it strikes me that the best thing they could have recommended was to stop spending money on overly expensive things like...The Atlantic.

spot on article

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Thanks Andy.

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Folks at The Atlantic and elsewhere literally despise poor and working-class people, Chris. And that makes me very angry. Great piece, once again. 👏👏👏

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It's OK. Not a lot of pipe fitters I know from northeast Philly are walking around reading the Atlantic, either.

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great article...

for some reason, the following line got a loud chuckle out of me -

“...How do I know this? They wrote a fucking article called “Inflation is Your Fault” and titled it in all capital letters, in the douchiest Serif font they could find...”

“...douchiest Serif font...” - genius

The Atlantic, Rolling Stone - they’re the MSNBC/The View - of the print world...

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It's true. It's dripping with pretentiousness.

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Excellent piece and enjoyable to read. The Atlantic is a liberal pretentious rag I stopped reading years ago, when I gave up on the NY Times. But I'm glad you still read it as it provides fodder and ammunition for your literary column. Hope you get that side mirror replaced soon so you can spot cyclists, like me, before making right hand turns.

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Don’t let up on these AH’s

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Roger that.

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Great piece.

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I have come to believe that current "liberals" have no defining principles and everything they stand for is grievance and misassigning blame. Below are generalizations, and not every liberal is like this. In fact no true liberal is like this, just the psychos who parade under that banner undeservedly.

Pregnant? The man's fault, and if not that then the baby's fault.

Israel attacked? Israel's fault, and definitely America's fault.

In prison? The police's fault, and if not them, society's fault.

Poor? Rich people's fault.

Black and poor? White people's fault.

Bad schools? Middle class people not being able to afford more taxes fault.

Climate change? Humanity's fault only, no room for cycles+humans

Democrats don't win an election? Republicans holding people down from voting, or Russia's fault.

Name one principled stance taken by the national DNC that doesn't require blaming someone else, making another group bear the cost for another group's benefit, or isn't based entirely upon correcting a perceived wrong? Not all solutions and improvements to society require impairing somebody else, oh but in a democratic society with free speech [propaganda] they can't win elections without making people fired up to cast their vote for grievance. "We demand restitution!!" is a powerful election strategy, as it appeals to the inner child in all of us. Yes that's right, the 5yo in us all crying "that's not fair!", or "mom, brother is being mean!"

Republicans are not better in the grand scheme either. They are the type of parent that won't say no or really do anything, positive or negative, and then they wonder why they have bratty kids.

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You're right in calling out both sides, but accurate in your assessment of the left...

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"Name one principled stance taken by the national DNC that doesn't require blaming someone else, making another group bear the cost for another group's benefit, or isn't based entirely upon correcting a perceived wrong?"

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At least you were willing to somewhat recognize that the Republicans are no different.

I cannot put into "werds" how pathetic Chump was, and how sick I got of hearing him blame the "dimocratz" for everything. In the grand scheme of 21st century, American politics, I see the democrats as the hounds and the republicans as the hunters. The democrats move the ball 50 yards towards lunacy, the republicans get the ball and move it back 30 yards the other way and keep the 20 they wanted anyway, and the sheeple cheer, "VICTORY!" Rinse, repeat.

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100% Spot on. And not to be negative, but all the possible outcomes that I can see will inflict a lot of pain.

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Congrats on a fabulous riposte, certainly a classic! The only importance of the Atlantic piece may be its clear example of the "woke mind virus" that afflicts so many.

I really wonder how the idiocy shared by the Atlantic authors became so widespread. And why?

Is it because 'big government' has become such a benefactor for the masses of useless bureaucrats dependent on it? The legions of lobbyists and congressmen made wealthy by it? And so 'big government' must be defended at all cost, absolved of all error - the blame must always be placed elsewhere: it's the fault of the middle class serfs, or of Covid, or of Russia, or big oil...

What will bring about a cure? A massive sovereign debt crisis? A crushing depression with huge unemployment a la 1928? Another war instigated by governments searching for their next excuse?

I hope I'm wrong.

In the end, the only answer I see is to cut off the money to DC (borrowing, taxes and printing). Don't feed the evil beast.

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Cut their asses off!.......that is exactly right. The MONEY/DEBT is the problem. They have infected the whole world with some level of whoredom for their dollars.

There is a fix for stupid. It is called P A I N.........and lots of it. It's coming.

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Great post. Also, your chat with Peter Schiff this morning was outstanding. Thanks for enduring that sauna selfie for us.

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LOL he is one of a kind, that’s for sure.

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Brilliant; plain, simple and accurate analysis Chris. You da man for this job.

Merry Christmas from Dave in NZ.

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Thanks for the support my kind friend.

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I absolutely love the way The Atlantic, free for years, is totally behind the paywall. Very socialist.

Still, we are indebted to Chris Irons for analysing this article from La Anna Lowrey, which doubtlessly will become an icon in the future..... of how not to do something.

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It’s like they’re cheering this upcoming crisis on. What the hell is wrong with these people?

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As crazy as it might seem to some, I choose you. That article had be laughing out loud.

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Brain dead and tone deaf, the politically-favored ruling class. Either they don't understand supply & demand (but still have the hubris to make foolhardy, incompetent claims), or they're just happy to gaslight (and they place no value on their own trust or integrity, now vanquished). I will say, however, perhaps it is our fault -- that we have ceded so much power to the government, letting it stray from the US Constitution with a Fiat rather than Gold standard. It's our fault because we let them marginalize Ron Paul, we took their word that we need big government to save us from boogiemen...

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Even better than usual. Angrier, too, which of course I love...

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You make some good points as usual, Chris.

I am having a hard time with the M2/CPI chart, because there is NO WAY that the money supply is contracting. Maybe it is in the M1 or M3 or wherever they are pumping it now, but the government is still borrowing money like there is no tomorrow, and that money is getting pumped into the system somewhere........just ask the stawk market. And as you so aptly put it, prices are going up because of the influx of money into the markets of everything.

Which brings me to my point, that there will not be a "recession" as long as the goobermint is running trillion plus deficits every year. GDP in the US is directly related to the debt. As long as debt is expanding.......another proof that the money supply is not contracting........then the GDP goes higher.

The Atlantic gets away with that crappy article because 97% of the sheeple have no idea from where inflation comes. They have no idea that they are being robbed 24/7 by the money printers that live like gods. That is why taxes have become such a joke to me. Taxes are just a ruse to make the sheeple think the money has value.......because the government is trying to take it from them. LMAO! If DC had to actually tax the money it is spending, there would have been a revolt that took their heads long ago. Instead they just print it and devalue the money they use to pay back their debt.........which encourages everyone to go into debt one way or the other.

I get a kick out of asking people things like, "Why do they need those taxes, they have a printing press?" or "What do you mean it cost the government? They have a printing press." Simple questions and statements like that will just cause a hard drive overload. The sheeple don't see money, debt, and spending the way the banksters and their whores in Washington, D.C. see them.

P.S. The republicans quit being fiscally responsible long ago. They are just as bad as the democrats when it comes to debt and stimulus welfare. The only real difference is they have a different list of welfare recipients from the democrats.

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