When the government hands out trillions of dollars of 'free' money, expect inflation to be demand driven.

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And here we have the latest "clown-car" bit of farce from the "Biden" fedgov - a so-called "cost-of-living" measurement that excludes FOOD and ENERGY PRICES because they're "volatile". THAT'S INSANE. OBVIOUSLY - if extreme volatility is the problem you would utilize a longer-term average measurement (3-month, 6-month, even 12-month) for the input rather than excluding it. FOOD AND ENERGY ARE EXCLUDED BECAUSE THEIR INCLUSION WOULD DEMONSTRATE THE UTTER FAILURE (DELIBERATE) OF THE FEDGOV TO MAINTAIN A STABLE VALUE FOR THE DOLLAR. John William's "Shadowstats" has been reliably tracking consumer price inflation for the last several years in the 8 to 10 % range. At that level the $ will lose 50% of its value in 6 years.

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Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Money growth increases nominal aggregate demand.

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COVID response absolutely destroyed my vendor supply chain.

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The premise is not correct and we must fight against the constant barrage of neo-Keynesian inflation BS. Higher prices are a consequence of excess and un-anchored money within an economic system. Changes in the supply and demand of goods/services can and will produce fluctuations in prices as buyers and sellers adjust to the new reality, but these are not the same as global cost increases produced by government manipulation of the money supply in excess of what is necessary for free trade to occur. In theory, the entire economy could function with only one dollar of money supply, so long as it is easily divisible (possible today using electronic/computerized exchange) and anchored to a universally accepted commodity such as gold/silver. Without the anchor, both the supply and velocity of money are too easily manipulated by the Fed/Treasury and we end up in this dystopian era where the masses have been brainwashed into believing that they should be happy about 2% inflation yoy, when that is just another stealth tax imposed by their overseers.

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QTR…are you still holding that Tesla short? Praying for you man. I don’t have any side of that trade, but I feel the pain! Eff me….that poor dude who does the contributions from time to time is getting ripped a new one.

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It must be kept in mind at all times that inflation is strictly a monetary phenomenon. All supply side disruptions from pandemics to hurricanes can cause prices to increase in response to diminished supply, but cannot cause a general price level increase in a monetary regime of sound money ( the gold standard). It is perfectly clear that the Fed is printing money (or it digital equivalent) and manipulating interest rates to help finance the fiscal irresponsibility of the federal government. In this context the solution to the inflation problem is also clear. The federal government at all costs must stop printing money and balance the budget. Spending must be cut. The federal government has to be honest (fat chance that will ever happen) with the American people. Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid and all the various other welfare state programs are bankrupt and unaffordable. By far one of the biggest beneficiaries of government largesse is the Militarism Industrial Complex and the Department of Offense. When it comes to cutting spending go for the low hanging fruit first. It is for this reason I would go after the militarism budget first, before asking the American people to accept what would be painful cuts or elimination of unaffordable social security benefits, or cutting food stamps to single moms. This is not a question of whether welfare state programs should be cut ( they have to be cut because they are unaffordable and bankrupt) but the order in which government spending should be cut.

Any talk of limiting the scope and power of government has to start with a return to the gold standard and a 100 percent gold dollar. The reason for this reform of linking the dollar to gold is it makes any increase in the supply of money dependent on the mining of gold, and not on the whim of some smarmy government bureaucrat like Jerome Powell. It is also a human rights issue. The first casualty of war is not truth, but sound money. It is a notorious fact that the governments of both the central and allied powers debased their currencies in order to camouflage the costs of the abattoir of WWI. If they were forced to finance their slaughter honestly through tax increases the war would have ended in short orders. Millions of lives would have been saved. This fact also reveals the undemocratic nature of inflationism, it conceals the true costs of the policies implemented by the government in a way that not 1 in 100 could identify.

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Demand, can't prove it time will tell.

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