You might get shit wrong a lot, but not this time. Fantastic!

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What better compliment could a man living in the present ask for?

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Brilliant, Chris. And you're right about believing in a higher power, and it really doesn't matter which one (I do have Mine). Such a belief does alleviate at least some worldly anxiety, and allows room for levity and laughter and a whole host of wonderful things that, apparently, aren't currently enjoyed by the modern Left. Did I just call them godless? Yes. Yes, I did. Their screeching lust for power proves it.

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Top of your game. A couple of years ago my youngest daughter graduated college and moved home for a couple of months. One morning she was relaying all of the problems that America and the world faced. The list was endless and she was thinking of a career in the non- profit sector to help solve them. I told her I felt sorry for her and her friends. She was offended and asked why. I told her at her age I had one worry and that was that someone, somewhere, was having fun and I wasn’t there. While her and her friends had so many worries they couldn’t start to have fun.

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Thanks for the kind compliment. And taking the time to share your personal example.

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Great article. I’ve been doing my best to practice gratitude, read the stoics, meditate, listen to the Bhagavad Gita, attend mass, re-read the constitution of the US, love my family and friends, etc. The journey I’ve been on has been a journey within, and has translated into my ability to view things in a much clearer perspective. Bearing able to read blogs or listening to podcasts like yours, on Substack or Rumble has also been a godsend during a very tumultuous 8 years.

Thank you for all that you do.

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Amen my kind friend.

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Love the Carlin routine - I was a big fan but don’t remember this one, guess it is time to revisit his stuff. Someone should Greta Thunberg to a comfortable chair and force her watch this routine twenty times and then write an informed essay on it.

Running and walking outdoors several miles every day is one of the essential elements of maintaining my perspective. The endorphins kick in , the beauty and variety of your surrounding engulf you and both your emotional and physical improve.

I turn 82 in three days and hope to enjoy my life for several more years , despite the problems that I face and the craziness of our elites. God AMD n my body willing 8 hope to complete my 46 th NYC Marathon on November 3rd this year. And despite the fact that it will take me more than twice as long as my first, the elation that I will experience at the finish line will be at least as great.

Then I will be able to put the results of our election two days later in perspective in the perspective of my achievement , controlling what I can and accepting what I cannot. Despite my deep concerns for the future of our country if the autocratic Democratic elites retain their power for another term.

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God bless you. I run and walk every day and have found innumerable benefits from it. Best to you.

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This was freaking brilliant imo. A nice distillation of the ridiculous and sublime. Carlin was perfect. Very nicely done.

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Enjoyed this essay and the unhinged thought process behind it. But not as unhinged as Trump, and not nearly as unhinged as the Trump haters. Which is why I love cycling and the simplicity of the bicycle. Not overly complicated, not even when we try to overcomplicate it. I ripped a page from a Cowboys Quips desk calendar a few years ago, hung it on my fridge, it reads: "No matter where you ride to, that's where you are." Works for cyclists as well as cowboys.

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I don't usually comment, but in this case I wanted to take the time to tell you that this post absolutely nails the left, their hypocrisy and the level of unhinged they have reached. It's fascinating and mind boggling at the same time. Very deliberate and eloquent Chris.

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“No one is above the law” it’s like nails on a black board to me. It is so naive and juvenile to even utter those words you would have to be a complete simpleton. Braggs first day in office he trotted out a list of crimes he decided he will not prosecute or pursue. So, those people are therefore above the law. There, can we stop saying that going forward.

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With the Left, it's always mindless intimidation with bloviating on about their academic pedigree as a justification for their gaslighting. These "experts" are all part of the same farm system of inside baseball and the whole league is useless, self serving and rotten to the fucking core.

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You have a gifted thought process.

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Means a lot. Thank you.

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Nice one!

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I’m with you.

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I have been your articles for a long time, and this one ranks right there with the best Chris! Makes total sense and keeps the principle KISS upfront! Kudos my friend! Keep it up.

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Nailed it.

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Wonderfully articulated Chris…. (and I have no horse in this race). Great piece of writing.

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