A cost-free option to restore quality control at Boeing is to end the DEI culture there. Return to meritocracy. In fact cost-free is probably a worst case. More likely you would get cost savings as well as quality improvement. Is meritocracy too radical an idea even for the Cato Institute now?
A cost-free option to restore quality control at Boeing is to end the DEI culture there. Return to meritocracy. In fact cost-free is probably a worst case. More likely you would get cost savings as well as quality improvement. Is meritocracy too radical an idea even for the Cato Institute now?
DEI is destroying the US from the inside out, company by company. The effect of it isn't just to waste funds on silly things (and they do waste 10s of millions per large co.). It's also to put people into roles they can't perform. And it shifts the culture from having one overarching companywide mission and vision to having dozens of little identity-group specific missions and visions. Both of which cause good, competent people to lose interest in their work and slack off. Knowing you can't get ahead b/c of your skin color is kind of dispiriting for the work ethic. Which causes degradation of both products and service. It's a cancer and we're seeing its effects all around us as everything falls apart. DEI is the "regulation" Cato should be shouting about.
And the whole "but cars are more dangerous" is a ridiculous straw man argument. Flying and driving are not interchangeable forms of transport. They serve different purposes. We also know why driving is dangerous; it isn't because cars are falling apart. And a lot of the inherent danger is under one's own control, unlike air travel. Given the geographic size of the US and wide distribution of the population, cars aren't going anywhere. The libs keep trying, and failing. Not sure why Cato is joining them in that crusade.
Frankly, all these think tanks seem to be stuck in the 1960s or '70s. If they want to be relevant, they need to talk about stuff that impacts real people, in real ways, today: DEI; illegal immigration; government crushing SMALL businesses and citizens while propping up big ones and giving them monopolies; literal infanticide being the (D) party platform. Not vague boogeymen like "regulation" against too-big-to-fail MiC contractors.
By eliminating grading standards in American schools, we have irreparably dumbed down our education system in the good old USA. None of us want to see a doctor who thinks he was an A+ student in Medical School. We want to trust our health to a doctor who was an A+ student in Medical School. The world has seen this disaster movie of the phantom Empire many times before. Oh America, I hardly know yee. Obey The Pug!
A cost-free option to restore quality control at Boeing is to end the DEI culture there. Return to meritocracy. In fact cost-free is probably a worst case. More likely you would get cost savings as well as quality improvement. Is meritocracy too radical an idea even for the Cato Institute now?
DEI is destroying the US from the inside out, company by company. The effect of it isn't just to waste funds on silly things (and they do waste 10s of millions per large co.). It's also to put people into roles they can't perform. And it shifts the culture from having one overarching companywide mission and vision to having dozens of little identity-group specific missions and visions. Both of which cause good, competent people to lose interest in their work and slack off. Knowing you can't get ahead b/c of your skin color is kind of dispiriting for the work ethic. Which causes degradation of both products and service. It's a cancer and we're seeing its effects all around us as everything falls apart. DEI is the "regulation" Cato should be shouting about.
And the whole "but cars are more dangerous" is a ridiculous straw man argument. Flying and driving are not interchangeable forms of transport. They serve different purposes. We also know why driving is dangerous; it isn't because cars are falling apart. And a lot of the inherent danger is under one's own control, unlike air travel. Given the geographic size of the US and wide distribution of the population, cars aren't going anywhere. The libs keep trying, and failing. Not sure why Cato is joining them in that crusade.
Frankly, all these think tanks seem to be stuck in the 1960s or '70s. If they want to be relevant, they need to talk about stuff that impacts real people, in real ways, today: DEI; illegal immigration; government crushing SMALL businesses and citizens while propping up big ones and giving them monopolies; literal infanticide being the (D) party platform. Not vague boogeymen like "regulation" against too-big-to-fail MiC contractors.
And he didn’t even mention their years-late Starliner still stuck in space over a month after it (foolishly) was launched for an 8-day mission…
By eliminating grading standards in American schools, we have irreparably dumbed down our education system in the good old USA. None of us want to see a doctor who thinks he was an A+ student in Medical School. We want to trust our health to a doctor who was an A+ student in Medical School. The world has seen this disaster movie of the phantom Empire many times before. Oh America, I hardly know yee. Obey The Pug!
Well, the first step to get back America as a whole would be to jail Larry and his accolades, but who dares?