A fake disease, with a fake testing regime, fake numbers on fatalities, fake numbers on everything, fake social controls and orders, fake (and poisonous) experimental “vaccine”, fake numbers on vaccine deaths, fake experts, fake reports on use of harmless drugs with actual prohibitions on their use, and all financed on an ocean of fake money.

Ignorance and stupidity would accidentally stumble onto the right choices and decisions occasionally. This was all 100% pure evil. A manifestation of sin and corrupt hearts and minds of man.

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Ah but you miss the fundamental point of these "stupid" people: they DO get something out of their harmful actions, self-satisfaction. The feeling, against all evidence, that they are morally and intellectually superior beings. Like a mad ascetic, the more they suffer the deeper and more satisfying the feeling of superiority. What we experienced was not so much a descent into stupidity but one into moral abnegation.

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Covid turned the election in 2020.

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In the linked article about Cipolla's Law's of Stupidity, he says,

"The bandit wants a plus on his account. Since he is not intelligent enough to devise ways of obtaining the plus as well as providing you with a plus, he will produce his plus by causing a minus to appear on your account."

Umm...he's describing our government.

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Assuming that the institutional covid response was based on ignorance instead of evil is itself ignorant.


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is there somewhere else all you paranoid conspiracy theorists can go and speak. A friend died from a complication caused by covid a customer died a horrible death from covid my father probably died from covid. As you say maybe the responce was ignorance but not evil. You have mentioned the source before that is worth discussion. https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality

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This is brilliant. I know quite a few intelligent people who were unwilling to even look at the evidence. Deliberate ignorance is stupid.

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Sloth seems a more apt word. It's a combination of ignorance and apathy. (Definition? I don't know, and I don't care). Another relevant word is conflict. Conflict is rooted in the dissonance between information that's false, but costly to challenge, and truth. Slothful people won't challenge the narrative because they don't want the conflict. Truth-seekers say 'Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.' We truthers can somehow understand that even though we know that the truth will set us free, it might just beat the crap out of us first. I want to be free, so I 'can handle the truth'.

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Thank you for passing along this author's well written, common-sense summation of the pandemic response. The introduction to Carlo Cipolla was pure gold. I mean Bitcoin??

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I personally couldn’t agree more! It was an absolute travesty, and should go down in history as such. Articles like this need to be said, so bravo for saying it!!!

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Well written Post...

Also, just in case anyone wants to know..

"WHAT EXACTLY IS THE UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 2030 WHICH IS CURRENTLY BEING ENFORCED GLOBALLY?", pls visit my blog 👇https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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How did this kind of conspiracist garbage 🗑️ get spotlighted and recommended on Substack? Have to infer AI algorithms don’t know the rules of moderation.

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OPERATION COVIDIUS was indeed funny to watch...

Herds of Modern Moron Slaves around the Planet being so easily fooled with a simple PCR kit.

Maybe They (SRF & Billionaires) can beat it when They deploy the Next One.

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It all boils down to most of them were scared stupid. The fear of death overruled whatever critical thinking skills they had.

But the people who were forced to get the shot or lose their livelihood are the ones I feel badly for.

My oldest daughter is a Speech Pathologist, and she was told that she would lose her license if she wasn't vaxxed, even though she had already had gotten covid. So she already had the antibodies.

That's where the bureaucratic statists crossed the line as far as I'm concerned.

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Certainly malice and stupidity are frequently close partners and that was clearly the case during the Covid event

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“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil,” wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian.

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