vast amounts of energy. The West is where everything is consumed.
Right now, the US (5% of world's population) and the EU (10%) use 40% of the world's energy production.........for consumption.
China and India (roughly 40% of world's population) use about 20% and make a ton of stuff. The world is changing. The east wants and is going to get more energy. Russia and Saudi will see to it. Take away 10% of the West's energy imports and it will collapse.
Energy use is decreasing in the EU. It has been stagnate in the USA for 25 years. China's energy use is increasing exponentially. It is starting to increase rapidly in India too. This is from buying up the world's coal. The USA and EU seem to have wanted this to happen as the climate change nonsense is what made this all possible.
Exactly. The globalist in the West, who are running the world economy, set China up and India as well. They have the dumb western world believing the bs of climate change while they move energy east.
The eastern world is a collective serfdom. There will be no unions, there will be no minimum wage, and there will surely never be an $20 fastfood waged like California just passed.
Their problem is the Western debt cannot be sustained without the abundant, cheap energy we have had in the past. Something has to give or be sacrificed. "Americana" and Americans are "dead weight" to globalist.
Well now, would the world be a more prosperous place if the PLAN had a blue water navy and patrolled the sea lanes like we do (for PRC export products especially) so trade can exist without hassles? I totally understand your point about the proliferation of US bases, but our presence in most places is not malignant or those countries would invite the PLA to base. Not many places want them in except with huge infrastructure "loans" for white elephants so then the PRC can repossess the facility. Nor do many want us out, so how do you square that circle? FWIW during the Obama administration a US made bomb was being dropped every 20 minutes somewhere around the world, mostly Saudi led forces against Houthis in Yemen, I bet.
Well, I don't know.......but we may be getting ready to find out. The British and their vassals in DC have ruled the seas since the Spanish Armada was destroyed.
I can tell you this, the most communist countries on the planet right now all have English as their first language........and that is not hyperbole. Look at what is going on in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, GB,.......and look how the US is treating its citizens, as though the Bill of Rights does not exist.
Go read about the Opium wars and find out who wanted to trade with China......who forced opium on them.........and who attacked them and then exploited them for their goods and wealth. It would seem turn about is fair play.
My biggest problem with the whole thing is the ginormous amount of hypocrisy that is out there. People sitting around acting like they are live with or work for the "good guys. LMAO Government IS the problem, and there is no accountability for them at this point. Voting is a joke, and the criminals are running the justice system.
Not many want us out? You mean like Iraq, Syria,......hell there is even a huge portion of the German population that wants us gone. You need to go read, "All Wars Are Banker Wars."
Here's how I sum it up; "The only think I hate more than a democrat is a republican."
I like the Republicans better. They'll spit in your face and stab you in the chest. The democrats tell you they love you then shove a knife in your back as soon as you turn around. Republicans are more honest.
Chris, you keep hammering that Fed and calling it for what it is. It is an institution that has enslaved the world to a dollar denomination of debt and enriched a handful of people into a grotesque group that no longer has any connection to reality.........and will take us all with them down the road of destruction if they can.
When this shit finally does blow sky high, and it will,.......sooner rather than later at this point,.......we want to be sure that it is clear what side of this insanity we were on.
Remember how "The Bride" woke up from her comma and realized what had gone on while she was under? I got a feeling that kind of wake up and reaction to the current shenanigans is coming.
Enjoy your articles. Thanks for the refresher on the joys of reading, again. JL, the Republic of Texas.
That means a lot to me. Thank you.
Just checked Costco Website and there is a limit of 2 per membership. Bummer. So they are not really serious about this, it is just a very smart marketing gimmick. Got me to go to their website though. haha.
You might want to check and see how many ounces are available for public consumption.
I have a masters degree in finance and economics. I took a Monetary Economics with Harry Johnson a colleague and mentor of Milton Friedman. I will take no back seat to anyone who thinks they know it all about money,inflation and deflation. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme writ large and the worship
of the false god that is gold will only end in tears.
Well you stated your problem in the first sentence. I wouldn't give an ounce of gold for all the finance degrees of the last 5 decades.
Did you see anywhere that I was praising or pushing shitcoin? What you NEED to do is go educate yourself on the foundation of economy called energy. Then you might start realizing that the magical world of finance is akin to the stuff Stan Lee wrote, and you would learn why gold and silver will always b a store of real value. Gold has never changed in value, the by the great economist and financial minds.......has.
A master's degree? So enlighten the rest of us plebeians on what your take is on QTR's analysis of our precarious economy and the hole the Federal Reserve has dug for us?
The false God of government is today's problem.
Covid vax rates showed people with Master’s degrees are the dumbest people in society. They have an obvious false sense of mental superiority that leads them to disaster every time. They don’t know what they don’t know and make up for it in arrogance.
Agreed, but you have to include Doctors in that "Masters" category as they pushed the vax and the death treatment of ventilators and Remdesivir. Maybe they aren't the dumbest, but they proved to be money whores and grifters.
Yes Sir, you are 100% correct. At least 90% of physicians fell for the scam. It’s disgusting and shameful.
Education, moreso post grad, is soooooo expensive,that it creates an even worse need to rationalize its importance because so much was invested.
"Farmers common sense" easily deduced that the untested shot was not worth the obvious lack of danger of Covid. In April/ May 2020 I was saying "where are all the dead kids?" and "why is the average of Covid death equal to the average age of normal death?" and "how can you test for longterm in 6 months?"
answers? "well I am a phd....bla bla blah..."
Doesn't AOC hold some finance degree from some prestigious university?Doesn't always mean much,in the real world.
Economics, Boston University
I guess all those central banks buying gold at record levels,need to hire you,to learn about economics?
Economics is the Dismal Science. Science 😂
Dude. A rule of thumb is if you first argue your credentials, your argument is likely weak.
Finance and economics are neither sciences. Some say dismal or soft science. They both make shit up when they fail. They work for some period of time, but then, out of nowhere, a well degreed smarty pants, calls counterfeiting MMT! And the acronym makes it all better.
Love the ratio! Lol. Ps Bitcoin has all the properties of gold and then some. The only (and potentially big) downside is that it's younger and still unproven, but it represents hope, sovereignty, and a way out of this fiat mess.
Bitcoin........and all other digital currencies will be fiat on steroids times a thousand. Anyone that thinks they can have sovereignty and freedom by living in the digital realm is delusional.
That means that 4.9 out of 5 Democrat senators were successfully bribable.
Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night
First reaction when we saw the Costco gold bar story was to chuckle at the Fed for creating the precondition that caused it.
Second reaction was worry.
Good post.
Yeah this is old news to metal stackers.
The reason Costco sells out of gold because it is cheap. Costco pretty much sells it at futures spot price with no markup or premium as it’s called in the bullion industry. That’s approximately a $125.00 discount buying from Costco than a bullion dealer. Also it’s online only, can’t walk in a club and pick up an ounce of gold.
Not a bad premium
Gods money 🏆
Sure appreciate your disclaimer.Most of these people trying to get me to buy their newsletter,write a long bragging story,about how they made their subscribers huge money and called every market turn.
I call em like I see em. I lose more than I win for sure. Glad people still find nuggets worth reading despite that.
I believe there are something like 42MM oz of gold avail...... and there are 400MM americans..... so.... yeah... once the hypothecated price of leveraged paper becomes clear and people actually understand the term “Unallocated”....... well say 500 oz exist on paper for ever actual oz..... when people realize paper gold has no value..... then we could be looking at 200 -400 times the current price..... lets say it only bumps 100-1....... that 2,000,000 per oz..... this is going to be a spectacular shit show.......
Something about 'bag-holders' come to mind, when this went down gold was close to $2k USD, now its at $1850
Even Jim Rogers say's it will re-trace $1600 before going north of $2k again, that's when he advises people buy, if they didn't buy back at $400 USD a few years ago
The Bank of Korea explains that since the price of gold has been coupled to a significant degree with the investment performance of U.S. government bonds since 2018, there is no clear basis for purchasing gold. I used to be your subscriber, but I don't subscribe anymore because you don't admit your wrong claims.
Mr. QTR,
Since you have been focused on the Fed for 15 years, I assume you also have a serious desire for an honest money system. If so, I strongly recommend that you read the writings of E.C. Riegel.
Not the easiest author to find on the web but well worth the effort.
Gold is not money.
Gold is a physical commodity,
Money, like mathmatics, is a concept.
Money is the mathmatics of exchange.
Without understanding the Money Concept, humanity will continue to be distracted by primitive ideas and deceived by charlatans.