Wakey wakey! This is written as if mass migration from the 3rd world is some sort of accident, it is not. Mass movements of people are highly organised and 99% the result of Communist/Leftist/NGO manipulations via the China-run UN, which is using immigration as a weapon to weaken Western nations. This has been going on slowly for years, now it's in top gear. Elon Musk has just woken up to the other consequence; massive vote rigging in favour of Leftist parties, securing welfare votes in the millions.
Absolutely. I don’t want to insult QTR in case he is friends with the article’s author, but the Brownstone Institute is based in Austin, TX. Pinko-ville. The author, who is probably rich as fuck, writes in that sterile, pretentious WEF style, completely avoiding the underlying issues that drive “mass migration “ and “non-assimilation”. This is intentional.
A lot of words to describe the intentional release of human locusts. It’s an insidious human bio-weapon, pre-wrapped in a cloak of compassion and armed with the protective shield of accusations of “xenophobia”. They have been seeded in major cities and selected smaller cities across the nation. Once they have consumed all resources there, like the locust clouds of 1874, they will move across the land, from town to town, destroying everything in their path.
You see, in the West, capitalism has allowed too much land and too many resources, natural and otherwise, to be put in the hands of the unwashed plebes. We are witnessing the “great concentration”, where the rich are reclaiming their fiefdoms, moving us to a new era of feudalism. What better way than disguising the rape of the populace as “compassion”?
“those in which conflicts and persecutions exist that create special levels of danger and persecution for identifiable classes of people to the degree they deserve to be termed “refugees” under international law”
Let’s see. If you are a citizen of the US, and are (1) white (2) male (3) conservative; you perfectly meet the qualifications as described above.
That’s the bad news.
But there is good news.
As a now persecuted refuge your pre loaded EBT, housing allowance debit card, free plane ticket to a small city in a red state, and an envelope with some walking around cash, will soon be delivered to your door.
You might feel persecuted today, but you’ll quickly learn to blend in. Essentially, you’ll be able to go wherever the hell you want, eat for free, live for free, get paid for work in cash, pay no taxes…oh and if you decide to commit some crimes…maybe robbery cause you need a warmer coat…no worries…the ‘justice’ system will leave you alone.
Seriously. I generally like what Brownstone writes, does, and stand for. But this is drivel.
They aren’t migrants. They are illegals. Illegal aliens, to be precise. (Many of them are actually invaders, which time will ultimately reveal, but we will leave that for another day
Current US law sets out exactly what should be happening. It’s very simple. First, you don’t let them in. Second, if they get in, you send them back. Third, if you send them back and they return, you lock them up for a long, long time.
It’s called a deterrent. To make the next invader think twice.
Thank you, Chris, for sharing this very informative article. I also follow the Brownstone Institute and their writing. Predicting the future is a risky enterprise, especially as change continues to grow at a rapidly increasing pace, but I suspect much of the author's guesses are not far off track. As an overall package, it is an excellent essay, tying together many tidbits seen elsewhere into an easy-to-understand picture that curls the short hairs. Putting my money where my mouth is, I've already left the States (Ground Zero, the big prize) for good. Agility is key to the future while this plays out.
A prior comment characterized the Brownstone author's comments as "drivel". I would add "inane"... The US has laws in place to deal with prospective immigrants who have something to contribute generally. What has been happening under the "Biden" regime has been the entry of millions of worthless (and in some cases demonstrably dangerous) illegals into the US, primarily through the southern border, primarily in Texas. The negative results are now plain to see in every area of life. Just another consequence of the disease of "liberalism", in this case as it relates to "nationality" in general. See James Burnham's "Suicide of the West" for further details.
BTW - I much prefer Confucius' "Silver Rule" (Do not do to others what you would not wish them to do to you) to the Golden Rule. Much more practical/workable, particularly in groups any larger than the (extended) family. Libertarian Regards to All.
"If migrants who seek to come to America are unwilling to work toward becoming full participants in American society then they should not be here. If they are unwilling to become helpful parts of the overall community, they should not be here. If they have nothing to contribute other than the fact that they happen to be from “somewhere else,” they should not be here."
Chris... Some say the U.S. is the main thing standing in the way of the globalist agenda. John Kerrey summed up one such view - centered around the First Amendment. But it isn't the U.S. as much as the traditions of self-reliance and self-government found in Western Civilization.
A "Great Replacement" is happening, but it is not about race or color. It is about drowning out the cultures that are self-reliant with people from places that have no such traditions.
Then you have a majority of people who look to the Leviathan State (Hobbes) for their very identity and the self-evident truth about inalienable rights (Locke > Jefferson) is crushed by the state's authority.
1. America needs to recognize that WE - the assimilated American “we” - are our own “tribe,” and that our tribe comes first, period.
2. The fact that others can neither govern nor feed themselves argues for colonialism, which accomplishes both, and for a refusal of the first world to keep feeding the third world, which only exacerbates third world problems by increasing their populations and concomitant crime, corruption and misery. Whether or not the farm lobby likes it.
3. Either colonize these countries - bringing to them in their own lands what they come here for - or at least get the Marxist professors from academia, IMF, World Bank, UN, State Dept., the hell out of the third world so they can try stuff that might work rather than implementing crap that does NOT work.
Wakey wakey! This is written as if mass migration from the 3rd world is some sort of accident, it is not. Mass movements of people are highly organised and 99% the result of Communist/Leftist/NGO manipulations via the China-run UN, which is using immigration as a weapon to weaken Western nations. This has been going on slowly for years, now it's in top gear. Elon Musk has just woken up to the other consequence; massive vote rigging in favour of Leftist parties, securing welfare votes in the millions.
Absolutely. I don’t want to insult QTR in case he is friends with the article’s author, but the Brownstone Institute is based in Austin, TX. Pinko-ville. The author, who is probably rich as fuck, writes in that sterile, pretentious WEF style, completely avoiding the underlying issues that drive “mass migration “ and “non-assimilation”. This is intentional.
The Pinkos have been 100% behind mass immigration, mainly because they have the IQ of a spoon and can’t think beyond slogans.
A lot of words to describe the intentional release of human locusts. It’s an insidious human bio-weapon, pre-wrapped in a cloak of compassion and armed with the protective shield of accusations of “xenophobia”. They have been seeded in major cities and selected smaller cities across the nation. Once they have consumed all resources there, like the locust clouds of 1874, they will move across the land, from town to town, destroying everything in their path.
You see, in the West, capitalism has allowed too much land and too many resources, natural and otherwise, to be put in the hands of the unwashed plebes. We are witnessing the “great concentration”, where the rich are reclaiming their fiefdoms, moving us to a new era of feudalism. What better way than disguising the rape of the populace as “compassion”?
“those in which conflicts and persecutions exist that create special levels of danger and persecution for identifiable classes of people to the degree they deserve to be termed “refugees” under international law”
Let’s see. If you are a citizen of the US, and are (1) white (2) male (3) conservative; you perfectly meet the qualifications as described above.
That’s the bad news.
But there is good news.
As a now persecuted refuge your pre loaded EBT, housing allowance debit card, free plane ticket to a small city in a red state, and an envelope with some walking around cash, will soon be delivered to your door.
You might feel persecuted today, but you’ll quickly learn to blend in. Essentially, you’ll be able to go wherever the hell you want, eat for free, live for free, get paid for work in cash, pay no taxes…oh and if you decide to commit some crimes…maybe robbery cause you need a warmer coat…no worries…the ‘justice’ system will leave you alone.
Seriously. I generally like what Brownstone writes, does, and stand for. But this is drivel.
They aren’t migrants. They are illegals. Illegal aliens, to be precise. (Many of them are actually invaders, which time will ultimately reveal, but we will leave that for another day
Current US law sets out exactly what should be happening. It’s very simple. First, you don’t let them in. Second, if they get in, you send them back. Third, if you send them back and they return, you lock them up for a long, long time.
It’s called a deterrent. To make the next invader think twice.
Brownstone can do better.
Sounds like the WEF plans are working well for the destruction of the West!
Thank you, Chris, for sharing this very informative article. I also follow the Brownstone Institute and their writing. Predicting the future is a risky enterprise, especially as change continues to grow at a rapidly increasing pace, but I suspect much of the author's guesses are not far off track. As an overall package, it is an excellent essay, tying together many tidbits seen elsewhere into an easy-to-understand picture that curls the short hairs. Putting my money where my mouth is, I've already left the States (Ground Zero, the big prize) for good. Agility is key to the future while this plays out.
A prior comment characterized the Brownstone author's comments as "drivel". I would add "inane"... The US has laws in place to deal with prospective immigrants who have something to contribute generally. What has been happening under the "Biden" regime has been the entry of millions of worthless (and in some cases demonstrably dangerous) illegals into the US, primarily through the southern border, primarily in Texas. The negative results are now plain to see in every area of life. Just another consequence of the disease of "liberalism", in this case as it relates to "nationality" in general. See James Burnham's "Suicide of the West" for further details.
BTW - I much prefer Confucius' "Silver Rule" (Do not do to others what you would not wish them to do to you) to the Golden Rule. Much more practical/workable, particularly in groups any larger than the (extended) family. Libertarian Regards to All.
"If migrants who seek to come to America are unwilling to work toward becoming full participants in American society then they should not be here. If they are unwilling to become helpful parts of the overall community, they should not be here. If they have nothing to contribute other than the fact that they happen to be from “somewhere else,” they should not be here."
Sums it up for me.
Chris... Some say the U.S. is the main thing standing in the way of the globalist agenda. John Kerrey summed up one such view - centered around the First Amendment. But it isn't the U.S. as much as the traditions of self-reliance and self-government found in Western Civilization.
A "Great Replacement" is happening, but it is not about race or color. It is about drowning out the cultures that are self-reliant with people from places that have no such traditions.
Then you have a majority of people who look to the Leviathan State (Hobbes) for their very identity and the self-evident truth about inalienable rights (Locke > Jefferson) is crushed by the state's authority.
Yeah. I’ve read Camp of the Saints, too.
Three problems:
1. America needs to recognize that WE - the assimilated American “we” - are our own “tribe,” and that our tribe comes first, period.
2. The fact that others can neither govern nor feed themselves argues for colonialism, which accomplishes both, and for a refusal of the first world to keep feeding the third world, which only exacerbates third world problems by increasing their populations and concomitant crime, corruption and misery. Whether or not the farm lobby likes it.
3. Either colonize these countries - bringing to them in their own lands what they come here for - or at least get the Marxist professors from academia, IMF, World Bank, UN, State Dept., the hell out of the third world so they can try stuff that might work rather than implementing crap that does NOT work.