The democratic system, in order to maintain its legitimacy, must continuously expand the scope of government intervention in the economy and society, thereby destroying the very foundations of wealth creation and individual liberty upon which it rests.

Democracy is the institutionalization of envy, the political expression of the resentment of the mediocre against the talented.

The only way to escape the political plundering and economic stagnation brought about by democracies is to abandon democracy itself.


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Your last sentence sums it up well.

The fallacy is that we live in a democracy. We vote for who the corporations put up as their puppets. Biden was middle of the pack before the donors trashed the rest of the field.

We are a corporatocracy. Some would define it as a fascist state. All politicians are beholden only to their donors, not the rest of us.

Nothing will change this short of catastrophic war and rebellion similar to the Vietnam era.

When the government comes for your kids to send off to another shithole to save democracy maybe then even the leftist ratfuckers will wake up and go J6 on their ass.

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Somalia is a splendid example of a country with no overbearing government to bother the citizens. If you like living in a thugocracy that is--pure capitalism lends to thugs rising to power. My argument wouldn't be for smaller government or more government but for better government---nothing will ever be perfect there of course but that is where I would like to start the revolution and preserve a better democracy.

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Install term limits as an item on the next general election, it would pass by 90%. Then politicians might do what is right and not what is right to get re elected

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Term limits only empower the hordes of unelected and unaccountable people who "work" at three letter agencies. Only long serving elected people can figure out the labyrinth of people and agencies. Many of the workers are good and some are lazy idiots, but all have jobs where they suffer no consequences for bureaucratic overreach. Who at the Fed ever held a real job? Who gets fired when they jack up rates to near normal levels and crash the economy? Who gets fired when the Navigable Waters of the US are defined as puddles nationwide and the EPA drives up the cost of building everywhere? Trump promised to fire all of them which might be a tad sticky, but many thousands could be cut loose. Ask and PATCO member from 1981. Congress members face term limits every two years.

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What exactly is "antiwar" ? Is it something reminiscent of Henry Ford's ideas ?

Please explain.

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