What a perfect time for China to take Taiwan, just watch.

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And what would they do with it that they can't or aren't doing now?

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I wonder who prepared Joe’s q cards.

Let’s face it, he is incapable of making up his own answer.

Kabuki theatre.

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The man is a global embarrassment...

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Uncle Joe has always been a less than perfect Toastmaster's speaker. Mr. Trump is also quite the speaker when he veers off his teleprompter. What a revoltin' development this is. Neither of them can stay on message, and one will probably be president.

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Presidential elections in the US have devolved into, "Who's The Biggest Loser".

Just like the other choices we are force fed in the "land of the free, home of the brave."

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This author forgets the largest expenditure - YOUNG MENS LIVES !! THIS is sooooo f'ed up on every level. I'm going to restrain myself (difficult) and just state this: I am a Marine Corps veteran and was always proud of my service. Although I am still proud that I went, when my Sons became teen-agers I removed all my plaques & decorations from the walls of our home, so as not to glamorize the Corps, or the military in general. They are now 17 & 18. Any Fathers out there that support any of these nonsensical wars must be crazy. My eyes are wide open. Major General Smedley D Butler was a 2 time CMH winner, and he wrote a book titled "War is a Racket". He was also asked to lead a coup against the US Government and WW1 Vets were assembled - a never talked about part of US history. He declined. Read his speech, and your eyes will be opened as well.

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Thank you for being man enough to realize the reality of the world in which we live and giving your boys a fighting chance at learning the truth.

No true American would ever encourage their sons to go and serve the evil bastards that run Washington DC. At this point, anything they are against in DC, I am automatically for until I can prove otherwise.

I AM an American, and the whores in DC ceased to be American a long time ago.

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50K boys died in Vietnam for what? I ask that of warmongers and that usually shuts them up.

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Bingo - for what, NOTHING!!!

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Thanks for presenting this.

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We are going to continue to spend money we don’t have. There is no political will to stop it or even throttle it. All of the ivory tower economists assure me that there are no consequences. Look at Japan’s economy, much greater debt to GDP, no inflation. We are the world’s reserve currency, we can get away with a lot more irresponsible behavior and be fine. It all seems like a perpetual motion contraption to me, but I am convinced the government’s spending habits will not change and we are all along for the ride. Personally, I think it results in inflation, asset bubbles, greater separation of classes and increased social unrest. But, I’m told I just don’t understand how thing’s really work. Oh well, at least we live during interesting times.

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You are right. Nothing is going to convince these banker pimps and their political whores to self discipline.

The energy cliff that is coming will burn their debt bubble, playhouse down.

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I did something wrong during Covid, cause the two stimulus checks I got didn't last long a all. Yet all I hear is that covid stimulus is still driving consumer spending. Sure it's not just those maxed out credit cards?

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George Gammon did a video showing how 80% of all people now have less savings than they did in March 2020.... and definitely more owed on the CC. The intentional destruction of motivation and economies courtesy of a BlackRock + FED + US GOV could not of been planned better.

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Having trapped people, 70% of whom are refugees and 50% of whom are children, in what James Cameron describes as an open air prison and Baruch Kimmerling describes as the world’s largest concentration camp, the Israelis undertake a policy of periodic slaughter of their captors (Dahiya Doctrine). Israel controls everything entering the strip. Nobody comes in, nobody goes out. The place is fenced in like a maximum security prison and like the Nazis before them, the Israelis went so dar as to calculate the minimum number of calories required not to starve, letting pass into Gaza just slightly more than that. Starvation plus. In 2017 Bezalel Smotrich published a plan, a Final Solution to the Palestinian problem, if you will, of ethnically cleansing by any means necessary the ancient Land of Israel, including the nearly 2 million Arab Israelis.

I’m only scratching the surface of the crime against humanity, but enough to hopefully show a world intent on blindness and deafness to this atrocity to make you wonder what you would do in such circumstances.

The only thing “turning Gaza into glass” will accomplish is to draw the world’s attention to Israel’s crimes, as it has already. The IDF is tired

and many of its soldiers disgusted by being forced to brutalize Arabs in the West Bank for Smotrich’s plan. The US will likely have to put boots on the ground. How many Americans want to die for Israel’s ability to continue to perform ethnic cleansing?

We can’t afford this war financially or morally. And neither can the Jews of Israel.

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Besides terrorism, propaganda and lies are part of Hamas's warfare, as reflected from the dis-informative comment above.

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Well, why don't you supply some facts that dispelled the disinformation?

I bet if your ass had to live in the Gaza shithole prison, you would have a much different attitude about the people that live there.

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The people that live there are solely responsible for living their lives that way, as they are the ones who voted and empowered a terrorist organization.

The bedrock of terrorism is supporters and sympathizers around the globe, like the commentator above.

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The "bedrock of terrorism" are dumbasses without the ability to think.

Did the people in Gaza build a double fence with a 100 meter no-no-go zone around it?

Did the people of Gaza close off all but two of their exits, and limit the people that can go in and out each day?

Did the people of Gaza choose to move to Gaza, or were they herded their like sheep back in 1948?

Did the people of Gaza ask the Israeli navy to place a blockade on them in the Mediterranean?

Did the people of Gaza bomb their only airport in 2002?.......the way Syria now bombs its own airports in Damascus and Aleppo, right?

Did the people of Gaza vote to have the Jews monitor and police them and everything that comes in or out of Gaza?

Please go shovel that bullshit somewhere else. The people that taught you to use the word terrorist are the same people that rewrote history calling the Patriots that founded this USA, "terrorist. "

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Antisemitic is an accurate definition for a terror supporter, like the commentator above, who denies Jews the right to defend themselves in their only country.

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Wonder what the Jews would say about what their Messiah told them regarding such matters?

Matthew 5:43 "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."

Oh, that's right, the peaceful, "respecters of life" killed Him too.

All through their Old Testament history, God fought their battles for them, and they never lost when they trusted in Him, and weren't offering their children on the fire to idols. How's the last 2,000 years been working out for them?

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Terrorist is an accurate definition for Islamist butchers that murders , rapes, tortures, and mutilates 1400 unarmed civilians, among them children and babies.

Fifth column is an accurate definition for terrorist supporters and sympathizers, like the commentator above, who try to rewrite history such that the aforementioned despicable acts represent American or Western values and are therefore justifiable.

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You want to know who the original terrorist were in Palestine? Try reading a history book of what they did to the Romans, British, and then to the Arabs that were living their. You attitude of the entitled, righteous Jew is sickening.

You are so blinded by your hypocrisy. That is the thing about Truth, you can only see it when you want to.

And for the record, I am not for either side. As an American, I just naturally pull for the underdog, but neither one of them are classified as "good guys" in my book.

And you have still not debunked anything GE said.

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Funny how your whole opinion changes about people being forced to live in a ghetto..........when their not jewish.

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Not sure why the USA has to be involved with every little conflict - this is why the rest of the world hates us. Eventually we are going to be against you at some point the past 100 years.

What happened to the UN?

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Because we are a world empire?

The UN is bought and paid for with dollars. Who controls dollars? Now you know what happened to the UN.

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Thank goodness someone is mentioning the 'what's next' step in Gaza: A bloody door to door battle. We've seen this before during the prior Intifada. Is the world ready for what comes next? It won't be pretty and what's worse is that the US has both a warmonger AND Marxist for a leader. I don't think that's happened before. Well, maaaayybe Jimmy Carter. And that was a messed up period of time.

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Marxist? Have you studied Karl Marx? Warmonger? Bush/Cheney got us into two stupid as f-ck wars, one that Biden (ineptly) got us out of finally. I'm not a great Biden fan but he didn't start the Ukraine nor the Hamas wars but is lending aid to a Democratic country (Israel) and hopeful Democratic nation (Ukraine). It's kinda what we're supposed to do. And if this all leads to confrontation with Iran and we are victorious I suggest carving out a nice chunk of that country for a Palestinian homeland. Due justice.

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There is no we here. People wanting to be involved should send their own money and kids, leave the rest of us alone in your warmongering.

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lol...I don't agree with your view of Biden not starting war, but I do respect your opinion. I don't agree nor respect your desire for more war, with Iran. "If you are victorious" ...yes, I'd agree with that. The US hasn't won a war since...well, dunno. I'd like to see a score card how many wars the US has instigated themselves or through a proxy compared to Iran.

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"Democracy?" LMAO

The fact that you insinuate that democracy is some form of desirable government illustrates that you are not qualified to speak openly on the subject. The fact that you use it as some form of evidence in choosing what is "right" or the "good guy's" side is an insight into the debauchery of what our society has become.

News flash! We...... the US......is NOT a fkng democracy. Though we have devolved into one as a result of the massive stupidity of the populace. Can you even define "democracy"? It was a real easy definition when I was in school. Democracy: "mob rule."

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

—John Adams

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@Steve Mudge - You are watching too much MSNBC and Fox...you are full of propaganda BS. Ukraine is Biden's war - you have conveniently forgotten Hunter's role and the bribes. Israel is NOT a democratic country. It is a fascist, racist, apartheid state that discriminates and mistreats Christians and Muslims. Zionists are the biggest hypocrites around. Do your homework and use your brain.

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Look at the money we laundered through the 20 year Afghanistan debacle.

We have a ways to go yet before we reach that level of money laundering in Ukraine. We give the Jews $30 billion a year in welfare anyway. What's a few more billion?

It's not about the money! We print that shit up out of thin air. It's about the energy! So many of you just can't let yourself grasp the reality that other players in the world have us by the balls when it comes to energy. If Iran instituted another oil embargo like they did in the 70s, oil will go to $300 a barrel. That would destroy the US economy, thereby destroying what is left of this debt ridden, corrupt abomination. That is why we haven't opened the ball on them. We can't figure out how to do it AND not disrupt the energy markets.

Sheeple, please listen up! We use 20 mbpd. We pump 12.6 mbpd. Do some basic math. We are no where near energy independent, and have not been since the 60s. I want you to imagine life in America if we only had 15 mbpd. We burn 369 million gallons worth of gasoline everyday........just normal usage. Every 50 days, we burn a billion barrels of oil.

If Russia, Iran, and Saudi reduced their production by a million barrels each to the rest of the world, we would go into a massive meltdown depression that would result in a huge portion of the population dying, and not one shot would have to be fired to get it done.

Europe uses 20 mbpd as well.......and they have virtually ZERO reserves. And NO,..... wind, solar, or natural gas is not going to fix this.

It's all about the oil. Money, of any kind, doesn't mean jack shit if it can't buy enough oil to maintain its pathetically wasteful, debt ridden economy.

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Of course you guys CAN DO IT! Don't be pussies... http://disq.us/p/2w9js59

All that's needed is plenty of ink and paper. Let the OWNERS be richer.

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All apart of the Reset plan...Ukraine wasn't playing anymore.

Middle East is always a good place to create a crisis.

Divides Americans further over the moral questions.

These psychopaths don't GAF about logic or reason. Have they done anything different since Vietnam? When have we avoided conflict? Cui bono? We know who cui bono - parasitic elite.

As others mentioned, China-Russia are making big deals and maneuvering their plan in place. (This was backed by IRAN, the beneficiary of a $400 billion China deal.) China has its issues - but it has the dictatorial means to suppress their issues.

Starting to think the USA is DOA.

We don't seem worried enough to stop the insanity or protest in large quantities because of the Fed Boys! But maybe, I am wrong.

Oh, it stands to reason Biden LLC are happy to see this: export LNG. (Qatar-Australia)


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We must see the manpower problem for the Ukraine in that the average of their army is 40 years of age. That is defeat by itself. Their president is killing off the future of his country. Armored vehicles are being destroyed rapidly as well. No country wants to finance the loser in a war.

Roger L,

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Don't have cable, sorry to disappoint you. But if we disagree so be it.

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Roger L.

I have not seen yet any mention of Israels nuke capacity . Look out Iran.

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The" U.S. debt burden " what an ever elusive topic , i.e. the Federal Reserve. In need me one of these !

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