You seem to want to apologize for the failures of our elected officials. For what purpose? They have become a total cancer to our Constitution and must be cut out en mass, and that is what will protect them. You see, they have removed all possibilities that we proles can remove them en mass and, as such, will do what they will, which is mostly wallowing in their filth at our expense. They have destroyed us with no brains or intention to rebuild.

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You speak truth, brother........but they have not removed the ultimate means of removing them.

There needs to be a tax revolt. There are things that can he done in a nonviolent manner.........but in reality, it will always lead to the violent solution, because violence will be their goto move when you try to resist them peacefully.

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During your terrific and critically important interview with Jack Boroudjian, he said the most important thing for the average investor to watch for is a failed bond auction. What he did not say, and what I was praying you ask him is, what does the average investor do when he hears of a failed auction. Assuming a failed auction occurs, what then? Thank you for continuing to do your podcast. I advise everyone to listen.

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"My advice to you. Is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto

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The Simpsons saw this coming in 1994…

Kent Brockman: “Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?l

Professor: “Yes I would, Kent.”

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How can there be a failed bond auction when the Fed and her sister central banks are all buying their government's bonds in are round Robin fashion?

It would get naive to not think that these PRIVATE central banks have set up shell corporations and funds that get funded just for the purpose of buying government bonds.

So many off the books, creative ways to keep the music playing when you own a fiat printing press and don't have to answer to anyone.

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"...certainly I can see the benefit of trying to defend Western values on a global scale."

But we are NOT defending Western values, these military aid packages are slush funds for The Establishment/Deep State/et al. The United States constantly starts shit all over the globe, under the guise of "defending Democracy" or "Western values", gimme a break FFS.

And quite honestly, I don't want to be defending the newfangled "Western values" that state, without question, that men can get pregnant.

Oy vey.

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QTR - one and pretty much only one thing explains why they look both "cowardly" and like they're "willingly driving us off the cliff." (Those two things are obviously at odds, since willingly driving off the cliff takes some stones.) They are being lied to and/or blackmailed by the intel community, which is what Eisenhower tried to warn us all about 60+ years ago. This is why they don't care about their voters' wishes or needs and it's why they never explain their "logic" in any adult or believable way.

I'm not excusing them - they're all treasonous criminals IMO - but this is the only explanation that consistently and logically explains WHY we see the insanity we see, administration after administration, Speaker after Speaker, from people brand new to Congress as well as those who have been around way too long. They are blackmailed, bribed, or actively in on the take. Add this to external influence from the EU/WEF and you have the entire recipe for why we have reached peak insanity, financially and culturally.

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Don't ever advocate for the Devil. As Verbal said: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

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Fabulous post.

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When I look at federal spending versus revenue I see…” caring “ for old / poor people ( social security/ Medicare/medicaid )…killing people (war department) and paying interest on money already borrowed to care for and kill people.

And that’s all folks

EVERYTHING ELSE is paid for with MORE borrowed/printed money

This will end badly.

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Great article Chris, I totally agree with you.

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Just my two cents, but it makes little sense to talk about 'printing too much money,' which is the supply side, without also talking about the demand side. You can print all you want if the demand is there.

On the other side (demand), many have noted the colossal stupidity of freezing the US treasuries owned by Russia. How stupid do you have to be to broadcast a message to the world, akin to: Beware, if you transact in US dollars, you do so at your own peril. If we don't like you, we may just seize your dollar-denominated assets.

So, while the BRICS nations may never develop a competing currency, why would you want to take the chance that they will? Why give them extra incentive?

Why tell the world not to buy Russian oil, prompting them to sell it in Roubles? Why demonize China, giving them a strong reason to suspect that they're next? Is it any surprise the Saudis are dipping their toe in the water of pricing oil in Yuan? Is it any wonder there's a BRICS waiting list?

None of these changes are imminent. The dollar won't collapse tomorrow. But, why undermine demand for the dollar? Colossally stupid. The dollar may not collapse any time soon. But, we're seeing the "gradually" part of "gradually, then suddenly." In the immortal words of Pogo: 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.'

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Looking at what was just passed in the FISA-702 extension, and the blatant corruption going on in the name of supporting that asshole Zelensky and his regime, it is ridiculous to imagine "America" still exist.

I live in a place called Noth America, but that's about the only thing American about it.

We are living in a despotic, tyrannical, corrupt state that is nothing more than any other typical banana republic........except ours just happens to possess the printing press for the world's reserve currency. And that only makes things worse.......by a factor of 10.

"America is dead. Long live America."

The sooner you come to grips with that fact, the sooner you can quit wasting time trying to bring back to life that which is dead, and you can start preparing to resist and fight what killed your country and took it from you. The only way you are going to get back the "Misty Mountain" is to kill that damn dragon......and he doesn't give and shit what you vote for or against.

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Totally agree and great post. Spending is out of control and for all the wrong things. Politicians aren't going to save us. By the way that Armed and Dangerous clip was priceless.

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You nailed this one. I read David Rogers Webb's "The Great Taking" in February and pages 26, 27 and 28 tell all you need to know about the coming collapse. I then went and cashed in a lot of Stock Certificates and paid my mortgage off last Tuesday. It is too late to correct this USA mess, time for rationale folks to get out of debt, step back and try to avoid the collateral damage of a total collapse.

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Of all the things we have spent to balloon the deficit Ukraine and Israel aid seems a nobler goal. The Afghanistan/Iraq quagmire accomplished nothing. Popular tax cuts have left vast amounts of SS and Medicare underfunded, and of course out of whack stimulus spending have been the main culprits.

So what's a comparatively small amount for aid matter when it will in no way help our situation by not spending it. It's not like being fiscally conservative will get us out of this hole now.

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Border crisis is manufactured to divert attention from Elites stealing money.

When things go belly up, immigrants will take the blame.

Classic playbook.

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you are an idiot

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Explain where history is wrong, fat boy.

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Ive been counting on the fact that the market failure would trash RMB or Yen first (and smart guys could exit markets then) but there’s a growing case that we could be the first over the precipice. Yuck.

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Term limits may actually make things worse, which is unintuitive.

Elected officials would know they only have a limited amount of time to grift so they’ll do so as much as possible as fast as possible before they’re out of office.

Real issue is the unelected bureaucrats that make up most of government. They’re practically beholden to no one and persist through every administration regardless of leadership changes. And their ranks never seem to shrink, only grow over time.

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