Oct 2, 2022Liked by Quoth the Raven

I learned about Peter Daszak from Dr. David Martin a while back. He is quoted as saying in 2016, "We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."

If Ed Dowd is correct, there are a growing number of investors who are now seeing fraud at the end of the process. This appointment should raise eyebrows for anyone who is even half awake. Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely have to check out the Lex Fridman interview.

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@Frances Lynch is correct. We have continued to allow the oligarchy and government folks that support the oligarchy not to face punishments for their crimes. The justice system is broken beyond repair when Martha Stewart goes to jail for insider trading when Nancy Pelosi continues to use her position to enrich herself. Julian Assange is in prison being tortured for telling the truth while James Clapper gets a cushy CNN job for committing perjury before Congress. The list goes on and on. Is it any surprise nothing changes? Until we hang these SOB's at the gallows, nothing will change....

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Who is going to stop this mf?!

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Listen, do you hear that? They are laughing at us. The question is what are we going to do about it.

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Strongly agree with the quotes thus far BUT, how do we effectively respond. It seems that all of our elected "officials" are in on the destruction of our "rule of law". The coming election should be a groundswell of disapproval of current elected officials, Dem and Rep, but we vote and they just switch from Dem to Rep with no change in these grim circumstances in "their" governance. Republicans stand for nothing different as far as I can determine. I remember voting for Ross Perot and his "giant sucking sound" regarding offshoring USA manufacturing. Did not make a twit of difference. Somehow, WE have to change the law which governs big business as INDIVIDUALS and stop their money and lobbying of THEIR special interests in contravention to the special interests of citizens: Freedom and pursuit of happiness. WON'T HOLD MY BREATH ON THAT!!!!

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These people are apparently alchemists, they've found a way to turn bat shit intro gold.

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It's becoming depressingly familiar by now. Deflect, dissemble, lie until it becomes too late to deny. By then it will be too late to do anything about it. And there will be a new manufactured crisis. Rinse and repeat.

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How interesting that this research is in countries that depend on and ask few questions about international investment especially in pharmaceuticals and most likely laboratories. Myanmar has 39 pharmaceutical companies. Thailand might have over 100. Plus, mainstream medicine is readily accepted, revered in fact, which means even a little cold is treated with a variety of drugs. And if someone has side effects from, let's say, the vaccine, he/she would still get another without protest. Here is an article from 2017 https://www.lifescienceleader.com/doc/the-most-exciting-region-in-asia-for-pharma-and-medical-devices-0001.

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Hello there. Want to know more about Daszak & how we got to this place? ARPA-H director is not without that intrigue... this is long and complex but I will be doing a 30 minute film that concisely show how this all fits together.


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The lab leak theory remains a theory only because the people at the NIH, CDC, etc. responsible for figuring it out simply don't want to know. Too many very uncomfortable questions about exactly what they are doing with all that taxpayer money. Next time you hear the words "Public Health Officials believe..." Just do yourself a favor and ignore everything after that.

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