Feb 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

There is growing understanding that the dying legacy media is owned by Big Pharma and Big Government, and just shills for their Overlords. Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Chris Irons, Douglas Macgregor, et al are winning in the marketplace of truth and honest debate, and Thank God for that.

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I love listening to Rogan and reading this newsletter. I am slightly concerned however that some of this new media (not Rogan or this newsletter) is being bought up behind the scenes and some 'free thinkers' are actually just a different set of 'lobotomized automatons who are happy to have somebody else do their thinking for them'.

There seems to be a lot money pouring into this new media to try and regain control of narratives and be in control of both sides of the coin.

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Feb 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Thank you for posting QTR.

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Feb 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

And congratulations to you as well! I’m a free subscriber but love your content.

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Rogan has had some very interesting guests but 90% of the time it is either a stand up comedian or an MMA fighter. Not exactly earthshaking current political event show.

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The problem is not the media.......the problem is the audience.

The audience of today is some of the dumbest, ignorant, unthinking people to have ever walked the planet. The media gets away with the lies because people are so ignorant and stupid and without the ability to think for themselves. The population is a bunch of spoon-fed, dumbed down, candy asses, who couldn't handle the truth and reality of the world in which they live.

The only thing that is going o change that is some real pain.........because it will be painful pulling people's heads out of their asses.........no matter the process.

People say you can't fix stupid. Well, some real pain will fix a lot of stupid........because you will either wise up or you'll be dead.......either way, stupid is fixed.

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I can honestly say that you will almost NEVER get the whole truth from advertiser-supported media. In days past, there was an ideal of a bright line between ad sales and the newsroom, but that's long past. You must consider all ad-supported media as entertainment. Find your truth by sifting through multiple sources.

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Might sound banal but I became a subscriber to QTR after reading your disclaimer. It made me laugh and I appreciate the honesty and humility.

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You are correct however the point of the media monolith is to spew the “party’s” official narrative, nothing else and it will never ever change for any reason. Layoffs just mean they will do it on a slimmer budget not that they care about what is true all of a sudden.

You and Rogan exist for now but not for long. Once alternative media is considered more than just an annoyance to the “Party” it will be crushed and dissenters imprisoned or murdered for their insolence, “mis- and dis-information,” hate crimes, thought crimes or whatever flavor they decide. It’s all for the public good of course. And It’s just another “crisis” away. The coming grid down from the Iranian or Russian EMP (wink wink the US gov shuts it all down who’s going to know what really happened when there is NO electricity for a year?) will do nicely to be sure when it comes back up 90% are dead and the remaining 10% only get the “party’s” approved truth from one trusted source and are there to run what is left as slaves for the elite rulers of the planet. “Global warming” solved pesty truth, freedom and liberty threatening and thwarting the whims of the elites solved! Easy as pie.

Have fun while you can out there people. You are living through the end of western civilization and its planned destruction for the benefit of the few and the horrific suffering and death of the many. Evil is on the move the future will not look like you think it will if you survive the next few years. Prepare as you see fit and decide now where and with who you will make your final stand on this earth. What seems like a victory for now with the media is just part of the prep for the next stage of the plan to rule over what remains after this next planned “crisis.” Remember you will own nothing and be happy they let a few of you live to serve them.

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See Tucker’s interview with Russell Brand this week!

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It’s not just finance. The same realignment is happening in churches - people are leaving mainstream churches and going back to basics. My mom’s Methodist church doesn’t have enough members left - and the ones that remain are my moms age (upper 80’s) - to support two pastors, while every Catholic Church in town is having to add services, as are the evangelicals, the Baptists and The other non-woke churches. People want the truth; they want to discuss options and make up their own minds, whether religion, finance, politics, climate or anything else that affects their lives.

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There are 2 ways you can dominate a dog. With a tight leash by force and by throwing him a bone.

A lot of people are mesmerized with fake 'opposition' while in fact they are throw bones to pacify them. Give the illusion of opposition. Most people were already awake about the some issues he just jumped on the band wagon. You should look at Dr. Shiva video managing the swarm.

This Shiva guy is the real deal and his not there just to talk about hot topic for ratings so average joe can blow some steam, but make real positive changes.


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Rogan is part of the controlled opposition to distract and give hope to the people so they stay docile and passive slaves. Don't be naive fools. Confuse, Distract, Delay



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When "misinformation" becomes illegal. Then what?

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WSJ just had an article on Spotify’s lack of profits.

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