Boeing murders whistleblowers. Boeing bribes the government. Boeing will be bailed out if necessary. Boeing has intentionally cut corners (self-certifying mechanics) because they won’t pay the consequences. To do things well costs more money. And our system rewards doing things poorly. So now we can’t have safe aircraft because our versi…
Boeing murders whistleblowers. Boeing bribes the government. Boeing will be bailed out if necessary. Boeing has intentionally cut corners (self-certifying mechanics) because they won’t pay the consequences. To do things well costs more money. And our system rewards doing things poorly. So now we can’t have safe aircraft because our version of state sponsored corporatism is incapable of delivering quality goods. Our cars break on purpose. Our phones break on purpose. Our shoes break on purpose. Our food is trash. Our medicine is poison. Why? Because trash is more profitable than quality. This is the great lie of progress, that everything is getting better, when in reality it is just more voluminous and more profitable. Quality is always going down, because that correlates to increased bottom line. Late stage corporatism is just to have so many regulations that competition is impossible and then when the company stops being a company the taxpayer is the backstop and we’ve arrived at corporatist fascism. I think we probably live in a society that is too low trust to have reliable airplanes. There are too many grubby fingers that want a piece of the pie.
Ans when you out source your quality control to other countries to keep your cost of labor down when those laborers are more skilled at picking fruit, pool cleaning or landscaping you know there's a problem.
The US State Dept is run the same way. Ukrainians get broken on purpose to further the "rules based order." Why would anyone believe the "values" honored by Boeing or the State Dept. generate different results ?
Boeing murders whistleblowers. Boeing bribes the government. Boeing will be bailed out if necessary. Boeing has intentionally cut corners (self-certifying mechanics) because they won’t pay the consequences. To do things well costs more money. And our system rewards doing things poorly. So now we can’t have safe aircraft because our version of state sponsored corporatism is incapable of delivering quality goods. Our cars break on purpose. Our phones break on purpose. Our shoes break on purpose. Our food is trash. Our medicine is poison. Why? Because trash is more profitable than quality. This is the great lie of progress, that everything is getting better, when in reality it is just more voluminous and more profitable. Quality is always going down, because that correlates to increased bottom line. Late stage corporatism is just to have so many regulations that competition is impossible and then when the company stops being a company the taxpayer is the backstop and we’ve arrived at corporatist fascism. I think we probably live in a society that is too low trust to have reliable airplanes. There are too many grubby fingers that want a piece of the pie.
Ans when you out source your quality control to other countries to keep your cost of labor down when those laborers are more skilled at picking fruit, pool cleaning or landscaping you know there's a problem.
The US State Dept is run the same way. Ukrainians get broken on purpose to further the "rules based order." Why would anyone believe the "values" honored by Boeing or the State Dept. generate different results ?