Yeah, ok. Your victory lap should be short. The rush to trial and conviction was driven by fear. Fear that he would go rogue and reveal exactly what the Ponzi was really all about. Which was laundering money for the benefit of corrupt politicians…mostly Democrats but not exclusively so.

I’d draw an analogy between SBF and Epstein. They both have/had secrets that could literally bring down the government. Hence, the ‘suicide,’ the rush to trial (SBG and GM), the lack of full evidence production (Epstein client list, SBF full donor list, SBF parental involvement and much more). This was essentially a show trial. Sure he was guilty. But his conviction does nothing to out the real perps.

Just like Mueller was put in place to cover up prior crimes, SBF was rushed to trial and convicted to cover up the real crimes. My bet: he gets a sweetheart sentence. Couple years in a minimum security location, personal protection guarantee, and he gets to keep the 10s of millions of dollars that they claim they can’t find.

This wasn’t justice. This was a cover up.

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Isn't his sentencing in April? I don't think he will make it to the sentencing. Something will happen. He will flee in some mysterious manner to a country with no extradition to the US (I think I recall one of the Gulf states is notorious for harboring people fleeing their country but who have money). I forget which Gulf state, UAE or Kuwait.

Or he will take his own life.

I don't see this guy going to prison if he can avoid it.

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Interesting take. Good thoughts. I believe there are 9 or 10 countries that do not have a formal extradition treaty with US. Could be more though because the African continent typically gets counted as one, in articles written by idiots who don’t do actual research. But there are a number of other countries that have a formal treaty, but generally refuse extradition. Some of those are surprising, Switzerland, Iceland, Ecuador. It will be interesting to see what happens that is for sure. Generally someone in his situation would be looking to cut a deal. And generally the prosecution would be willing to consider a deal so they could go after additional conspirators. But here, the conspirators are his Marxist parents and a shitload of politicians and (mostly) Democrat operatives. And we can know with near certainty the current DOJ isn’t going after any of them. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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Wasn't it the Ecuadorian embassy where Julian Assange tried to avoid extradition? He hasn't faired so well.

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I have to admit I didn't follow the trial all that closely. But WTF happened to Sam Trabucco? Dude was co-CEO of Alameda but left 3 months before the collapse and has seemingly been allowed to disappear.

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Something I had not even considered. But it’s a great question. Potentially spilled the goods and got immunity and a condo in the Bahamas? Looks like all part of the same op. When one considers that the same DOJ is taking an avg of 27 months to bring J6 defendants to trial (while they bleed them out in horrific conditions) they blasted through a complex case, while the Receiver is still trying to find the money, in under a year. In my view, they wanted this over and done with as fast as possible in order to provide cover for the political money laundering that was at the heart of FTX.

At first, I thought the sentencing delay until April poured cold water on my theory. But in reconsidering it makes perfect sense. It’s now out of the public eye. By the time sentencing rolls around he will have spent nearly a year either in jail or monitored. So they will give him credit for time served, add a couple more years, and that will be it. And, in return for a promise to keep the secrets they will allow him to ‘find’ some of the money.

If there wasn’t a weaponized and purely political DOJ, this could have been a show trial to expose just how deep the corruption goes…with tie ins to politicians (mostly but not exclusively Democrats), lobbyists, Ukraine, Biolabs, Gates, Covid and much more. But just like the Maxwell trial, the cover up took the place of actual justice.

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Great points 👍

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Good take. Even if he goes to prison, I suspect he'll be pardoned by Biden or the next president, unless he gets Epsteined first.

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"The price of metals, which would be expected to soar, will probably remain suppressed due to paper trading" and yes, once again, PMs were stomped. I own both silver and gold and it has been depressing to watch them be stomped, over and over again, while once again BTC and the stock market go ever higher.

That being said, I am grateful to be alive. I have reversal surgery for a colostomy, tomorrow. Prayers are welcome!

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Best wishes to you, and here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

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HRH, prayers for successful surgery and quick healing 🙏

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I will pray for your speedy recovery. All the best.

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How many politicians have returned their campaign donations from Sammy? The entire crypto thing never made sense to me. A few years ago I flew down to Miami for work and their was crypto advertising all over the airport - I turned to my colleague and asked "Why does a currency alternative need to advertise? Where does the millions of dollars come from to advertise for a currency alternative?"

So here is proof that we can put bad people away - however Epstein and his pal Geselize (?) are thrown in jail but all the names of the visitors have gone quiet all of these years. Do they ever get officially released? Is there ever any criminal charges or at least civil suits?

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“Everybody knew he was guilty, everybody wanted him to be convicted, and that's what happened.”

This is how low the bar is now. Something happened that was obvious and necessary, and in normal times, expected, and it’s a sigh of relief that institutions are still mostly working.

Agree with everything you wrote, it’s just a sad state that those things even warrant a sigh of relief, let alone a whole post.

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Enjoyable article, thank you! Keep in mind, there's a widow shade draw cord appearing behind the Perp. What are the odds the Perp hangs (Epstein's) himself?

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Very possible if he is a creation of some agency. But he seems dumb enough not to connect the dots so maybe they let him live and serve as an example to other crooks.

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Not dumb, but definitely on the spectrum...

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"Now, a year on, I must congratulate not only the regulators but also the legal system."

Let's see where SBF's penalty phase goes. IOW, where it finally hits the road for him. He was able to hang out at his parents house pre-trial only until his behavior got too ridiculous. That wasn't reassuring.

"the government, basically does whatever the fuck it wants (technical financial term) at any and all times"

We've been coasting on the hallucinogenic fumes of what America once was, and that's how they get away with this for so long. They used to just tinker behind the curtain, but now they're sweating and flailing. OK, I've actually been saying this since the Reagan admin, but now we're getting awfully close to the brick wall.

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He’s going to get a lot of time. Not the maximum but a lot. Probably serves at least 20 years

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If his parents have any clout left, i.e. if they go down something bigger unravels, there will be a curveball.

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They should probably get some time too. They were obviously complicit. Two humble professors came up with $250 million to bail sonny boy out of jail? That’s not suspicious at all 😒

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Wasn’t it the crypto community that initially brought his fraud to light?

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You mean CZ? Sure but that was one criminal stabbing another criminal in the back. Marc Cohodes was on the case for a while. The crypto community is mostly crooks, con artists and true believers.

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Remember Reggie Middleton? Creator of Veritasium? I was surprised but both Veritaseium and Reggie are still out there. Incredible. Reggie has a YT channel. It's something else.

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Not familiar with this dude, is he worth listening to?

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No, but they should have.

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Now that the circus master has been found guilty do you think all of the misfits in the parliament of whores dba Congress will return their SBF peyote ?

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Not a chance. Same odds that we’ll ever see the Epstein customer list.

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Enjoyed your article but don't share your malaise over the market, which went up during WWII. Frankly, if there is a WWIII, I couldn't give a shit what the market does or whether I lose everything, so long as I have fresh water to drink and die painlessly. As for SBF, he will receive a stiff sentence, at least 20 years, and Biden will not pardon him. That ship will have sailed.

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this is only the tip of the iceberg in crypto, bigger players will blow up real soon, if you wanna watch a great documentary on this, Ruin, from bloomberg, is free on youtube

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Waiting on Jaime Demon, Vikram Pandit, Angelo Mozillo, John Thain, Dick Fuld (Repo 105) and dozens of others to be in leg irons. Also former Fed member Kauffman, and others front running stock trades. The list is a mile long, nobody cares. BHO should have appointed a sane Giuliani to prosecute those people. When the next crash is on us it will reminds me of the New Yorker cartoon (Grant's?) with this. https://twitter.com/Benioff/status/549339156854214656/photo/1

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Right up until the Biden pardon.

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This will be used to further the argument of heavily government regulated digital currencies leading to more momentum of a possible CBDC

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What surprised me is the trial took place in the SDNY. The only more surprising thing would have been having the trial in Washington...

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Whatever the sentence, Biden will commute it.

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