Neither Biden nor Trump will be on the ticket in November 2024, predicts Anton Wahlman. He thinks DeSantis and Newsom will be the deciding contest come 2024.
Only a liberal or someone who doesnt understand conservative politics believes Trump will not be the GOP candidate..... DeSantis cannot win his own state in a primary with Trump...... D.... he has to beat trump and thats hard to do if he has to spend the first 10 min of every interview defending him against the political over reach of local NYC republicans, Pelosi democrats and the legacy media....
Trump will be the top of the Ticket Desantis will be the VP candidate.... the rest of the show is just the show....
I have heard from people inside the Trump campaign ....... Trump Desantis have worked it out..... they will quarrel to keep the race interesting and come together at the end..... that is the plan.... we shall
Chump was a loser in 2020. What makes you think they will let him win this time........and if they let him win, doesn't that make him their pick in the first place?
Finally if Chump wins, what makes you think he will get anymore done this time than last. Look at the shape in which he left this country in 2020. If he wins, he will just help the destruction along.
Interesting prediction. Personally, I think it would be entertaining to see Trump run against RFK Jr. (An unlikely possibility, I grant you.) Watching Trump try to defend the stuff you listed above against RFK Jr. talking points would be a real spectacle.
Love RFK on so many issues - first dem I can remember I would consider voting for- which is why the dems will take him out like they did Bernie and Tulsi... they goosestep in lockstep
As of today, April 7, according to RCP polling, Trump is winning the (R) primary by 37%. Trump 58% - DeSantis 21%. He was winning by 34% on Tues, by 33% in two different polls on Mon, and by 31% on Sun in another. That's 31-37% wins spanning 4 different polling companies. He's even winning the NH primary by 13%, which is where he should be weakest. The "race" is not even close.
The author misunderstands the (R) base and thinks we live in "politics as usual" times. The author also shows his partisanship by calling Trump's policies "socialist," which is actually kind of insane. What the (R) base wants is regime change. They no longer want to live under the Establishment "normal" that has existed since FDR, which - thanks to neocons, neolibs, RINOs, and what is basically a fascist system with socialist goals - they see as having killed their kids via wars-for-profit and illegal drugs flooding the country, while simultaneously destroying their financial lives by sending their jobs to other countries, still taxing them to death, sunsetting their pension funds, and more recently declaring them white supremacist oppressor deplorables. They are not wrong about any of that. Personally, I think it's time more fortunate people stepped up on their behalf.
Anyway, right or wrong, the view of the (R) base is that DeSantis is an Ivy league educated plant for the Establishment. No different than HW or W. A lot would have to change over the next 12 months for DeSantis to win the nomination. Or a lot of cheating would need to occur. I'm not ruling out either, just pointing out the landscape today is very much at odds with this author's take.
I have to push back a bit. The assumption that Trump will not be on the Republican ticket as its Presidential nominee is way too early to call. The GOPe contingent certainly doesn't want that, but the Republican rank and file voters do and overwhelmingly so. DeSantis is not getting the support he needs, and will decide at some point to sit this one out. As for Biden, the Democrats will get rid of him one way or another (25th amendment, or the slow drip drip drip of revelations of deep corruption) and they'll get their wish for Newsom or someone equally leftist. The only question left is whether the elections will be honest next time, and the behind the scenes Demos (with the help of Republicans to be sure) will pull out all the stops to make sure it is fixed if (and I'd say when) Trump runs. With the faucets of Eurodollars being shut down financing the election fraud machinery (thanks to JayPow) and some much needed election law reforms there is a chance the elections will be less fixed next time. Brace yourself.
While it’s true that Desantis will be able to beat up Trump on things he did and did not do while President, particularly with regard to Covid and the vaccines, Trump will still win the nomination if he manages to stay alive by that point. Desantis has his own skeletons particularly on foreign policy and has surrounded himself with old guard neocon consultants. Nonetheless, it’s going to be interesting to say the least.
I think Desantis is a good governor. However, he has cozied up to RINO billionaires in the Republican Party to fund his candidacy. You know the RINO's that are America Last, Vax Mandate Loving, and Bought and paid for by China. So no, I do not agree Desantis is a shoe in for the Republican party!
Excellent documentation. There is really not much left of the US as a "country."
We are more like a "society" that gets up every morning to see which way Google will tell us the wind is blowing. The whole country has become a giant New York, LA, or Chicago scenario. The internet has squeezed us into nothing more than a nationwide metropolitan dung heap where we smell and feel the effects of everything from coast to real time.
Unless the election laws in blue states are changed to include voter identification, we are in for a continuing communist takeover. Just look at the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court vote. Dems we’re paying people to vote.
Will anything happen? Nope. Or Kari Lake in Arizona. If her challenge fails, you can kiss Arizona goodbye as a blue state forever.
These elections have nothing to do with issues. It’s all about Fair and Honest elections above all else. The Steal is On!
Interesting take on this. Newsom would be a disaster for America with his far left agenda. Sadly, the Democrat machine is alive and well...even some of their dead voters.
Lord help us if Newson wins. Goodbye America. I mean it’s almost gone now but this will be the mail in the coffin.
Clown Schwab will take over America and the world on January 21, 2025!
Exactly Newson is a wef lapdog
It's already in the bag.
Having watched RJKJr speak for many hours publicly, he will be a force on the debate stage assuming he can be concise.
The media will block him if Newsom enters. D voters still listen to CNN/ABC/NBC/NYT. That’s who will decide
Only a liberal or someone who doesnt understand conservative politics believes Trump will not be the GOP candidate..... DeSantis cannot win his own state in a primary with Trump...... D.... he has to beat trump and thats hard to do if he has to spend the first 10 min of every interview defending him against the political over reach of local NYC republicans, Pelosi democrats and the legacy media....
Trump will be the top of the Ticket Desantis will be the VP candidate.... the rest of the show is just the show....
Desantis will not be the VP candidate. That position will likely go to Kari Lake.
I have heard from people inside the Trump campaign ....... Trump Desantis have worked it out..... they will quarrel to keep the race interesting and come together at the end..... that is the plan.... we shall
Chump was a loser in 2020. What makes you think they will let him win this time........and if they let him win, doesn't that make him their pick in the first place?
Finally if Chump wins, what makes you think he will get anymore done this time than last. Look at the shape in which he left this country in 2020. If he wins, he will just help the destruction along.
I'm not sure about that. I am not MAGA but did vote for him 2x. There are alot of MAGA that realize that the middle folks will not vote for Trump
I voted for Trump out of disgust in 2020.
Never again. Dude is ready to keel over anyway
Interesting prediction. Personally, I think it would be entertaining to see Trump run against RFK Jr. (An unlikely possibility, I grant you.) Watching Trump try to defend the stuff you listed above against RFK Jr. talking points would be a real spectacle.
Love RFK on so many issues - first dem I can remember I would consider voting for- which is why the dems will take him out like they did Bernie and Tulsi... they goosestep in lockstep
As of today, April 7, according to RCP polling, Trump is winning the (R) primary by 37%. Trump 58% - DeSantis 21%. He was winning by 34% on Tues, by 33% in two different polls on Mon, and by 31% on Sun in another. That's 31-37% wins spanning 4 different polling companies. He's even winning the NH primary by 13%, which is where he should be weakest. The "race" is not even close.
The author misunderstands the (R) base and thinks we live in "politics as usual" times. The author also shows his partisanship by calling Trump's policies "socialist," which is actually kind of insane. What the (R) base wants is regime change. They no longer want to live under the Establishment "normal" that has existed since FDR, which - thanks to neocons, neolibs, RINOs, and what is basically a fascist system with socialist goals - they see as having killed their kids via wars-for-profit and illegal drugs flooding the country, while simultaneously destroying their financial lives by sending their jobs to other countries, still taxing them to death, sunsetting their pension funds, and more recently declaring them white supremacist oppressor deplorables. They are not wrong about any of that. Personally, I think it's time more fortunate people stepped up on their behalf.
Anyway, right or wrong, the view of the (R) base is that DeSantis is an Ivy league educated plant for the Establishment. No different than HW or W. A lot would have to change over the next 12 months for DeSantis to win the nomination. Or a lot of cheating would need to occur. I'm not ruling out either, just pointing out the landscape today is very much at odds with this author's take.
And these polls are notoriously unreliable since the body of Trump supporters do not answer the polling phone calls.
Trump is establishment... the trailer park whiteys just haven't figgered that out yet.
That is my concern.
I have to push back a bit. The assumption that Trump will not be on the Republican ticket as its Presidential nominee is way too early to call. The GOPe contingent certainly doesn't want that, but the Republican rank and file voters do and overwhelmingly so. DeSantis is not getting the support he needs, and will decide at some point to sit this one out. As for Biden, the Democrats will get rid of him one way or another (25th amendment, or the slow drip drip drip of revelations of deep corruption) and they'll get their wish for Newsom or someone equally leftist. The only question left is whether the elections will be honest next time, and the behind the scenes Demos (with the help of Republicans to be sure) will pull out all the stops to make sure it is fixed if (and I'd say when) Trump runs. With the faucets of Eurodollars being shut down financing the election fraud machinery (thanks to JayPow) and some much needed election law reforms there is a chance the elections will be less fixed next time. Brace yourself.
Yeh I don’t see it happening - once someone rigs an election they don’t sit the next one out....
Trump is 5 steaks away from checking out
You left out the part where Trump then runs as an independent and pulls just enough votes away from DeSantis for Newsom to win.
Ross Perot reincarnated.
I voted for Ross Perot.
So did I. And I'd do it again. But I don't see Trump going solo. I see him cutting a deal with DeSantis.
While it’s true that Desantis will be able to beat up Trump on things he did and did not do while President, particularly with regard to Covid and the vaccines, Trump will still win the nomination if he manages to stay alive by that point. Desantis has his own skeletons particularly on foreign policy and has surrounded himself with old guard neocon consultants. Nonetheless, it’s going to be interesting to say the least.
That’s my biggest worry with desantas- who he surrounds himself with, and it’s not great
Because Chump surrounded himself with the best of the best, right?
Good God, you people are so blind when it comes to seeing what you want to see rather than what is.
I think Desantis is a good governor. However, he has cozied up to RINO billionaires in the Republican Party to fund his candidacy. You know the RINO's that are America Last, Vax Mandate Loving, and Bought and paid for by China. So no, I do not agree Desantis is a shoe in for the Republican party!
DeSantis Lies in Plain DAY Light about the Quackcines (10 minutes)!
Have you seen Chump's opinion regarding "his" very, very, very great vaccine?
Well, I think the country is doomed. See what he said in 1998 about presidential elections. He's a clown and has being lying since 2016.
2024 Elections
Trump 1998:,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Excellent documentation. There is really not much left of the US as a "country."
We are more like a "society" that gets up every morning to see which way Google will tell us the wind is blowing. The whole country has become a giant New York, LA, or Chicago scenario. The internet has squeezed us into nothing more than a nationwide metropolitan dung heap where we smell and feel the effects of everything from coast to real time.
Unless the election laws in blue states are changed to include voter identification, we are in for a continuing communist takeover. Just look at the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court vote. Dems we’re paying people to vote.
Will anything happen? Nope. Or Kari Lake in Arizona. If her challenge fails, you can kiss Arizona goodbye as a blue state forever.
These elections have nothing to do with issues. It’s all about Fair and Honest elections above all else. The Steal is On!
"The Republican Party won’t nominate Trump again, because Trump in 2020 became most known for his extreme socialist policies"
Oh that's f-------g BS! The Uniparty won't nominate Trump because he isn't a globalist tool!
He's a globalist tool, pimping the death jabs non stop and not pardoning actual anti-globalists.
Wake up and smell the coffee burning.
Who have the globalist pharmaceutical companies billions for their global vaccine business?
Who ran up more debt in 4 years than Obama did in 8?
Who went along with the lock downs and handed out welfare on which he demanded has name be placed?
Who bombed the shit out of Syria and bragged about stealing their oil?
But he's not a globalist, naw, can't be.
Trump for the win. Courtesy of dems and Bragg.
Desantis is just another establishment neocon cookie cutter Republican. None of the things Trump did at the beginning of the pandemic will stick.
The people who fled California will be so disappointed with President Newsome!
Joe Biden is more like President Jimmy Carter than Lyndon Johnson.
Interesting take on this. Newsom would be a disaster for America with his far left agenda. Sadly, the Democrat machine is alive and well...even some of their dead voters.
Communism is "Safe & Effective" for America and the world. Cuba will be rehabilitated soon.